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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Nutriaitch;1060594; said:
I thought he might have gotten it a first too, but the ball went damn near 60 yards down field. Our punter has a strong leg, but I don't think he could have gotten that distance if the ball was deflected.

But, getting as little as a finger on it can be considered tipped or deflected.. He did boot it rather far but the way that ball left his foot had deflection written all over it. That's why I was so irate. No complaints for me though, I've learned to take losses better (last years game does that to you...)
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Buckeye89Fan;1060589; said:
I'm not so sure about the roughing the kicker call either, I thought it was tipped by the way the ball left the foot. Either way, Ohio State shot themselves in the foot plenty of times and they paid for it..

If that ball had been tipped I'm pretty sure Austin would have been going ape-shit about the flag. He didn't, and looked disgusted with himself. I'm sure Tressel would have gotten in that officials ear as well. I think none of the above happening is a pretty good indication the only thing Spitler got was a face-full of leg/thigh.
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GeauxTigers99;1060600; said:
speaking of our punter, Nutria, have you ever seen him do a "pooch" punt?? I think he punted it about 60 yds every time he kicked it, regardless of where we were on the field.

Not that I can ever remember. Might be one of the reasons we suck at net punting, even though he blasts it downfield every time.
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Tom Archdeacon: 'That's not Ohio State football'

By Tom Archdeacon
Staff Writer

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

NEW ORLEANS ? The way it sounds, some Ohio State players were rougher on each other than they were on Louisiana State.
"I couldn't believe that guys were fighting with other guys, this isn't a barroom. You don't need to be fighting with your own teammates. We were here to play football, (but) some guys didn't get that," a still-stunned Alex Boone, the massive Ohio State tackle, said as he stood in the middle of the nearly empty Superdome field an hour after his Buckeyes had been embarrassed by LSU, 38-24, in the BCS Championship Game.

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Buckeyes have selves to blame Being No. 1 in Big Ten is no longer enough
Published on Wednesday, Jan 09, 2008

NEW ORLEANS: Way back in September, practically eons ago it seems, a Seattle Post-Intelligencer columnist took swipes at the Ohio State Athletic Department, and the football team in particular, for its success on the field.
He compared the Buckeyes to the great sports dynasties in the country, calling them the New York Yankees of college football.
The Yankees? More like the Indians, only fitting considering they're from Ohio. They tease. Tease some more. Get hopes up and eventually dash them.
In this case, the Buckeyes have only themselves to blame for the 38-24 loss to LSU on Monday night in the BCS National Championship Game at the Superdome.

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Shame and fame
[FONT=Verdana,Times New Roman,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]OSU can look back at 3 plays[/FONT]
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
BY Todd Porter

NEW ORLEANS One play did not lose the game for Ohio State on Monday night. But the Buckeyes may look back on three plays in the second quarter and wonder ?What if?? had someone made a play on any of them.

Ohio State lost to LSU, 38-24. It was another SEC school. It was another national title game. It was another early lead squandered.

?It?s a disappointment for our fans,? said receiver Brian Hartline, who caught a touchdown pass late. ?I wish I could put them all in one room and apologize to them. I think they know how we feel. We tried to play hard for them. We just shot ourselves in the foot too many times.?

But this wasn?t like 41-14 against Florida.

?I?m walking out of here feeling like we played,? Buckeyes Offensive Coordinator Jim Bollman said. ?The guys were focused. The guys played hard and gave great effort the whole time. We got beat physically on some plays, but it wasn?t at all like last year.

?Not bad for a rebuilding year, I think.?

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LSU isn?t thinking dynasty
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

NEW ORLEANS A second national title in five years suggests the center of the college football universe might be located in Baton Rouge, La.

LSU?s 38-24 win against Ohio State in Monday?s national title game gave the Tigers a BCS first ? a multiple champion.

LSU Head Coach Les Miles likes it as a selling point, not as historical fodder.

?It certainly gives you an opportunity to display the fact that, if you?re a young college guy and you want to play for a championship, you want to play for a championship team, LSU?s a great pick,? Miles said during Tuesday?s championship press conference at the Marriott Hotel at the Convention Center. ?Dynasty, I?m not worried about a dynasty. We?re worried about next year.?

Miles isn?t kidding. From about 2:30 to 4:30 a.m. after the Tigers? win Monday, he jotted down the plan for next season, only stopping when 4-year-old daughter Mason woke up. His little girl can break daddy?s focus. Not much else can.

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Somber Buckeyes return home
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

COLUMBUS Dejected Ohio State football players returned home Tuesday following their second consecutive loss in the national championship, barely acknowledging the 30 or so fans who turned out to greet them.

The players mostly looked at the floor and didn?t smile as they walked through Rickenbacker International Airport on the way to buses taking them to campus after Monday night?s 38-24 loss to LSU in the BCS National Championship Game in New Orleans. A handful of players stopped and signed autographs, and a couple gave high-fives to the children who showed up to cheer for the team.

?I wish we could have seen a few more smiles,? said Carol Ocock, who came to the airport with her two daughters. ?They look sheepish, but they have nothing to be ashamed of.?

The players had little to say as they arrived.

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CS notebook
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

? Ron Higgins, President of the Football Writers Association of America, spoke at Tuesday?s press conference. ?Les proved to the nation that to beat Ohio State, all you gotta do is go to Baton Rouge, you don?t need to go to Michigan,? Higgins said.

? LSU coach Les Miles said he was confident of how his team would play in Monday?s game, not necessarily the outcome. ?I knew we would play well. I knew that our guys are competitive. I knew when you put (Jacob) Hester on the field and hand him a ball he would break tackles. I knew Matt Flynn would be heady and make plays. I knew Early Doucet would make catches (with) his health renewed. ?I felt like our defense would slow Ohio State, if not stop their running game. There were some ways to attack this team. And our coaching staff saw those and we were confident that we had a good plan.?

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Article published Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Miles links title run to destiny


NEW ORLEANS - LSU coach Les Miles sat behind a large table dressed with the colossal collection of trophies his team won by claiming the BCS national championship Monday night and made the case yesterday that you don't get to surround yourself with that much heavy hardware unless there is some tinge of destiny involved. Miles, whose Tigers became the first two-loss team to win the national title game, recounted LSU's close calls with Florida, Auburn, Alabama and Tennessee, which all went in LSU's favor. Without a break, a big play, or a bounce with a blessing, Miles figures someone else is posing for pictures here yesterday, and he used the Ohio State national championship team from the 2002 season to illustrate his contention.

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Article published Wednesday, January 9, 2008
OSU stock plummets
Buckeyes' experience: bitter


NEW ORLEANS - The vendors along this city's popular Canal Street were holding inventory reduction sales yesterday morning, less than 12 hours after Ohio State got blitzed by LSU 38-24 in the BCS national championship game. Ohio State's stock plummeted, and so did the prices for anything in scarlet and gray that was connected with the title game. In contrast, LSU's bright purple and gold attire was still flying off the shelves at the full retail price. The Buckeyes had the ignominious distinction of being the fastest BCS team to make it to the 50 percent-off rack. Ohio State, which suffered the self-inflicted paralysis of three turnovers and five personal foul penalties in the game, closed an outstanding season with a stuttering whimper. "It's tough, because we had a great season, and it just didn't end up the way we wanted," Ohio State junior linebacker James Laurinaitis said.

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OSU knows it faces tough crowd

Jim Naveau | [email protected] - 01.09.2008

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]NEW ORLEANS ? Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel?s response to a question about the second guessing and doubts he and his team will face after losing a second consecutive BCS national championship game was as clear as LSU?s dominance in Monday night?s title game.
?If you can?t take criticism, you?d better not be at Ohio State,? Tressel said.
Ohio State will take that criticism from many sources after adding a 38-24 loss to LSU to last year?s 41-14 thumping by Florida to its BCS biography.
The Buckeyes had no answer for the chant of ?SEC, SEC,? that arose late in Monday night?s game at the Superdome. Just like they had no answer for LSU when it roared back with 31 straight points after spotting the Buckeyes a 10-0 lead.
Ohio State has lost to a Southeastern Conference team two years in a row in the championship game and is 0-9 against SEC teams in bowls, dating back to 1978.
It was, unfortunately for Ohio State, a familiar outcome in BCS title games. But the Buckeyes got to the wrong end of the score in some unfamiliar ways.


[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]But an hour before the kickoff of the opener against Youngstown State, an 11-2 record would have looked pretty good to most people. Now it?s labeled a disappointment.[/FONT]
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Re:Roughing the Kicker

It was a good call. Spitler had a great rush but he made two critical mistakes. He went for the wrong foot and never came close to the ball coming off of the left foot and he made a cardinal sin and went for the body instead of the space in front of the foot where the ball would be coming off.

It was a great effort on his part to get there but a terrible angle.
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