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Really, you don't think you're rebuilding?

Mississippi State couldn't stop scoring on your defense and Ohio State could've put 70 on you if Tressel didn't call the dogs off.

You played Illinois into like the 60's!!!
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Any time we get through a Bo presser without loss of life or limb among the press corps is a success. Bo did very well. That's at least the second time I've seen him in a sports jacket now. Looks weird.
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When Pelini got asked about recent NCAA issues I thought he answered it well as his skin color turned more red (Blood pressure must have rose 20 pts). Now the translation

"You Jack (offs) in the media lay off. Coaches make mistakes. We are human. Quit pummeling my Alma Mater and friend Coach Tressel! Go (screw) yourself!!! I really hate these events, when is this interview over"
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Buckrock;1960688; said:
When Pelini got asked about recent NCAA issues I thought he answered it well as his skin color turned more red (Blood pressure must have rose 20 pts). Now the translation

"You Jack (offs) in the media lay off. Coaches make mistakes. We are human. Quit pummeling my Alma Mater and friend Coach Tressel! Go (screw) yourself!!! I really hate these events, when is this interview over"

Are you sure he didn't want to add a "Screw Texas" in there?
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