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Big Ten network headed to Ohio State
By Rick Schanz
[email protected]
Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Big Ten Network will air the second episode of ?The Journey: Big Ten Basketball 2010? featuring Ohio State on Friday at 11 p.m.

Part of the show is composed of interviews with OSU basketball coach Thad Matta and basketball star Evan Turner. Turner?s recent injury and the team?s goals for the season are sure to be topics of discussion.

In addition, the show hopes ?to show off their personality, a side that Ohio State fans usually don?t get to see,? said the host of the show, Mike Hall.

Another segment of the show is a slam dunk contest that will feature OSU students who do not play on the basketball team. The competition will feature an ?American Idol? format. The judges, former OSU basketball star Jimmy Jackson and OSU football player Jake Ballard, will emphasize personality and style.

The Lantern - Big Ten network headed to Ohio State
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I know that CBS probably has a long term deal but it seems odd that a network that bills itself as "The" Big Ten Network doesn't even carry the conf. title game in men's basketball.

I'm OK with that b/c I'd rather see CBS's coverage anyways but just seems that the Big Ten network is still stuck showing second tier stuff.
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Thump;1673035; said:
I know that CBS probably has a long term deal but it seems odd that a network that bills itself as "The" Big Ten Network doesn't even carry the conf. title game in men's basketball.

I'm OK with that b/c I'd rather see CBS's coverage anyways but just seems that the Big Ten network is still stuck showing second tier stuff.
You lose a lot of revenue for the meager honor of hosting the marquee games.

Espn pays the league a billion for those honors in football... And I'm sure the CBS bball dollars are substantial as well (albeit a lot less)

The btn is not in competition with network stations or almost one in espn. They are competing with fox sports, CBS college sports, espn u, espn sec. They do an adequate job in that field in covering games.
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I'm actually not worried about anything because the network is in its third year. So ESPN, CBS, NBC and all of them have maybe a 10- to 20-year head start.

I imagine the BTN will continue to expand and I enjoyed "The Journey" this season (versus Minnesota basketball and Illinois football).

Now if Oregon football was on "The Journey" on some sort of Pac-10 Network, it would be a whole different matter...:biggrin: Keep you laptop by your side.
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BTN will make a run to get more top events, but it will be difficult.

Especially with regards to the title game, the B10 gets a ton of money from the CBS contract, plus it reaches a much larger audience. Sooo...its probably going to stay this way a long time. The B10NET gets a few good football and basketball games a year, but its postseason prospects in either sports are not too bright.
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Dont think of the b10network as seperate entity, it is the b10. it does what makes the b10 the most money, so if someone wants to shell out big cash for our games, then it lets them. then for those weaker games that dont get big cash, it creates a demand for itself.

no longer can a network say to the big10 that well we offer this, if you dont take it then your games arent on tv... instead now the big10 says pay us this amount of money for our games, if you dont we put them on our own network and create competition for viewers that the big boys dont want thus driving up prices for our own games.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1680376; said:
Dont think of the b10network as seperate entity, it is the b10. it does what makes the b10 the most money, so if someone wants to shell out big cash for our games, then it lets them. then for those weaker games that dont get big cash, it creates a demand for itself.

no longer can a network say to the big10 that well we offer this, if you dont take it then your games arent on tv... instead now the big10 says pay us this amount of money for our games, if you dont we put them on our own network and create competition for viewers that the big boys dont want thus driving up prices for our own games.

This was the point I was making, or I should say, trying to make.

Big Ten and B10NET are one and the same.
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There's that - the threat of competition, and competitive bids that makes ESPiN kick in more moola than they would have w/o having the B10Network lurking in the background to 'bid it up'.

I do know that I'm seeing more B10 games on Espin now than when the B10 network was non-existent, and that's a good thing. Somewhere in the contract (methinks) is that the right to televise belongs with the winning bidder, BUT, if they choose not to televise, then others (B10 NW) can televise w/o cost and/or payback to Espin. Ergo, more football and basketball on 'national' networks......out here on the Left Coast, we see more B10 even when conflicts with Pac10......

Can anyone shed some light for me......is the B10 network making money? I heard/read somewhere that it is, and a year or so earlier than projections.....hope so. Anyway, it's good for competition, and B10 viewers. I wish it was the Buckeye network, hate to watch 'Illinois Tonight' (eg, not to pick on Illinois) when I could be watching reruns of an old OSU victory over Michigan or somesuch....

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BuckeyeMike80;1724936; said:
they showed the '98 Michigan State game today :sad:
Whenever I think about the '98 MSU game, I go and watch the '04 or '05 highlights and cheer myself up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSNUXTdHyc]YouTube - Blocked FG/TD, John L. Smith's meltdown - Michigan State 2005[/ame]
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Next week is apparently Ohio State Week for BTN. There are several classic games scheduled including:
  • 2003 NC State
  • 2003 Fiesta Bowl (2002 NC Game)
  • 2002 Purdue (Holy Buckeye)
  • 2006 The Game
And several others.
There were also several BBall games scheduled, for those of you who follow that sport.
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