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scooter1369;1554536; said:
Pretty sad state of affairs when you feel you have to agree with everything your boss says just to stay employeed. That's less like employment and more like endentured servitude.

I'd like to agree with you, but I'm getting too much vCash from Clarity.
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This network seemed like such a good idea, and now it's not much more than the "analysts" (Dinardo and that tool who went to Northwestern) talking up their former school and taking shots at Ohio State. Oh and I think they really like Sonic, too.
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leroyjenkins;1556430; said:
and Rotel. and "Come to Penn Staaaaaate".

Just when I thought I couldn't hate JoePa any more than I already did, they have to play that commercial over and over. The only good part about the network is the Buckeye Grove commercial. And I bet they stole that idea from a BP post or something.

Okay and the "Big Ten's Greatest Games" idea is good, too--just find some analysts who can talk football without making their bias so obvious.
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scooter1369;1554536; said:
Pretty sad state of affairs when you feel you have to agree with everything your boss says just to stay employeed. That's less like employment and more like endentured servitude.
I hardly think the pay those yayhoos are getting qualifies for "servitude"...

leroyjenkins;1556430; said:
and Rotel. and "Come to Penn Staaaaaate".
I wonder how big a loaf JoePa pinched during that take...
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I haven't watched BTN a lot in the past but I have been watching the shows quite a bit now. Are they always so down on the Bucks? Today they crushed Kurt Coleman again and past NW coach Gary Barnett took it to a whole new level saying it was completely an intentional hit and calling out Ohio States response letter. A couple days ago they had a segment of Tressel running up the score on Illinois? Was this bash Ohio State week and I missed it? Poor Glenn Mason has a hard time fighting off all the haters up there in Chicago. I do like seeing Eddie George on The Quad and it was cool seeing Orlando Pace on there with him this week. (i needed to add a positive BTN comment) :biggrin:
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MililaniBuckeye;1554521; said:
You expect the announcers to openly criticize the network ownership, who is indeed the Big Ten (BTN is majority-owned by the Big Ten Conference, with Fox Cable Networks holding a minority interest)? I would think they enjoy getting a paycheck...

You're right thats why sports journalism is a complete fraud and they are so in the tank for the teams, players, and leagues if they want any kind of access.
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After rough beginning, better days are here for Big Ten Network
Saturday, October 3, 2009
By Bill Rabinowitz

Big Ten Network officials have dreamed of a day like today.

At noon, the network will air the Michigan-Michigan State football game. At 7 p.m., it will show Ohio State-Indiana, the Buckeyes' first appearance on the network this season.

"I think (today) is the biggest day we've ever had," Big Ten Network president Mark Silverman said.

The path since the network's creation hasn't always been smooth. Early negotiations with cable providers turned ugly -- certainly not the kind of publicity a fledgling business wants. But with the network now in its third year, it appears to be on solid ground.

The Big Ten Network is available in 70 million homes, including in 19 of the 20 top media markets. Officials expect to penetrate the last major market -- Los Angeles -- by year's end.

The network has had two profitable quarters, with a reported $29 million disbursed among conference schools.

"Financially, it was certainly a good deal," Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith said. "But I think the real benefit is the exposure that our institutions and our sports teams were able to realize."

The football coaches say the extended reach of the Big Ten Network has allowed potential recruits to become familiar with their programs. Ohio State's Jim Tressel spoke about an out-of-state recruit who knew plenty about the Buckeyes from watching old clips on the network.

"He knew more about some players from the '90s and '80s than I would have dreamed that anyone from this particular era knew," Tressel said.

BuckeyeXtra - After rough beginning, better days are here for Big Ten Network
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This link shows which channel has the overflow game. There are two games on BTN at noon ET today.

MSU-TSUN is the primary BTN game for most cable/satellite outlets at noon. This link should list your overflow channel, after you provide a zip code and cable/satellite provider:

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scooter1369;1554536; said:
Pretty sad state of affairs when you feel you have to agree with everything your boss says just to stay employed. That's less like employment and more like endentured servitude.
I had no idea you had worked your entire career in Oz. Is Dorothy as hot as I've heard?
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Just beginning its third year, so I'm not going to knock it because it gives exposure to the conference and smaller sports.

But I cannot wait until the network grows to the point where it can sell more commercials so Rotel isn't every other commercial.

Still think Melanie Collins and Charissa Thompson put ESPN's eye candy to shame.
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CHU;1557807; said:
Just beginning its third year, so I'm not going to knock it because it gives exposure to the conference and smaller sports.

But I cannot wait until the network grows to the point where it can sell more commercials so Rotel isn't every other commercial.

Still think Melanie Collins and Charissa Thompson put ESPN's eye candy to shame.

Eye candy for sure. Wish she didn't have to speak.
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