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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

Here are 2 numbers to remember when the polls come out.

48 and 82.

Thats how many more votes ND had than us in the USA and harris polls repectively.

We should jump them in the USA and VT should jump them in the Harris.

Of course if whats actually fair and just actually happens in college football I'll be amazed.

Sadly if the AP is a predictor of the coaches and Harris polls we do not have enough momentum from ND's close call against Stanford.

The Nov 24th AP poll still shows ND over OSU by 32 votes, prior week the delta was 83 votes.
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Sadly if the AP is a predictor of the coaches and Harris polls we do not have enough momentum from ND's close call against Stanford.

The Nov 24th AP poll still shows ND over OSU by 32 votes, prior week the delta was 83 votes.


We're gonna need the daily double on the last day of the year to actually cement this thing then.

Come on UGA and FSU.:sad:
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I doubt FSU gets it done, but don't be shocked if UGA beat LSU.

You know, on one hand i think FSU is pretty damn bad and VT will kill them.

Then otoh, I think its not in Blacksburg and who the fuck has VT beaten this year?

As bad as FSU is, I really think its a toss up.

It will all come down to VT's D vs that dumb fuck FSU QB.
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I hope some folks are looking at the Notre Dame - Michigan game and figuring out why it's important for Michigan to start to win that sucker. Beating Michigan gives an early boost to a team that hardly needs one. We can do something (are doing something) about Michigan, but we can't do a thing about Notre Dame unless and until we get them on our schedule.

The AP poll is biased because it is based on newspaper outlets and there are far more of those on the coasts than in the Midwest. I'm going to guess that this was a major reason why ND resists joining a league. They want to keep that coast-to-coast exposure. That along with the fact that they don't have to win a league to win a BCS bearth and if they get a BCS bid, they don't have to split the pot with the rest of the have nots.
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Correction - that AP data may be showing old data - good as of Nov 24th - so it could indeed be the case that we get a view of any shifts in the winds today.

Yeah, i was wondering on that one.

The USA Today poll is always first out and its still not updated.

Some computer polls are. Check out Tellshows site for the impact of these as the day progresses.

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Well, I'm betting the ranch its ND - Oregon. I honestly believe the powers that be really aren't looking for ND - tOSU because its likely to dampen the feel-good story of the year. I think they'd rather see Oregon served up to ND, that way, everybody wins. Oregon finally gets the respect of being invited to a BCS bowl (along with both their fans), ND gets to complete the comeback story of the year (or so its called) by slaughtering a weaker opponent.

Let's face it, that's the BCS. Its political, its a beauty pagaent, its not about pitting the best football teams against each other. Fair? never. But then again, nothing in life is. Had we wanted to play in a BCS bowl, we simply needed to beat either Texas or PSU. And we let those games get away.
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BB it is not a beauty pagent, it is a money grab. That is why it will be ND OSU. This has nothing to do with making any one feel good. It has everything to do with business.

If you had the option between making some money and winning the lottery what would you do?
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Well, I'm betting the ranch its ND - Oregon. I honestly believe the powers that be really aren't looking for ND - tOSU because its likely to dampen the feel-good story of the year. I think they'd rather see Oregon served up to ND, that way, everybody wins. Oregon finally gets the respect of being invited to a BCS bowl (along with both their fans), ND gets to complete the comeback story of the year (or so its called) by slaughtering a weaker opponent.

Let's face it, that's the BCS. Its political, its a beauty pagaent, its not about pitting the best football teams against each other. Fair? never. But then again, nothing in life is. Had we wanted to play in a BCS bowl, we simply needed to beat either Texas or PSU. And we let those games get away.

This is the scenario that scares me the most and is completely plausible.

Its why I was rooting so hard for upsets this weekend.

LSU 19 Arkansas 17
ND 38 Stanford 31

Fucking uuuuggghhh.
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This fucking sucks. I thought we were almost a lock on friday, and now it seems we almost have no chance to land that bid over Oregon despite the fact that:

1) We played Texas, not Montana
2) We lost to #2, #3 in the Polls by a combined 10 points
3) Oregon lost to #1 USC by 35
4) We are rated higher in ever poll and BCS
5) We arent lobbying like bitches to the Fiesta Bowl commisioner.
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This fucking sucks. I thought we were almost a lock on friday, and now it seems we almost have no chance to land that bid over Oregon despite the fact that:

1) We played Texas, not Montana
2) We lost to #2, #3 in the Polls by a combined 10 points
3) Oregon lost to #1 USC by 35
4) We are rated higher in ever poll and BCS
5) We arent lobbying like bitches to the Fiesta Bowl commisioner.

I give you four out of five, but don't underestimate the aggressivness of the Big 10 and Ohio State PR folks in going for the money.
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