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Big numbers for last weekend's games on the Big Ten Network.

Big Ten Network Attracts Highest Viewership Ever - Big Ten Network

CHICAGO ? The Big Ten Network on Saturday had the most-watched college football games of the day across the nine metered markets within the Big Ten area. The network also broke its own local viewing records in five of those markets, including Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton and Detroit...

....The network's Ohio State-Indiana game was the highest-rated program for the day across all television networks in Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton. Similarly, the Michigan-Michigan State game was the highest-rated program across all television networks in Detroit, while Northwestern-Purdue was the highest-rated program across all cable networks in Indianapolis.
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You should already get the overflow channels if you have satellite.

If you have cable, it might be hit or miss. I have Time Warner though and I get one of the overflow games on ch. 99 in Cincinnati. Check your public access stations.
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