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Big Ten Championship Game

Green Bay Packers, Lambeau Field want to host potential Big Ten championship game - ESPN Chicago
...Several other Midwest facilities have expressed interest in hosting a potential Big Ten championship, including Detroit's Ford Field, Chicago's Soldier Field and Cleveland Browns Stadium. Indianapolis' Lucas Oil Stadium is also considered a strong candidate. ...

lambeau informally adds itself to a list of sites pushing for a potential title game.

nfl stadiums in the conference
cleveland 73k
lambeau 72k
indy 70k
cincinnati 65k
detroit 64k
minn/st paul 64k
pitt 64k
(meadowlands 83k)
(kc 79k)
(buff 74k)
(philly 68k)
(st louis 66k)

in parentheticals means potentially added geographical territory.
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I like the idea. I still vote for Cleveland being the site, but I really like the idea of having the title game played outdoors. Let other people whine about "horrific weather". We're the Big Ten, and 34 degrees and rain is good football weather. Or 18 degrees. If you don't want to play, go sit in the locker room. If you don't want to be in the stadium, stay home.
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Zurp;1733238; said:
I like the idea. I still vote for Cleveland being the site, but I really like the idea of having the title game played outdoors. Let other people whine about "horrific weather". We're the Big Ten, and 34 degrees and rain is good football weather. Or 18 degrees. If you don't want to play, go sit in the locker room. If you don't want to be in the stadium, stay home.

Sorry, Cleveland really doesn't bring anything to the table that Detroit, Pittsburgh, or Minneapolis don't. The only way I can see justification for Cleveland is as part of a rotation through various NFL cities in Big Ten territory.

Other than the stadium itself, Lambeau is a horrible choice: hours away from any major airport, not enough hotel rooms, extremely limited entertainment options.

Either put the game permanently in Chicago (which is the obvious choice by all criteria other than stadium size) or rotate it among various NFL cities.
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TheIronColonel;1733258; said:
Have you ever been to Lambeau? If it's such a dump, why has it sold out for umpteen decades?

Based on the quality of the facilities, there are really only two choices: Lambeau and Lucas Oil. Ford Field just ain't all that.

Where did I say the stadium is a dump? I said the stadium is fine; it's just all the other things that Green Bay utterly lack that rule it out.

Other than the stadium itself, Lambeau is a horrible choice: hours away from any major airport, not enough hotel rooms, extremely limited entertainment options.
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ORD_Buckeye;1733256; said:
Sorry, Cleveland really doesn't bring anything to the table that Detroit, Pittsburgh, or Minneapolis don't. The only way I can see justification for Cleveland is as part of a rotation through various NFL cities in Big Ten territory.

For Cleveland:
Pro - I can take the rapid to the stadium and go to the game.
Con - I don't care how many cons you come up with, and how much sense they make, I'm voting for Cleveland.

I know there really isn't much chance of getting the CCG in Cleveland. About the only chance there is would be if they rotate throughout the region. I'm just saying that I would like to see the CCG played outdoors most of the time. Maybe if Lucas Oil Stadium gets the game every 5-8 years, they can close the roof for that game, if they want.
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FWIW, a huge percentage of the Lambeau tickets are held by packers season ticket holders...that would explain why they sell out an infinite amount of games.

Maybe a little has to do with the simple fact it's Lambeau field.

Just being devil's advocate.:wink2:
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Zurp;1733264; said:
For Cleveland:
Pro - I can take the rapid to the stadium and go to the game.
Con - I don't care how many cons you come up with, and how much sense they make, I'm voting for Cleveland.

I know there really isn't much chance of getting the CCG in Cleveland. About the only chance there is would be if they rotate throughout the region. I'm just saying that I would like to see the CCG played outdoors most of the time. Maybe if Lucas Oil Stadium gets the game every 5-8 years, they can close the roof for that game, if they want.

So you're sayin' it's all about you, Lebron?:biggrin:
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