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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Just wanted to congratulate Ohio State and all their fans on a great season. OSU has a great team, coaches, and fans. Your team played great in the NC game for the most part and showed they were one of the top teams in the country. I was impressed on how OSU never gave up and fought until the final whistle. A class act in all respects. Chris Wells and Brian Hartline were awesome. I hope that all the OSU fans who came down to La./New Orleans enjoyed their stay, eventhough the game results didn't work out for you. We love our Tigers down here and wish you luck in the future. Geaux Tigers!!
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I just figured out how to defend Glenn Dorsey...request LSU to scrimmage Auburn the week before you play the Bayou Bengals...:biggrin:

Did anyone else notice after the half when Ohio took the field the cheerleaders mispelled Ohio - OOHI. 

But holy shit those were some giant flags. I think our cheerleaders had flag envy :)

Geaux, I did notice that. I was praying the other 80,000 people didn't. :!
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Another LSU fan's perspective.

I'm in my late 40s, and I've been a LSU fanatic for my entire life.

Since I was a small boy, I've always looked up to Ohio State's football program. I watched Coach Woody Hayes's Buckeyes quite often on TV back then, and, I've admired your football program since then.

LSU just got it's first win against Ohio State. This is a very humbling experience for me, personally, as a LSU fan. I feel great, great gratitude and pride to have witnessed this special moment. I don't know if God had anything to do with LSU getting this opportunity, but, I did thank Him anyway for this accomplishment.

I am filled with quiet pride today. For every one of you great, great Ohio State fans who offered your congratulations to my team, I want to thank you personally for being so gracious. It is a rare thing for any football opponent of Ohio State to be able to celebrate a win. I want you all to know that it is the magnitude of the greatness of your football program that makes this moment so very special for me.

My admiration for Woody Hayes and the Ohio State football program is undiminished.

Thanks to you all for being everything that college football teams and fans should be.

Good luck in your football future . . . and, I hope that you will be wishing LSU future football luck.
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Jean Lafitte;1061410; said:
I'm in my late 40s, and I've been a LSU fanatic for my entire life.

Since I was a small boy, I've always looked up to Ohio State's football program. I watched Coach Woody Hayes's Buckeyes quite often on TV back then, and, I've admired your football program since then.

LSU just got it's first win against Ohio State. This is a very humbling experience for me, personally, as a LSU fan. I feel great, great gratitude and pride to have witnessed this special moment. I don't know if God had anything to do with LSU getting this opportunity, but, I did thank Him anyway for this accomplishment.

I am filled with quiet pride today. For every one of you great, great Ohio State fans who offered your congratulations to my team, I want to thank you personally for being so gracious. It is a rare thing for any football opponent of Ohio State to be able to celebrate a win. I want you all to know that it is the magnitude of the greatness of your football program that makes this moment so very special for me.

My admiration for Woody Hayes and the Ohio State football program is undiminished.

Thanks to you all for being everything that college football teams and fans should be.

Good luck in your football future . . . and, I hope that you will be wishing LSU future football luck.

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Lockup;1059519; said:
I have three big hats off in this game.

1. Beanie: IMO he is the only one who showed up for all four quarters. Even when he did not get many yards he ran very hard I thought and the stiff arm that put the LSU guy on his butt was great.

2. OSU fans that made the trip. I am not sure I ever heard a break down in the dome but from what I saw and heard there look to be a hell of a lot more bucks fans there than anyone thought there would be. I did not hear the LSU fans being that much louder than us.

3. The team getting there in the first place. I know that sounds kind of wussy like but hey they were never suppose to be there to begin with.

I think Wells did great also, but Saine was awesome...and enough so that LSU noticed he was back in and took a time out to adjust. When the other team needs to adjust for an incoming player then you know who the threat is. The SEC 'speed' noticed Saine as being able to get downfield AND catch the ball. Too bad he wasn't utilized more.
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Dont have the time or patience to read through this thread, so forgive me if this has been brought up, but...

Has any team in the history of college football ever before been punished for making it to the NC game twice in a row? This just baffles me. If we had declined the NC and won the Rose, or if we were 10-2 and got an at large to the Orange and beat VT, people would be talking about how well we played against an inferior team, we would be viewed as a good team. We make it to the NC game, supposedly signifying we are one of the two best teams in the country, and we get railed for losing to the best. We are actually being punished by the media and the fans for making it to the NC game. This truly blows my mind, hopefully someone can take it from SEC-speed and slow it down for my simple little Big Ten brain. Thanks.
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mudball1;1061484; said:
I think Wells did great also, but Saine was awesome...and enough so that LSU noticed he was back in and took a time out to adjust. When the other team needs to adjust for an incoming player then you know who the threat is. The SEC 'speed' noticed Saine as being able to get downfield AND catch the ball. Too bad he wasn't utilized more.

Every time he came into the game he ran a wheel route, and every time he ran a wheel route Boeckman wouldn't even check down off him, it was either complete pass to Saine, incomplete pass to Saine, or sack. I wish they had used the Saine wheel route better as a distraction to open up underneath routes.
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BengalsAndBucks;1061502; said:
Dont have the time or patience to read through this thread, so forgive me if this has been brought up, but...

Has any team in the history of college football ever before been punished for making it to the NC game twice in a row? This just baffles me. If we had declined the NC and won the Rose, or if we were 10-2 and got an at large to the Orange and beat VT, people would be talking about how well we played against an inferior team, we would be viewed as a good team. We make it to the NC game, supposedly signifying we are one of the two best teams in the country, and we get railed for losing to the best. We are actually being punished by the media and the fans for making it to the NC game. This truly blows my mind, hopefully someone can take it from SEC-speed and slow it down for my simple little Big Ten brain. Thanks.

No actually I don't have an answer for you there.

FSU went 3 times in a row and won 1(98,99,00) because they played in a very weak ACC and did not get punished if they lost to their 2 traditional non-ACC rivals. The weakness of their conference and the fact their main rivals were down at the time never came up. ESPN ran many a show about who was the team of the 90's FSU or Nebraska.

Oklahoma played in back to back NC games, got killed worse than we did in both and even managed to make it to one of them after a blowout loss in the B12 CG. They followed that double dip up with BCS losses to Boise State and WVU with a nice fat NCAA infraction/scandal mixed in and they catch 1/10th of the hell we do.

No team is going to make a run of multiple NC's/NC appearances coming from a brutally tough league. Look back at all your recent consecutive NC appearance teams and you'll find a very good team that happened to come out of a conference that was down at the time.

We appear to be the only team who's path to those appearances has been so harshly critiqued. That said, we have brought it all on ourselves by losing. Winning said games shuts them all up.
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BengalsAndBucks;1061504; said:
Every time he came into the game he ran a wheel route, and every time he ran a wheel route Boeckman wouldn't even check down off him, it was either complete pass to Saine, incomplete pass to Saine, or sack. I wish they had used the Saine wheel route better as a distraction to open up underneath routes.

very true. That wheel route felt like playing someone in Madden who finds a good play and decides to use it every time they're in trouble.

Truthfully, it worked great the first time, the second time we got bailed out b/c the LB fell down. After the first time it was hit, we probably should have put it away.

I was surprised we didn't utilize any bubble screens....I thought effective 5-6 yard gains on first down with a few simple passes could have been very effective, especially with LSU packing the box.
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BengalsAndBucks;1061502; said:
Dont have the time or patience to read through this thread, so forgive me if this has been brought up, but...

Has any team in the history of college football ever before been punished for making it to the NC game twice in a row? This just baffles me. If we had declined the NC and won the Rose, or if we were 10-2 and got an at large to the Orange and beat VT, people would be talking about how well we played against an inferior team, we would be viewed as a good team. We make it to the NC game, supposedly signifying we are one of the two best teams in the country, and we get railed for losing to the best. We are actually being punished by the media and the fans for making it to the NC game. This truly blows my mind, hopefully someone can take it from SEC-speed and slow it down for my simple little Big Ten brain. Thanks.
....in advertising, you compare your product as being better than the No. 1 product. Pepsi doesn't do a Pepsi challenge to prove they're better than RC Cola. Burger King doesn't advertise the Whopper as better than White Castle. When you're the No. 1 product, they're all out to prove you wrong.
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mudball1;1061484; said:
I think Wells did great also, but Saine was awesome...and enough so that LSU noticed he was back in and took a time out to adjust. When the other team needs to adjust for an incoming player then you know who the threat is. The SEC 'speed' noticed Saine as being able to get downfield AND catch the ball. Too bad he wasn't utilized more.

They should notice him - Freshman 220# and runs a 10.3 sec 100m. Between Saine and Wells, we have the basis for a formidable backfield again next year. I thought the timeout was funny as he went to a three point stance to the right of the backfield as if he was trying to hide. He and Beanie are going to terrorize defenses in '08. Let us not forget redshirt freshman Boom Herron - an untested weapon.
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What Can We Do to AVOID Another One of These?

This is my first time posting here after being a long time peruser of the site. I think this place is outstanding, and especially like that fans of rivals can chime in without things devolving into a flame war.

Let me start by saying that I am a long, long time fan of OSU. I am also old enough to remember when they won it all in 1968. Tressel is undoubtedly a MAJOR upgrade over his predecessor. I also do not long for the likes of Earle Bruce, whose cult was undeservedly nice to him back in the 80s, when the poor guy, with all due respect, outside of the Michigan game could not win a big one against a ranked opponent to save his life.

All this said, we have GOT to figure out a way to stop this. Getting to the game of games to get eaten up by SEC competition, and watching the smug media jacka$$es crow afterwards had got to stop. The old "too much speed" trope is also a load. There were several factors I saw in the game at play, and none of them were track runners vs. plowhorses issues. Some of them were playcalling philosophy, and others were just plain attitude. I am just going to call it as I see it in detail, and I am sure I will get beat on, but here goes.

1 - STOP calling so much zone blitz

I am NOT a big fan of the zone schlitz, as I call it, in college or pros. If you wind up calling this more than you can count on your hands over the ENTIRE GAME, then IMHO you have overused it. The "shock value" on quality opponents wore off LONG ago. This works best on the truly crappy teams, against whom a good solid D works at least a well. If I had to watch another great OSU defender playing some other unnatural position one more time in some lame attempt to "confuse" LSU's QB I was going to be sick. Not to mention the million times I saw OSU defenders NOT staying home and chasing LSU players serpentining even BEHIND the line of scrimmage like a Chinese fire drill. Sometimes this out of position stuff made some of the really athletic OSU defenders look like King Kong. Most of the time it was just hideous. Whereas on the other side LSU played classic stay at home D most of the time, with monsters like Dorsey doing absolutely classic shift down the line moves, in place with the other guys and doing due diligence on gap coverage. The zone schlitz day is OVER, please kill it.

2 - PLEASE, oh god please, put some other pass play in the book BESIDES the 40 yd heave

OSU is beyond the 3 yd and a cloud days, yes. This is good. But we also desperately need tastes of the spread and PLEASE, rediscover our tight ends. This leads to a double advantage, because OSU's D is perennially weak on BOTH of these because THEY NEVER SEE THEM IN PRACTICE. With Rich Rodriguez coming in at scUM we better REALLY get going on this, or we might wind up with major trouble in Novembers from here on out. Also, as we have seen in the big one two years running, if we get stuffed on the run and/or the heave, there's nothing else left in the chambers. Which is criminal given the weapons we could load up in an occasional taste of the spread (Robiskie, Small, Saine, etc).

3 - Attitude, ATTITUDE!!!

LSU was fired up from the get go and never wained when they were down 10-zip. The interception on Small was TAKEN from him. The defender wanted it more. Honestly, I don't care what anybody says, you could see OSU starting to give a big when LSU took the lead. They never gave up entirely, but were never as firey as the Tigers either. It's time OSU learned to get really fired up for this, Midwestern reserve be damned. (Yes, I get to say this; native Ohioan, and I still live here).

This is the primary stuff I have really been noticing. It's really kind of frustrating, because OSU is really *that* close to true greatness.

Fire away.
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