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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Jake the Guru;1060264; said:
04, USC played Oklahoma. While you and I agree Illinois isn't an elite team overall in College Football, they were one of the elite in the Big Ten.

Elite in the Big 10...

That is funny.

No, they, like Ohio State, were the recipients of a down year in the conference.

Dismantled...elite...word choice is crucial in your mission. Well done. However, Im not looking for many to snatch the bait on this site...maybe JJHuddle...but not BP.

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Guys, USC is the best team...LSU and Ohio State didn't belong in the championship game this year...only USC did. Can you think of another team that lost to a 41 point dog? They are history makers. Perhaps they should have played scUM again...The two history making teams pillow fighting for the championship.
There's my new argument for a playoff...it's unfair for a team that has one of the 3 worst losses in the history of college football to not have a chance to play for the title.
I also don't care about their injuries. That's part of the game. If tOSU loses to a 41 point dog (who's playing their 2nd string QB) and I hear any one of my fellow BP'ers cry injury I'm coming to your house and kicking you in the junk. Florida State lost 36 players and had a better showing against a bowl team than the mighty USC Trojans did against Stanford.
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Pheasant;1060274; said:
Guys, USC is the best team...LSU and Ohio State didn't belong in the championship game this year...only USC did. Can you think of another team that lost to a 41 point dog? They are history makers. Perhaps they should have played scUM again...The two history making teams pillow fighting for the championship.
There's my new argument for a playoff...it's unfair for a team that has one of the 3 worst losses in the history of college football to not have a chance to play for the title.
I also don't care about their injuries. That's part of the game. If tOSU loses to a 41 point dog (who's playing their 2nd string QB) and I hear any one of my fellow BP'ers cry injury I'm coming to your house and kicking you in the junk. Florida State lost 36 players and had a better showing against a bowl team than the mighty USC Trojans did against Stanford.

LSU wasn't without flaws, either. Losing to Kentucky, and especially Arkansas, at home? Didn't Mizzou, who's in a Conference as mediocre as the Big Ten, hand Arkansas their lunch? At any rate, if one saw USC's performance against Washington when they were banged up, why USC was given the 41 Point favorite tag was beyond me. Those injuries neutralized USC.
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Have not touched this thread or watched any TV or listened to the radio.

Instead today I went to my 4 year old's school and was the surprise guest reader. I read to her class "Miss Marry Mack". She loved the surprise and it was the best way I know to move on. She was a happy little girl and that is what counts more than football.


While I am still hurt about our teams loss in the NC, life is good. We are a great program, we have a great team, a great coach, we will be loaded next year and have a great recruiting class coming in for '08 and '09.

Having said all that, when I was done reading I asked the class to give me a "GO BUCKS!". The teacher promptly told me "no no no, in this class it's GO BLUE". Turns out she had two daughters that went to Meatchicken. I immediatly could not wait till next year and when we give Weasle Dick his first ass reaming in the Shoe.

And all is now back in perspective. Fuck Michigan.
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Jake the Guru;1060287; said:
LSU wasn't without flaws, either. Losing to Kentucky, and especially Arkansas, at home? Didn't Mizzou, who's in a Conference as mediocre as the Big Ten, hand Arkansas their lunch? At any rate, if one saw USC's performance against Washington when they were banged up, why USC was given the 41 Point favorite tag was beyond me. Those injuries neutralized USC.
Maybe because they were playing Stanford...who was playing their 2nd string quarterback? USC should have won that game by 50.
I also didn't say LSU was without flaws...but at least they played in a difficult conference. USC beat a grand total of 3 teams (including Illinois) with a winning record...and they lost to Stanford. If you want to be on a team's nuts, go with Georgia or Kansas...and if you want to call a conference mediocre, don't trot out the king of the mole-hill Trojans as your king of the world. The Pac-10 was shitty this year. They turned out 1 good team, who unfortunately lost their QB to injury and left USC standing at the top of the trash heap.
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Jake the Guru;1060287; said:
LSU wasn't without flaws, either. Losing to Kentucky, and especially Arkansas, at home? Didn't Mizzou, who's in a Conference as mediocre as the Big Ten, hand Arkansas their lunch?

Ah yes, the old flawless transitive property argument. Can't argue with that, it always works in CFB.:roll1:
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Just a quick keep it in perspective story.

Last year my then 8 year old daughter about made me cry when I told her she didn't have to wear her Buckeye gear to school after the loss to UF. She tells me she wants to wear it and she isn't just an OSU fan when we win. Proud moment for dad indeed.

Fast foreward to '08 and I'm taking he to her golf lesson today and its the first time we had a chance to talk about losing to LSU. I told her I was sorry they came up short again(the SEC kids at school giving her a hard time) she looks at me and says...I swear to God I'm not making this up and its word for word...

"its okay daddy, at least we didn't lose to that team up north."

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Gatorubet;1060136; said:
... The things that make them great coaches are still there today, will be there tomorrow, and are just as invaluable to our programs as they were in 02 and 06. ...

exactly. you can take the boy of out ohio...

add Bo P and Les Miles to the list... :biggrin:
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stowfan;1060370; said:
My opinion is UGA should have played USC in the Rose Bowl, that would have been a great game.

I can agree with that, but if I hear one more dumbass who says "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH UGA SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE TITLE GAME" I will smack a bitch. If you're not considered the best team (or in UGA's case, second best team before the SEC title game) in your conference, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE THE BEST IN THE COUNTRY?
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