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48 minutes later: heh heh It's fun seeing the little wolverines get excited about a play, as if they had a chance.
I've seen that expression somewhere else...oh, yeah, I know...on a mouse's face while a cat was pretending to let it "escape".
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To be honest (and I bet I catch a little hell for this) but I can see that team giving us a little hassel as far as their offense goes this upcoming season. Re-watching that game reminded me that while Tate is prone to doing stupid things he can pull stuff out of his ass. We give him grief but for being a true freshman I think if he matures he could be a major pain in the ass. Their defense most likely just won't give them a shot to win though, but I for one thought their offense had their moments. Side note though, wow did we have more fans than them at the game?

As for the replay of the PSU game... DOMINATION.
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bukIpower;1737422; said:
To be honest (and I bet I catch a little hell for this) but I can see that team giving us a little hassel as far as their offense goes this upcoming season. Re-watching that game reminded me that while Tate is prone to doing stupid things he can pull stuff out of his ass. We give him grief but for being a true freshman I think if he matures he could be a major pain in the ass. Their defense most likely just won't give them a shot to win though, but I for one thought their offense had their moments. Side note though, wow did we have more fans than them at the game?

As for the replay of the PSU game... DOMINATION.

You assume Tate will be starting. And yes it looked like Michigan was the visitor with as much scarlet as there was in that stadium
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localyokel;1740400; said:
8 PM Monday, August 2, Big Ten Football Media Day.

Do I remember correctly that last year, BTN did a tour of all the B10 August football camps?

Yes, the studio crew, (DiNardo, Griffith and iforget) did 1 show from each camp and then an overview show during which they each chose their favorite for the conference championship. IIRC, the first school they did last year was Ohio State.
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localyokel;1740400; said:
8 PM Monday, August 2, Big Ten Football Media Day.

Do I remember correctly that last year, BTN did a tour of all the B10 August football camps?

Media Day is live at 11 a.m. Monday for four hours on BTN.

What would be nice is if the Fall camp tour started out at Ohio State this year like it has for the past two seasons. Why break the streak or trend (and BTN had record numbers last year, if they're superstitious)?
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I was in Block O that day. Where were you?

BB73;1737128; said:
That's true - just another reason that I was glad to be at that game. :wink2:

But exactly 1 week later, Woody did the color analysis for the famous ND-USC game from LA, where ND had a 24-0 lead just before halftime. SC got 6 before the half, Anthony Davis ran back the 2nd half kickoff, and it ended up 55-24 for the home team. And during that game, Woody (God love him) also showed that he was better off on the sideline than in the booth.
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Big Ten Football Saturday

Big Ten Football Saturday on the Big Ten Network was extended to start at 10 a.m. EST, head-to-head with ESPN College GameDay.

If at home and not at the game and given a choice, which would you watch:

A) Big Ten Football Saturday
B) College GameDay
C) Both - DVR fast-forwarding through segments to make the Noon kickoff time.
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localyokel;1740400; said:
11 AM Live (Thanks CHU). Repeat at 8 PM Monday, August 2, Big Ten Football Media Day.

Do I remember correctly that last year, BTN did a tour of all the B10 August football camps?

They are scheduled to broadcast from tOSU's fall camp on Tuesday, Aug 17th.

8-16 Indiana
8-17 tOSU
8-18 PSU
8-19 Sparty
8-20 TSUN

8-23 Illinois
8-24 Purdue
8-25 NW'ern
8-26 Iowa
8-27 Minny
8-28 Wiscy
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CHU;1741096; said:
Big Ten Football Saturday on the Big Ten Network was extended to start at 10 a.m. EST, head-to-head with ESPN College GameDay.

If at home and not at the game and given a choice, which would you watch:

A) Big Ten Football Saturday
B) College GameDay
C) Both - DVR fast-forwarding through segments to make the Noon kickoff time.

Oooh good idea! Fast forward through ESPiN's "heartwarming" segments and anytime Mark May talks!

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