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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

VaTech is already out for an atlarge bid, if they win their conference championship game they are in, if they lose they dont have a chance.

oh, and mandel is retarded, the ducks arent going.

What he said about VT.

The reason we still want them to lose another game is so we can potentially move to BCS #4 and end all the Oregon/tOSU speculation once and for all.

Same for LSU and ND.
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The way in which Herby and Corso were talking during Gameday this mroning it sounded like Penn State to the Ornage is all but a done deal --
which should logically have ND vs our Buckeyes in the Fiesta, as Oregon isn't as compelling a case for the next at-large as tOSU.

And Mandel will have to eat his words.
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So Oregon's only quality win is over Fresno - the Fresno State that lost to Nevada despite getting a TD miscall and Nevada intentionally taking a knee on the 1 yard line to finish the clock.

Between this and NDs laughable come-from-behind last minute TF against Stanford, this has to help our poll standings right? Or am I being naive in thinking that BCS rankings, SOS, and quality wins should determine who goes to the BCS bowls?
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Well, if it isn't those things, then the choice will be made on the business case and you can't convince me in a thousand years that ND Oregon will draw the TV audience and advertising revenue of ND Ohio State.

As for Lou Holtz and his comments on ESPN, when I find myself thinking that Mark May sounds intelligent, then I have to say I am amazed at the stupidity and homerism. Crying for Oregon because he knows Ohio State will beat Notre Dame is pathetic.

Bring 'em on.
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Well, if it isn't those things, then the choice will be made on the business case and you can't convince me in a thousand years that ND Oregon will draw the TV audience and advertising revenue of ND Ohio State.

As for Lou Holtz and his comments on ESPN, when I find myself thinking that Mark May sounds intelligent, then I have to say I am amazed at the stupidity and homerism. Crying for Oregon because he knows Ohio State will beat Notre Dame is pathetic.

Bring 'em on.

I agree. Lou is totally biased against tOSU, likely b/c of the 2 wins we had against ND in the 90s.
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Trev and Mark were idiots, but at least I could see why ESPN would employ them. They looked good, could string sentences together and could talk without annoying impediments. For the life of me I have no idea why ESPN would employ Lou Doltz. He reeks of homer ism, is completely biased and talks like Greg Luganis with dental problems. Jeeze, I would take one of the SEC rubes over that dumb cheating idiot.
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Trev and Mark were idiots, but at least I could see why ESPN would employ them. They looked good, could string sentences together and could talk without annoying impediments. For the life of me I have no idea why ESPN would employ Lou Doltz. He reeks of homer ism, is completely biased and talks like Greg Luganis with dental problems. Jeeze, I would take one of the SEC rubes over that dumb cheating idiot.

Lately, Mark has shown lotta love to tOSU. That makes him little smarter than trev or lou
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Here are 2 numbers to remember when the polls come out.

48 and 82.

Thats how many more votes ND had than us in the USA and harris polls repectively.

We should jump them in the USA and VT should jump them in the Harris.

Of course if whats actually fair and just actually happens in college football I'll be amazed.
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Wisconsin has accepted a bid to play in the CapitalOne Bowl (Big Ten #2 if not BCS).

Would the CapOne bowl extend an invitation to Wisoconsin if they thought there was a chance we would be available? Answer...NO.

We are in....Period
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I heard this on the radio, but after looking for a link...it appears as if the offer is contingent upon whether we receive a BCS bid.

my bad

"Wisconsin (9-3), which gave Alvarez his sixth nine-victory season, now must wait for the Bowl Championship Series picture to come into focus.
However, it appears that if Ohio State (9-2) receives one of the two BCS at-large berths, UW will be invited to the Capital One Bowl on Jan. 2 in Orlando to face a team from the Southeastern Conference.
"I just talked to Rudy Martzke, one of our illustrious alums who comes from the Capital One Bowl," Alvarez said. "He said we're in if Ohio State gets into the BCS."
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