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Muck;1957026; said:

I'll bet that's what you ate the last time your wife worked late.

I am the cook, so whether the wife works late or not doesn't change dinner - just when we eat it.

Last night it was grilled ribeyes, pan-seared haricot verts and a salad. With a decent, but not great, red. Not even sure where that red was from, or what kind.
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knapplc;1956944; said:
Add a pound of hamburger and a bag of Doritos, baby you've got a stew goin'!


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knapplc;1957029; said:
I am the cook, so whether the wife works late or not doesn't change dinner - just when we eat it.

Last night it was grilled ribeyes, pan-seared haricot verts and a salad. With a decent, but not great, red. Not even sure where that red was from, or what kind.



I wish I could cook actually. When my wife works the kids really wish I could cook.
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Jaxbuck;1957088; said:


I wish I could cook actually. When my wife works the kids really wish I could cook.


One of the reasons I landed my wife was my cooking. She'd come over to the apartment and I'd feed her meals better than her mom made, and I was in.

Women are impressed with a man who can cook. The best advice I can give you, if you're looking to land the woman of your dreams, is to really know how to cook.

And be immensely wealthy. Between those two things, you're in.
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knapplc;1957092; said:

One of the reasons I landed my wife was my cooking. She'd come over to the apartment and I'd feed her meals better than her mom made, and I was in.

Women are impressed with a man who can cook. The best advice I can give you, if you're looking to land the woman of your dreams, is to really know how to cook.

And be immensely wealthy. Between those two things, you're in.

If I land the woman of my dreams my wife is going to be pissed and the immensely wealthy bit will not be happening.
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BuckeyeNation27;1957108; said:
why isn't the woman of your dreams a cook who is already wealthy?

Combine Robin Meade's looks (and fan loyalties) with Rachel Ray's cooking skills, and there's a woman that could tempt a guy into making a commitment.

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knapplc;1957092; said:

One of the reasons I landed my wife was my cooking. She'd come over to the apartment and I'd feed her meals better than her mom made, and I was in.

Women are impressed with a man who can cook. The best advice I can give you, if you're looking to land the woman of your dreams, is to really know how to cook.

And be immensely wealthy. Between those two things, you're in.

Nebraska Woman Contemplating:

(Sure....he is an amply endowed former porn star...if only he knew a great coq au vin recipe I'd invite him home for Thanksgiving...)

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Gatorubet;1957126; said:
Nebraska Woman Contemplating:

(Sure....he is an amply endowed former porn star...if only he knew a great coq au vin recipe I'd invite him home for Thanksgiving...)

The last time I made coq au vin I undercooked the chicken and spent the rest of the night projectile vomiting. :(
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Take that ESPN


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Once their provider agrees to carry the service, fans will be able to access BTN2Go on three platforms: the Internet; iPad and iPhone. Specific launch dates for each platform will be forthcoming.
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