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Big Ten Championship Game

Diego-Bucks;1718884; said:
Ideally, that sounds great if you can avoid the re-matches, but they are bound to happen. Plus, by losing the guarantee of facing Penn St. what happens when/if Ohio State doesn't make it to the CCG with, lets say a 10-2 record, but has the weaker conference schedule (lets say they miss Penn St., Nebraska and Wisconsin). Do they get into a high bowl game over the #2 SEC team or #2 Pac-12 team? I'd rather have the Buckeyes be guaranteed a tough slate through the conference and possibly re-match the game in the CCG then start to possibly have a watered down schedule. At least, until Michigan St. seems like their comeback into competitiveness is complete and we have a more complete division.

BTW, is the BP consensus to have OSU, scUM, MSU, Indiana, Purdue and Illinois on one side and PSU, NU, Iowa, Minn, Wisc, NW on the other? Because I'd have to think that the OSU division would be strongly in our favor for the foreseeable future.

You can never avoid the rematches, just cut down on the odds but to be honest I don't really give a shit other than scUM and OSU on the same side of the bracket. That must happen.

BTW if they set PSU and UN on the other side and kept the PSU/OSU game wouldn't it have to cut down on how often we got to play UN? I would not be in favor of that at all. Fuck Penn State.
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Diego-Bucks;1718877; said:
I definitely see issues with it, at least from a competitive standpoint. However, imagine when Ohio State plays an undefeated Michigan in The Game, and then plays an undefeated Iowa or Nebraska in the CCG... And of course wins. :biggrin: I think it is quite sexy. Obviously the CCG can have you re-play a game that you may have already won, and that would possibly spoil a season if you lost. However, the SEC, ACC and the Pac-12 will also run into that problem with (roughly) the same probability.

OK, how sexy is this: #1 ranked 12 - 0 Florida loses the SEC CCG to #8 10 - 2 Alabama and #2 12 - 0 Ohio State loses the Big 10 CCG #9 10 - 2 Nebraska? Instead of 2 unbeatens playing for the BCS you end up with #3 FSU at 11- 1 vs # 4 Georgia at 11 - 1 and kept out of the CCG because, though they beat Alabama, they lost to Florida.

Can't happen? look at K State beating Oklahoma and the Okies still end up in the better bowl game, or take that 1 second off the clock and let Nebraska beat Texas...
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southcampus;1718896; said:
I don't know about crowning champions IN Cleveland but I know the city recently ended their drought of titles when Anamika Veeramani won this years National Spelling bee.

Which gave Ohio a record 9 Spelling Bee champions. No other state has more than 7.
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t_BuckeyeScott;1718972; said:
I don't think it will stay in the same place all the time anyway. If UT were in the B10 couldn't you see that being the Big 10 would make a concession to have there every now and then?

There's no doubt that would be a concession.

It's not a bad one either. I don't think it's a given that Texas makes the CCG every time it would be played there anyway. It would be a nice recruiting tool to be able to play in a world-class facility and have a bit more presence in one of the most talent-rich areas of the country.
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ghost of tibor;1719497; said:
Rematches aren't the worst thing, but you want to avoid back to back rematches. If scUM and OSU are in opposite brackets you could envision a scenario where they are playing already knowing that they will face off again the next week.

Agreed. This happens every now and then in the NFL, where one team is in the playoffs, and the other needs a win to make it to the playoffs. And they know that if they win, they play the same team in the first round of the playoffs. So the second team plays their asses off, in hopes of making the playoffs, and the first team just coasts through the pointless game. Then, in the playoffs, the first team wins. I'd hate to think that the Ohio State-Michigan game was a "coast" game for one team or the other, since they know that they're going to play the next game.

But I don't like re-matches, anyway. If one team smokes the other 56-10 in October, and they play again in December, why does the second game mean more than the first game? I could stomach losing the re-match to, say, Nebraska, easier than losing the re-match to Michigan.
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ghost of tibor;1719497; said:
Rematches aren't the worst thing, but you want to avoid back to back rematches. If scUM and OSU are in opposite brackets you could envision a scenario where they are playing already knowing that they will face off again the next week.

So I take it you were against the rematch in 2006?
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cincibuck;1718911; said:
OK, how sexy is this: #1 ranked 12 - 0 Florida loses the SEC CCG to #8 10 - 2 Alabama and #2 12 - 0 Ohio State loses the Big 10 CCG #9 10 - 2 Nebraska? Instead of 2 unbeatens playing for the BCS you end up with #3 FSU at 11- 1 vs # 4 Georgia at 11 - 1 and kept out of the CCG because, though they beat Alabama, they lost to Florida.

Can't happen? look at K State beating Oklahoma and the Okies still end up in the better bowl game, or take that 1 second off the clock and let Nebraska beat Texas...

So you're saying Florida would get left out of the BCS entirely?
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Zurp;1720516; said:
Agreed. This happens every now and then in the NFL, where one team is in the playoffs, and the other needs a win to make it to the playoffs. And they know that if they win, they play the same team in the first round of the playoffs. So the second team plays their asses off, in hopes of making the playoffs, and the first team just coasts through the pointless game. Then, in the playoffs, the first team wins. I'd hate to think that the Ohio State-Michigan game was a "coast" game for one team or the other, since they know that they're going to play the next game.

But I don't like re-matches, anyway. If one team smokes the other 56-10 in October, and they play again in December, why does the second game mean more than the first game? I could stomach losing the re-match to, say, Nebraska, easier than losing the re-match to Michigan.

You mean like the way the Bengals laid an egg against the Jets and then roared back to lay another egg a week later?
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