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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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BuckeyeGanoosh;1060533; said:
Painful mistakes. Congrats.
I'm still shocked it went down like that. All season long, we've made those mistakes. A big reason we lost the Kentucky game, was a STUPID personal foul on Tyson Jackson in the 1st OT. We stopped them on 3rd and 10 (incomplete pass), and Tyson Jackson slaps Woodson across the head with his hand. The first lick looked incidental, but the second, nevermind:mad2:
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Nutriaitch;1060556; said:
I'm still shocked it went down like that. All season long, we've made those mistakes. A big reason we lost the Kentucky game, was a STUPID personal foul on Tyson Jackson in the 1st OT. We stopped them on 3rd and 10 (incomplete pass), and Tyson Jackson slaps Woodson across the head with his hand. The first lick looked incidental, but the second, nevermind:mad2:
I thought it was a pretty nice combo. Left jab followed by a straight right.:biggrin:

I think the worst penalty was in the Arkansas game. Getting flagged for ineligible receiver downfield on a TD pass to Hester that puts LSU up 7 late in the game, b/c our receiver was "covered up". :smash:
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GeauxTigers99;1060559; said:
I thought it was a pretty nice combo. Left jab followed by a straight right.:biggrin:

I think the worst penalty was in the Arkansas game. Getting flagged for ineligible receiver downfield on a TD pass to Hester that puts LSU up 7 late in the game, b/c our receiver was "covered up". :smash:

We got our asses kicked so I'm not trying to make any sort of execuse but....

What the hell did that sideline judge see to throw a lateihit personal foul flag?? I've replayed it about 13-15 times now and just don't know what he possibly saw? I guess, he saw the RB stubmle on the sideline and assumed it was a late push while he was OB? I'm not sure.

Anyways, some of our other personal fouls were just poor discipline, losing ourselves on the field.
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billmac91;1060563; said:
We got our asses kicked so I'm not trying to make any sort of execuse but....

What the hell did that sideline judge see to throw a lateihit personal foul flag?? I've replayed it about 13-15 times now and just don't know what he possibly saw? I guess, he saw the RB stubmle on the sideline and assumed it was a late push while he was OB? I'm not sure.

Anyways, some of our other personal fouls were just poor discipline, losing ourselves on the field.

You're right, he saw a RB stumble with 4 scarlet jerseys surrounding him... It was a bullshit call...
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billmac91;1060563; said:
We got our asses kicked so I'm not trying to make any sort of execuse but....

What the hell did that sideline judge see to throw a lateihit personal foul flag?? I've replayed it about 13-15 times now and just don't know what he possibly saw? I guess, he saw the RB stubmle on the sideline and assumed it was a late push while he was OB? I'm not sure.

Anyways, some of our other personal fouls were just poor discipline, losing ourselves on the field.

Not sure. Never really got a great angle on it from Fox. If there was a late one, it definitely wasn't on the D-Lineman they called. He was 2 yards behind the play. We got flagged for one like that against Tebow in the Florida game. Clean shot in-bounds, and here comes the yellow hanky.
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Nutriaitch;1060573; said:
Not sure. Never really got a great angle on it from Fox. If there was a late one, it definitely wasn't on the D-Lineman they called. He was 2 yards behind the play. We got flagged for one like that against Tebow in the Florida game. Clean shot in-bounds, and here comes the yellow hanky.

Refs have gotten too comfortable with throwing the flag on plays like that..
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Nutriaitch;1060573; said:
Not sure. Never really got a great angle on it from Fox. If there was a late one, it definitely wasn't on the D-Lineman they called. He was 2 yards behind the play. We got flagged for one like that against Tebow in the Florida game. Clean shot in-bounds, and here comes the yellow hanky.

Yup. I debated that hit on here against another member who called it a cheap shot. If Tebow wanted to avoid the shot he should have gotten out sooner. You don't make assumptions on the football field about what a player intends to do.....that's when you end up looking like an idiot.

If you're in-bounds you're fair game.

That was an awful call and could have cost LSU big time.
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Pheasant;1060390; said:
[nerdy Mark Richt impression on] Technically there is no rule that says you have to be a conference champion to play in the BCS title game. [end impression]

Screw Georgia and the dog they rode in on.

If I had a dollar for every time I've said that before shotgunning a beer....:tongue2:
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billmac91;1060579; said:
Yup. I debated that hit on here against another member who called it a cheap shot. If Tebow wanted to avoid the shot he should have gotten out sooner. You don't make assumptions on the football field about what a player intends to do.....that's when you end up looking like an idiot.

If you're in-bounds you're fair game.

That was an awful call and could have cost LSU big time.

I have a great still shot of that hit. He hadn't even reached the hash marks along our sideline yet!
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Nutriaitch;1060582; said:

Other than that call, I thought they really let a lot of stuff go. Only one pass int, a false start, int grounding, and a couple of face masks.

I think they forgot holding was a penalty.. There was one play where the defender had his back to the ball carrier and he some how "magically" couldn't turn around.

I'm not so sure about the roughing the kicker call either, I thought it was tipped by the way the ball left the foot. Either way, Ohio State shot themselves in the foot plenty of times and they paid for it..

Good game, your fans are great. Very respectful and classy, wish some other SEC fans could be as respectful as you guys are. Congrats on the National Title.
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Buckeye89Fan;1060589; said:
I'm not so sure about the roughing the kicker call either, I thought it was tipped by the way the ball left the foot. Either way, Ohio State shot themselves in the foot plenty of times and they paid for it..
I thought he might have gotten it a first too, but the ball went damn near 60 yards down field. Our punter has a strong leg, but I don't think he could have gotten that distance if the ball was deflected.
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