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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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CausticMick;1060203; said:
It wasn't a drop- I have no clue why people keep saying that. The LSU defender made a terrific play by poking the ball out.

I could be wrong...refuse to watch replays today...but I thought he had a 2nd shot at that ball. Agreed, good play, but Robo could/should have made that catch imho.
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Holy Buckeye!;1060038; said:

I think programs like USC, Oklahoma, Texas, and tOSU have to figure out ways to climb the SEC mountain.

I don't know; I saw an USC team dismantle Arkansas in Fayetteville only to see Arkansas nearly stealing one in the SEC championship game, who in turn beat the Buckeyes, 41-14. I know it's one example, but of the 4 in yours, USC comes closest to being like an SEC school, if that makes any sense. :wink: Besides, I think the Pac-10 is the 2nd best Conference anyways, so again, I don't think it's as much a world apart as you make it. Total agreement with Oklahoma, Texas, and Ohio State, though. :wink:
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Jake the Guru;1060242; said:
I don't know; I saw an USC team dismantle Arkansas in Fayetteville only to see Arkansas nearly stealing one in the SEC championship game, who in turn beat the Buckeyes, 41-14. I know it's one example, but of the 4 in yours, USC comes closest to being like an SEC school, if that makes any sense. :wink: Besides, I think the Pac-10 is the 2nd best Conference anyways, so again, I don't think it's as much a world apart as you make it. Total agreement with Oklahoma, Texas, and Ohio State, though. :wink:

The transitory effect has no basis in football.
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Besides, I think the Pac-10 is the 2nd best Conference anyways, so again, I don't think it's as much a world apart as you make it.
Oregon was the only great team this year, with SC underachieving a bit. Even if you grant those two, Cal & ASU were very overrated. I have no idea how ASU won that many games with such horrendous pass protection.
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muffler dragon;1060246; said:
The transitory effect has no basis in football.

I've seen USC dismantle 4 of the elite the Big Ten has to offer in Bowl Games, and Arkansas, so I think there's some room for a case Anyways, despite last night's dominating performance, I'm not sold on LSU being the "best." I felt that way in 02, 03, 06, and now 07. I would love to see at least an 8 team Playoff.
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stevenbr;1053377; said:
Ladies and Gentlemen of Buckeye Nation,

It's been fun reading your notes, and trading a lil jab or two, but the time is near to find out the real deal.

3 hours from now, we can start biting our nails for real.

Here's my wish for a hard fought game, certainly without any "official" bias, or even contraversy. Fortunately, the weather won't be a factor, and although there might be some sort of home field advantage, the venue was set years ago.

My homey biased opinion... all of this underdog, and comparison to last year, will prove to only tighten up the Bucks. The Tigers will experience the jitters early on, equalling the tightness of the Bucks. Both teams will suffer from this. We'll go into the half with both teams having less than 15 points... leaving the game wide open for the taking in the second half.

The Tigers will loosen up, as will the Bucks during the second half. LSU's talent will prove once again, a little too much for their opponent, and the final score will be Bucks 20, LSU 31.

Of course, the above prediction is subject to the emotions, moods, strains and pains of a bunch of 18-23 year olds.... so who really knows?

Truly, may the best team win tonight.

Hope yall enjoy most of the game... till it starts....

LSU, class of 86

Geaux Tigahs!!!

Well folks,

Rarely are my predictions even close to right... but I guessed kinda right on this one. I admit that I felt that i was probably being overly optimistic predicting an 11 point difference.

We have experienced the frustration of too many dumb penalties this year, so we know the pain from that wound. Subtract our penalties from the UK or the Arkansas game, and I'm confident we would've won those... so... we can relate.

Beanie Wells is all and more than advertised. What a hoss!! Your Buckeyes certainly came out strong and gave us much concern... if Jim Tressel couldn't figure out what happened after that, no need for me to try to analyze it.

It's been fun trading digits and letters with you folks.

Maybe we can do it again in a year or so?

Enjoy 2008 !!

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Jake the Guru;1060264; said:
04, USC played Oklahoma. While you and I agree Illinois isn't an elite team overall in College Football, they were one of the elite in the Big Ten.
The 04 season. If you understood I meant ILL by 07, one would think you could figure out the rest. UM backed in after getting pantsed by a 6-4 OSU team.

You still ducked the main question. Who IS the best, if you're so wholly unconvinced by LSU?
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