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calibuck;1681519; said:
There's that - the threat of competition, and competitive bids that makes ESPiN kick in more moola than they would have w/o having the B10Network lurking in the background to 'bid it up'.

I do know that I'm seeing more B10 games on Espin now than when the B10 network was non-existent, and that's a good thing. Somewhere in the contract (methinks) is that the right to televise belongs with the winning bidder, BUT, if they choose not to televise, then others (B10 NW) can televise w/o cost and/or payback to Espin. Ergo, more football and basketball on 'national' networks......out here on the Left Coast, we see more B10 even when conflicts with Pac10......

Can anyone shed some light for me......is the B10 network making money? I heard/read somewhere that it is, and a year or so earlier than projections.....hope so. Anyway, it's good for competition, and B10 viewers. I wish it was the Buckeye network, hate to watch 'Illinois Tonight' (eg, not to pick on Illinois) when I could be watching reruns of an old OSU victory over Michigan or somesuch....


One thing I'm really looking forward to when Nebraska starts it's conference play in 2011 is the increased coverage of womens volleyball aired on the Big-10 network. Volleyball happens to be another sport I really follow and I've been frustrated by the lack of television exposure so this will will be a refreshing change. Plus Annual games vs the PSU, Minnesota, Illinios will be intense. I'm also interested to see how the coach tOSU hired away from Ohio builds the program for tOSU. He did one heck of a job down at little ole Ohio and I would think with the increased resources at tOSU he will make tOSU a contender in the short term.
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Yeah, but some women's volleyball can be real entertaining:




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ScriptOhio;1736982; said:
Programming reminder: Tonight at 8 PM - #3 Michigan at #4 Ohio State (1974)

I won't give the ending away by telling you who wins. :biggrin:

[sarcasm]I wonder if team ever won a game by scoring only FGs while the other team scored a TD[/sarcasm] :paranoid:
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MililaniBuckeye;1736992; said:
[sarcasm]I wonder if team ever won a game by scoring only FGs while the other team scored a TD[/sarcasm] :paranoid:

What an example of the importance of the kicking game. 3 of Klaban's 4 FGs were from between 43 and 47 yards, and two of them were from the hash, and back then the hashes were out wide. Every kick went right down the middle with plenty to spare.

And Skladany nailed a couple of punts, 58 yards with the wind, and 54 yards into the wind, and both punts were caught in the air but the coverage was good.

[sarcasm] I can't remember if Lantry hits his FG try at the end of the game. [/sarcasm]
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ScriptOhio;1737117; said:
The only thing worse than Lantry's kicking was Joe Paterno's announcing....:biggrin:

That's true - just another reason that I was glad to be at that game. :wink2:

But exactly 1 week later, Woody did the color analysis for the famous ND-USC game from LA, where ND had a 24-0 lead just before halftime. SC got 6 before the half, Anthony Davis ran back the 2nd half kickoff, and it ended up 55-24 for the home team. And during that game, Woody (God love him) also showed that he was better off on the sideline than in the booth.
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