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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Definately agree, but my favorite highlight had to be his 65 yard run at the beginning.

I think that in the aftermath of this loss, we should look for words from the Legend himself..

"One thing you cannot afford ever to do is to feel sorry for yourself."

"There's nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you. "
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SonOfWoody;1061547; said:
This is my first time posting here after being a long time peruser of the site. I think this place is outstanding, and especially like that fans of rivals can chime in without things devolving into a flame war.

Let me start by saying that I am a long, long time fan of OSU. I am also old enough to remember when they won it all in 1968. Tressel is undoubtedly a MAJOR upgrade over his predecessor. I also do not long for the likes of Earle Bruce, whose cult was undeservedly nice to him back in the 80s, when the poor guy, with all due respect, outside of the Michigan game could not win a big one against a ranked opponent to save his life.

All this said, we have GOT to figure out a way to stop this. Getting to the game of games to get eaten up by SEC competition, and watching the smug media jacka$ crow afterwards had got to stop. The old "too much speed" trope is also a load. There were several factors I saw in the game at play, and none of them were track runners vs. plowhorses issues. Some of them were playcalling philosophy, and others were just plain attitude. I am just going to call it as I see it in detail, and I am sure I will get beat on, but here goes.

1 - STOP calling so much zone blitz

I am NOT a big fan of the zone schlitz, as I call it, in college or pros. If you wind up calling this more than you can count on your hands over the ENTIRE GAME, then IMHO you have overused it. The "shock value" on quality opponents wore off LONG ago. This works best on the truly crappy teams, against whom a good solid D works at least a well. If I had to watch another great OSU defender playing some other unnatural position one more time in some lame attempt to "confuse" LSU's QB I was going to be sick. Not to mention the million times I saw OSU defenders NOT staying home and chasing LSU players serpentining even BEHIND the line of scrimmage like a Chinese fire drill. Sometimes this out of position stuff made some of the really athletic OSU defenders look like King Kong. Most of the time it was just hideous. Whereas on the other side LSU played classic stay at home D most of the time, with monsters like Dorsey doing absolutely classic shift down the line moves, in place with the other guys and doing due diligence on gap coverage. The zone schlitz day is OVER, please kill it.

2 - PLEASE, oh god please, put some other pass play in the book BESIDES the 40 yd heave

OSU is beyond the 3 yd and a cloud days, yes. This is good. But we also desperately need tastes of the spread and PLEASE, rediscover our tight ends. This leads to a double advantage, because OSU's D is perennially weak on BOTH of these because THEY NEVER SEE THEM IN PRACTICE. With Rich Rodriguez coming in at scUM we better REALLY get going on this, or we might wind up with major trouble in Novembers from here on out. Also, as we have seen in the big one two years running, if we get stuffed on the run and/or the heave, there's nothing else left in the chambers. Which is criminal given the weapons we could load up in an occasional taste of the spread (Robiskie, Small, Saine, etc).

3 - Attitude, ATTITUDE!!!

LSU was fired up from the get go and never wained when they were down 10-zip. The interception on Small was TAKEN from him. The defender wanted it more. Honestly, I don't care what anybody says, you could see OSU starting to give a big when LSU took the lead. They never gave up entirely, but were never as firey as the Tigers either. It's time OSU learned to get really fired up for this, Midwestern reserve be damned. (Yes, I get to say this; native Ohioan, and I still live here).

This is the primary stuff I have really been noticing. It's really kind of frustrating, because OSU is really *that* close to true greatness.

Fire away.

I think most will agree with that. Many on here have said the exact same thing about our zone defense. It is easy to read where the blitz is coming from because we DO NOT disguise it. Again, a far cry from LSU, who walks there DB's up to the line of scrimmage and begs the wideouts and QB to beat them.

How often do we see Malcolm or Donald within 7 yards of the line of scrimmage? How often does Donald, Chimdi, or Malcolm blitz from the CB position? We do see lots of safety blitzes, at least by our standards.

I agree though. I'd love to see us play a ton more man, and challenge teams to make plays. It just seems like we're way to susceptible to medium yard gains, but as long as we don't get beat deep, our staff is ok with that. Bend but don't break. Biggest problem with that, is the good teams are capable of taking the short gains all the way down the field without stalling out or turning it over.

It's time for a philosophical change, and a mean attitude.
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SonOfWoody;1061547; said:
1 - STOP calling so much zone blitz

I am NOT a big fan of the zone schlitz, as I call it, in college or pros. If you wind up calling this more than you can count on your hands over the ENTIRE GAME, then IMHO you have overused it. The "shock value" on quality opponents wore off LONG ago. This works best on the truly crappy teams, against whom a good solid D works at least a well. If I had to watch another great OSU defender playing some other unnatural position one more time in some lame attempt to "confuse" LSU's QB I was going to be sick. Not to mention the million times I saw OSU defenders NOT staying home and chasing LSU players serpentining even BEHIND the line of scrimmage like a Chinese fire drill. Sometimes this out of position stuff made some of the really athletic OSU defenders look like King Kong. Most of the time it was just hideous. Whereas on the other side LSU played classic stay at home D most of the time, with monsters like Dorsey doing absolutely classic shift down the line moves, in place with the other guys and doing due diligence on gap coverage. The zone schlitz day is OVER, please kill it.

Amen. I'm sick to death of watching us get dinked and dunked. I'd rather go out in a blaze of glory than by a thousand paper cuts. I think the overall talent level along the DL and in the secondary, specifically corner, has suffered as of late.

2 - PLEASE, oh god please, put some other pass play in the book BESIDES the 40 yd heave

OSU is beyond the 3 yd and a cloud days, yes. This is good. But we also desperately need tastes of the spread and PLEASE, rediscover our tight ends. This leads to a double advantage, because OSU's D is perennially weak on BOTH of these because THEY NEVER SEE THEM IN PRACTICE. With Rich Rodriguez coming in at scUM we better REALLY get going on this, or we might wind up with major trouble in Novembers from here on out. Also, as we have seen in the big one two years running, if we get stuffed on the run and/or the heave, there's nothing else left in the chambers. Which is criminal given the weapons we could load up in an occasional taste of the spread (Robiskie, Small, Saine, etc).

I'm actually a fan of the power run matched with a vertical passing game offense. I can't stand the dam west coast/spread sideline to sideline stuff. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use our TE's more.
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Sportsbuck28;1061557; said:
"There's nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you. "

I agree, but with the proviso we have to use it for positive change. If we do nothing with the opportunity to improve where our opponents very helpfully point out our weaknesses, well then, we've just recaptured the worst of the Cooper years.

Albeit with better success against scUM.
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SonOfWoody;1061547; said:
This is my first time posting here after being a long time peruser of the site. I think this place is outstanding, and especially like that fans of rivals can chime in without things devolving into a flame war.

Let me start by saying that I am a long, long time fan of OSU. I am also old enough to remember when they won it all in 1968. Tressel is undoubtedly a MAJOR upgrade over his predecessor. I also do not long for the likes of Earle Bruce, whose cult was undeservedly nice to him back in the 80s, when the poor guy, with all due respect, outside of the Michigan game could not win a big one against a ranked opponent to save his life.

All this said, we have GOT to figure out a way to stop this. Getting to the game of games to get eaten up by SEC competition, and watching the smug media jacka$ crow afterwards had got to stop. The old "too much speed" trope is also a load. There were several factors I saw in the game at play, and none of them were track runners vs. plowhorses issues. Some of them were playcalling philosophy, and others were just plain attitude. I am just going to call it as I see it in detail, and I am sure I will get beat on, but here goes.

1 - STOP calling so much zone blitz

I am NOT a big fan of the zone schlitz, as I call it, in college or pros. If you wind up calling this more than you can count on your hands over the ENTIRE GAME, then IMHO you have overused it. The "shock value" on quality opponents wore off LONG ago. This works best on the truly crappy teams, against whom a good solid D works at least a well. If I had to watch another great OSU defender playing some other unnatural position one more time in some lame attempt to "confuse" LSU's QB I was going to be sick. Not to mention the million times I saw OSU defenders NOT staying home and chasing LSU players serpentining even BEHIND the line of scrimmage like a Chinese fire drill. Sometimes this out of position stuff made some of the really athletic OSU defenders look like King Kong. Most of the time it was just hideous. Whereas on the other side LSU played classic stay at home D most of the time, with monsters like Dorsey doing absolutely classic shift down the line moves, in place with the other guys and doing due diligence on gap coverage. The zone schlitz day is OVER, please kill it.

2 - PLEASE, oh god please, put some other pass play in the book BESIDES the 40 yd heave

OSU is beyond the 3 yd and a cloud days, yes. This is good. But we also desperately need tastes of the spread and PLEASE, rediscover our tight ends. This leads to a double advantage, because OSU's D is perennially weak on BOTH of these because THEY NEVER SEE THEM IN PRACTICE. With Rich Rodriguez coming in at scUM we better REALLY get going on this, or we might wind up with major trouble in Novembers from here on out. Also, as we have seen in the big one two years running, if we get stuffed on the run and/or the heave, there's nothing else left in the chambers. Which is criminal given the weapons we could load up in an occasional taste of the spread (Robiskie, Small, Saine, etc).

3 - Attitude, ATTITUDE!!!

LSU was fired up from the get go and never wained when they were down 10-zip. The interception on Small was TAKEN from him. The defender wanted it more. Honestly, I don't care what anybody says, you could see OSU starting to give a big when LSU took the lead. They never gave up entirely, but were never as firey as the Tigers either. It's time OSU learned to get really fired up for this, Midwestern reserve be damned. (Yes, I get to say this; native Ohioan, and I still live here).

This is the primary stuff I have really been noticing. It's really kind of frustrating, because OSU is really *that* close to true greatness.

Fire away.

Can we send this one to Tressel?

I don't have a comment on #1 other than get more speed.

I agree with #2 wholeheartedly. TOO MANY 40 YARD JUMP BALLS!

Attitudes - I'm sure we had them but too but we were playing as visitors with LSU having the "homefield advantage". I know we played well in Washinton, Happy Valley and the Bighouse, but this one was different. BCS guys -TRY FINDING A NEUTRAL SITE NEXT TIME.

Good first post, Son of Woody. He would have run the ball down their throats with talent like Wells and Saine.
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Jaxbuck;1061562; said:
Amen. I'm sick to death of watching us get dinked and dunked. I'd rather go out in a blaze of glory than by a thousand paper cuts. I think the overall talent level along the DL and in the secondary, specifically corner, has suffered as of late.

I agree completely.

Jaxbuck;1061562; said:
I'm actually a fan of the power run matched with a vertical passing game offense. I can't stand the dam west coast/spread sideline to sideline stuff. That doesn't mean we shouldn't use our TE's more.

Remember, I said a TASTE of the spread. I have zero desire for us to turn into WVa junior or look like Urban Meyer works here. A TASTE of this stuff has definite advantages paired with improved TE play and OSU's normal bread and butter offense.
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utgrad73;1061566; said:
Can we send this one to Tressel?

I don't have a comment on #1 other than get more speed.

I agree with #2 wholeheartedly. TOO MANY 40 YARD JUMP BALLS!

Attitudes - I'm sure we had them but too but we were playing as visitors with LSU having the "homefield advantage". I know we played well in Washinton, Happy Valley and the Bighouse, but this one was different. BCS guys -TRY FINDING A NEUTRAL SITE NEXT TIME.

Good first post, Son of Woody. He would have run the ball down their throats with talent like Wells and Saine.

I appreciate the kind comments, thank you.

Where Wells is concerned, LSU should have gotten him non stop until they figured out how to stop them themselves. All the jump balls did was disrupt OSU's momentum.
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SonOfWoody;1061568; said:
Remember, I said a TASTE of the spread. I have zero desire for us to turn into WVa junior or look like Urban Meyer works here. A TASTE of this stuff has definite advantages paired with improved TE play and OSU's normal bread and butter offense.

I think we had a pretty good taste of it last year when we had the right QB to run it. TB's strength is chucking the deep ball, JT does fit his offense to his personnel and we just so happen to have a decent OL and big time RB.

If we get TP, I'm sure we'll see a serious taste of the spread offense again.
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It seems like there's just way too much thinking and not enough reacting going on. Maybe it was the embarassing lost last year, or coaching, i don't know. But what happened when guys use to line up with the mentality that they were better than the chumps across from them, and just play the game. Where was guys flying to the ball, blowing up the QB on option plays (ala Big Kat), a little extra pushing in the trenches, nothing illegal, but just that nastiness we use to have. Is it the guys we are bringing in? Is it the conservative attitude on the sidelines? I certainly know we have the talent and the coaches to beat anyone. I just wish we had that attitude where if they were going to beat us, they were going to get their asses kicked and come out sore as shit in the process. Flynn wasnt freaking out wondering if Freeman or JL was coming from his blindside, or if Jenkins was dropping or blitzing, Boeckman on the other hand got happy feet if Dorsey just looked at him wrong. I agree with a lot of posts here, we need an attitude adjustment. I don't want to see any of that cocky, celebrating after every 1st down crap, thats not our style, but some confidence and emotion would be nice.
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Jaxbuck;1061572; said:
I think we had a pretty good taste of it last year when we had the right QB to run it. TB's strength is chucking the deep ball, JT does fit his offense to his personnel and we just so happen to have a decent OL and big time RB.

If we get TP, I'm sure we'll see a serious taste of the spread offense again.

With Boecks, maybe not spread, but I would love to see what he could do with some classic 49'er style short/medium crossing routes with say Robiskie and Small (or Saine) instead of the heaves. That kind of stuff is the direct ancestor of the spread anyhow.
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Jaxbuck;1061572; said:
I think we had a pretty good taste of it last year when we had the right QB to run it. TB's strength is chucking the deep ball, JT does fit his offense to his personnel and we just so happen to have a decent OL and big time RB.

If we get TP, I'm sure we'll see a serious taste of the spread offense again.

The increased depth at WR coming will help too. Not sure why Dane didn't get on the field more. He looked great early in the year.
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SonOfWoody;1061578; said:
As I think about it now, in terms of attitude I know who they should bring in to talk to the team the next time OSU is in the championship game.

Jack Tatum.

If he can't get them to be mean, nobody can.

His hits borderlined on felonious assaults... or words to that effect
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MuckFich06;1061580; said:
The increased depth at WR coming will help too. Not sure why Dane didn't get on the field more. He looked great early in the year.

Dane has good speed and he's elusive. I agree, but he did get to the NC game even if it was warming the pines. I'm sure he would have loved the competition with one of those LSU DB's. Its not the biggest dog in the fight but the amount of fight in the dog. Don't count him out in '08.
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RB's as WR's

My thoughts

-Was I the only one getting upset we had 2 RB's split out on obvious passing downs? I know we are not deep at WR but we have to have a couple more capable then our RB's. I remember one play it was 3rd and long, Beanie and Saine ran deep and Robo and Hartline rank 5 yard patterns...Seems silly.

-Had this game came out just the opposite with OSU winning and LSU having 5 personal fouls, 3 turnovers and a blocked FG, the media would be screaming LSU lost, OSU did not win. This game would have been another 03 classic without the mistakes.

-We need to have our WR's run more routes under 15 yards. Double moves don't work if you go deep 99% of the time.

-I think Spitler had his eyes closed on the punt, only way he could miss the ball:)

-This is just off memory, but it seems as though we more often then not score on our opening drive. How is it we can then go so flat against some teams after that initial score? Maybe the defense adjusts but it also seems as though our game plan changes a little.

-My favorite play of the game was Well's stiff arm. It is not often you are able to lift an opposing player off his feet who is running at you.
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