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Big Ten Championship Game

If the Big Ten were to not hold a CCG because of potential harm to chances of securing an NC berth or a second team in the BCS, there would be backlash. Now that the Big Ten has the ability to hold a CCG, choosing not to have one would be seen as circumventing the system that the other major conferences with 12+ members live by. The media would not treat the Big Ten kindly over it, and perhaps neither would athletic departments outside the Big Ten who have votes in the Coaches' Poll.

I say just have the damn CCG. It's time. With the old Big Ten, I didn't buy the argument that you don't have a true champion if you don't play the entire league, or at least play a representative of the other half of your league. The more teams you add to the mix though, the stronger that argument becomes. If a team misses out on a second BCS berth because the lose the CCG, too bad. They should've done better throughout the season to earn an at-large despite the CCG loss.
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jlb1705;1718574; said:
If the Big Ten were to not hold a CCG because of potential harm to chances of securing an NC berth or a second team in the BCS, there would be backlash. Now that the Big Ten has the ability to hold a CCG, choosing not to have one would be seen as circumventing the system that the other major conferences with 12+ members live by. The media would not treat the Big Ten kindly over it, and perhaps neither would athletic departments outside the Big Ten who have votes in the Coaches' Poll.

I say just have the damn CCG. It's time. With the old Big Ten, I didn't buy the argument that you don't have a true champion if you don't play the entire league, or at least play a representative of the other half of your league. The more teams you add to the mix though, the stronger that argument becomes. If a team misses out on a second BCS berth because the lose the CCG, too bad. They should've done better throughout the season to earn an at-large despite the CCG loss.

I agree with this. Although this scenario would amuse me. Imagine a repeate of 2006. Undefeated OSU beats Undefeated scUM to go to the CCG. We then lose to a 9-3 Nebraska team. Nebraska gets the Rose, we get the second BCS birth. An 11-1 scUM gets a trip to the Cap One
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Tlangs;1718593; said:
I agree with this. Although this scenario would amuse me. Imagine a repeate of 2006. Undefeated OSU beats Undefeated scUM to go to the CCG. We then lose to a 9-3 Nebraska team. Nebraska gets the Rose, we get the second BCS birth. An 11-1 scUM gets a trip to the Cap One

I like watching Michigan get boned and all, but that scenario can't work. If Ohio State and Michigan are in the same division (as they should be - but that's another thread), they can't each be 11-0 going into The Game. And if they're in separate divisions, they can each be 11-0 going into The Game, but that would mean that one or the other beat Nebraska, and the loser of The Game would get the tie-breaker over Nebraska (if the tie-breaker is needed) and would play in the CCG.
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Originally Posted by Tlangs
I agree with this. Although this scenario would amuse me. Imagine a repeate of 2006. Undefeated OSU beats Undefeated scUM to go to the CCG. We then lose to a 9-3 Nebraska team. Nebraska gets the Rose, we get the second BCS birth. An 11-1 scUM gets a trip to the Cap One
Zurp;1718799; said:
I like watching Michigan get boned and all, but that scenario can't work. If Ohio State and Michigan are in the same division (as they should be - but that's another thread), they can't each be 11-0 going into The Game. And if they're in separate divisions, they can each be 11-0 going into The Game, but that would mean that one or the other beat Nebraska, and the loser of The Game would get the tie-breaker over Nebraska (if the tie-breaker is needed) and would play in the CCG.

In that scenario two 11/12 and 1 teams get boned. One more reason to hate conference championship games. My call would be that a CCG be used only in a situation where two teams, who haven't met head-to-head, have identical CONFERENCE records, no Iowa beats Shriners Hospital while Ohio State loses in overtime to Va Tech, duke it out for the brass ring.
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I like watching Michigan get boned and all, but that scenario can't work. If Ohio State and Michigan are in the same division (as they should be - but that's another thread), they can't each be 11-0 going into The Game. And if they're in separate divisions, they can each be 11-0 going into The Game, but that would mean that one or the other beat Nebraska, and the loser of The Game would get the tie-breaker over Nebraska (if the tie-breaker is needed) and would play in the CCG.
Ohio State and Michigan can both be 11-0 even if they are in the same division. You are allowed 12 regular season games and then the CCG is after that which would be for the 13th game (potentially). 2006 could happen all over again, which would be quite awesome, albeit quite unexpected since scUM sucks.
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Diego-Bucks;1718867; said:
Ohio State and Michigan can both be 11-0 even if they are in the same division. You are allowed 12 regular season games and then the CCG is after that which would be for the 13th game (potentially). 2006 could happen all over again, which would be quite awesome, albeit quite unexpected since scUM sucks.

The problem with a CCG is that after the undefeated Bucks beat the undefeated scUMers, they would then face off agianst 10-2 Wisconsin in boring and sterile Indianapolis. Set up for a let-down.
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The B10 CCG should be played at any of the midwestern OPEN AIR stadiums.

A rotation between Cleveland, Cincy, Lambeau field, Soldier field, hell even Wrigley, would be cool.

Leave the domed stadiums to others.
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The problem with a CCG is that after the undefeated Bucks beat the undefeated scUMers, they would then face off agianst 10-2 Wisconsin in boring and sterile Indianapolis. Set up for a let-down.
I definitely see issues with it, at least from a competitive standpoint. However, imagine when Ohio State plays an undefeated Michigan in The Game, and then plays an undefeated Iowa or Nebraska in the CCG... And of course wins. :biggrin: I think it is quite sexy. Obviously the CCG can have you re-play a game that you may have already won, and that would possibly spoil a season if you lost. However, the SEC, ACC and the Pac-12 will also run into that problem with (roughly) the same probability.
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Diego-Bucks;1718877; said:
I definitely see issues with it, at least from a competitive standpoint. However, imagine when Ohio State plays an undefeated Michigan in The Game, and then plays an undefeated Iowa or Nebraska in the CCG... And of course wins. :biggrin: I think it is quite sexy. Obviously the CCG can have you re-play a game that you may have already won, and that would possibly spoil a season if you lost. However, the SEC, ACC and the Pac-12 will also run into that problem with (roughly) the same probability.

Agreed but that's why I would insist on scUM and OSU in the same division, PSU and UN on the other side and kill the OSU/PSU annual game rule. It cuts down on the odds of rematches and ensures The Game will always be a 1 time shot at the other guy.
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Agreed but that's why I would insist on scUM and OSU in the same division, PSU and UN on the other side and kill the OSU/PSU annual game rule. It cuts down on the odds of rematches and ensures The Game will always be a 1 time shot at the other guy.
Ideally, that sounds great if you can avoid the re-matches, but they are bound to happen. Plus, by losing the guarantee of facing Penn St. what happens when/if Ohio State doesn't make it to the CCG with, lets say a 10-2 record, but has the weaker conference schedule (lets say they miss Penn St., Nebraska and Wisconsin). Do they get into a high bowl game over the #2 SEC team or #2 Pac-12 team? I'd rather have the Buckeyes be guaranteed a tough slate through the conference and possibly re-match the game in the CCG then start to possibly have a watered down schedule. At least, until Michigan St. seems like their comeback into competitiveness is complete and we have a more complete division.

BTW, is the BP consensus to have OSU, scUM, MSU, Indiana, Purdue and Illinois on one side and PSU, NU, Iowa, Minn, Wisc, NW on the other? Because I'd have to think that the OSU division would be strongly in our favor for the foreseeable future.
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