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I really enjoy the different shows throughout the week. I think the Dave Revson, Gerry DiNardo and Howard Griffith combo really does a great job. I think they do a great job of cutting through the BS and breaking down the match ups.
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osucollegebuck;1585351; said:
Chris Martin picked Pryor to have over 300 yards passing???? Could this be the whole a broken clock is right twice a day scenario?

Sorry, but even the most optimistic Buckeye fan would have to be on nuclear-grade crack to think Pryor would pass for 300+ at Happy Valley...
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TP went for 225 last year. 300 isn't impossible, just not a very likely outcome. PSU's secondary was suspect last year, and they're even worse this year. Their front 7 hides that.

As for Chris Martin, he likes to toss out outlandish predictions.
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300 yards is not likely, but a possibility. Especially with the staffs new penchant for deep balls, it only takes 2-3 of those to net around 150 yards. It's all going to boil down to the offensive line buying Terrelle enough time. I have faith that in this environment he can do what needs to be done. But as always it's a team effort.
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Have to give Melanie Collins on "Big Ten Cookout" credit.

Out of the blue she asks Gene Smith if there will be any coaching changes at Ohio State in the near future. Smith looked like he didn't anticipate that question.

I'm still trying to figure out where that question came from.
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CHU;1594728; said:
Have to give Melanie Collins on "Big Ten Cookout" credit.

Out of the blue she asks Gene Smith if there will be any coaching changes at Ohio State in the near future. Smith looked like he didn't anticipate that question.

I'm still trying to figure out where that question came from.

dont know why anyone would ask gene that question...tressel consistantly gets one of the top recruiting classes and puts a hell of a team out there each saturday
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Tom Crean did a very good job representing (or selling) the Indiana program tonight on the inaugural episode of "Big Ten Hoops:On Campus".

I hope coach Matta can come off as well next week when they stop in Columbus for the show. Also hope coach will speak about the proposed practice facility, as Indiana showcased theirs (but theirs is about two months away from completion and OSU hasn't raised enough money).
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