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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

Tough choices ahead for Fiesta Bowl
<HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->EAST LANSING, Mich. - The men in the colorful jackets waited out Joe Paterno's post-game news conference Saturday so they could congratulate the venerable coach in person.

Two representatives from the Orange Bowl and one from the Fiesta shook hands with Paterno and chatted with him briefly. There was really no point in trying to maintain a conversation.

With a mob of shouting, rambunctious Penn State fans just a few feet away, it would have been like trying to get a stranger's number at a Metallica concert.

After Paterno left, the crowd began hollering at the man wearing the gold jacket, Fiesta Bowl representative Dave Tilson.

"Give it to Paterno!" shouted one man.

"We put you on the map!" screamed another.

Tilson took it well, smiling as he moved on.

Considering the tough decisions they'll have to make in two weeks, Fiesta Bowl officials had better get used to the heckling. Assuming the bowl loses Big 12 anchor Texas to the Rose Bowl, the Fiesta will have the first and third selections among the eligible Bowl Championship Series teams.

That means Fiesta Bowl President John Junker will risk alienating conference officials and large segments of fans.

"We try to make sensible decisions," Junker said Sunday, "so that reasonable people can look at them and say, 'I understand that.'

"One problem: No one has ever accused college football fans of being reasonable."

And with the first pick ...

As one of the hecklers outside Spartan Stadium alluded to, Penn State and the Fiesta Bowl have made beautiful music together. The Nittany Lions are 6-0 in Tempe, Ariz., and the 1987 matchup between Penn State and Miami still ranks as the most-watched college football game of all time.

So of course the Fiesta would be tempted to take 10-1 Penn State.

But if Notre Dame beats Stanford on Saturday to become eligible for a BCS game, it will be nearly impossible for the Fiesta to pass up the Irish.

Why? Notre Dame is a national team with a national following. And the renaissance of Notre Dame football under Charlie Weis is even more compelling than Paterno's riches-to-rags-to-riches story.

If the Fiesta selects Notre Dame, the Orange could not pass up Penn State.
So that's when the Fiesta would have to make its second decision regarding a Big Ten team. Which team do you pair with Notre Dame: 9-2 Ohio State or 10-1 Oregon?

Though Junker attended Saturday's Alabama-Auburn game, Ohio State and Oregon are the only at-large teams worth discussing -- barring a USC loss to UCLA or a Texas loss in the Big 12 championship game. (Both will be Dec. 3.)

With Miami having been upset by Georgia Tech on Saturday, Virginia Tech is effectively out of the at-large pool. If the Hokies win out, they'll host the Orange Bowl as the Atlantic Coast Conference champ. If they lose again, officials from BCS games would lose interest.

So back to Ohio State ...

When the Fiesta Bowl selected Ohio State as an at-large team two years ago, Junker cited a survey conducted by the state of Arizona that found that more than 30,000 Ohio State graduates live within a day's drive of Phoenix. The Buckeyes beat Kansas State 35-28 and the game drew 73,425, just a few thousand shy of a sellout.

"That's certainly a factor to their benefit, as are other factors," Junker said.

"We've been at or near a sellout every year, so the major issue is: Which team is going to bring enthusiastic fans in large numbers, fans who will participate in community activities?"

Ohio State scores well in that one, but here's another factor: The Fiesta Bowl's TV partner, ABC, favors having teams from different regions of the country. And that's where Oregon has a huge advantage over Ohio State.

Oregon last appeared in the 2002 Fiesta, hammering Colorado 38-16 in a game that attracted 74,118 fans and drew a TV rating of 11.3. Ohio State's 2004 victory over Kansas State drew an 8.5 with the Nielsen folks.

The Ducks, who drubbed Oregon State 56-14 on Saturday, have survived several close calls but have lost only once, a 45-13 thrashing by USC.

Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany said Saturday he would "absolutely" lobby for Ohio State, adding, "That's my job."

The conference would receive an additional $4.5 million (for a $22.8 million total) if it gets two teams in the BCS.

Source: Kentucky.com
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Do these people not know that there would be as many people watching Notre Dame against tOSU than anyother possible matchup besides the Texas/USC and it would be pretty darn close.

Ohio St. and Notre Lame probably have two of the biggest followings of any colleges. The game would sell out in a heartbeat.
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Well written article but I would argue the Nielsen ratings vs KSU part.

The author is showing Oregon's lone appearence and saying they had an 11.3 while we had an 8.5 vs KSU.

To be fair you have to factor in what a team like KSU does to those ratings.

The pervious year for the NC the Nielsen rating was 18.2 iirc so again, I think the real TV appeal of OSU vs a big name opponent is closer to that number than the 8.5.

Regardless, I'm pretty confident we'll get the nod over Oregon. Still a lot of football to be played as well. LSU and VT could easily lose their CC games and ND stil has to beat Stanford. If we move up 2 BCS spots its all a moot conversation.
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i'd like to agree with you, but i'd be surprised if a notre dame-penn state game is not the highest rated non-national championship bcs game to date. while pulling in big numbers, an ohio state-virginia tech game couldn't compete with that. again, i'd like to be proven wrong. heck, i hope i can't, which would possibly mean that ohio state plays notre dame and penn state plays virginia tech.
he said OSU/VT or OSU/ND. VT would not match up, but OSU/ND would trump PSU/ND.
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I agree. Stop scheduling those Big10 teams that will back out at the last moment
LOL! Yea, Indiana has just dominated the Big Ten! Way to go out on a limb Oregon!!! You want to elevate your program, instead of paying for bulletin boards and lobbying.....strengthen your schedule like FSU did in their yearly years. Don't hire lobbyists!

And speaking of "pretenders". I understand their is a chance that Whitner, and Youboty may leave early for the NFL. This Ohio State team should AGAIN be well represented in the NFL draft, an amazing accomplisment considering we are a "Pretender" team!!!
Anyways, sorry to get off the topic. I just wanted to take a shot at that "Pretender" comment and when I read about Whitner/Youboty thing this thought came to mind.

Now back to the discussion...
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Weekend Watch List: Fiesta won't be a party without Buckeyes
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width=10> </TD><TD>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD style="BORDER-LEFT: #cccccc 1px solid" width=5> </TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- T9060914 --><!-- Sesame Modified: 11/24/2005 14:01:23 --><!-- sversion: 3 $Updated: fagan$ -->Those yellow-coated Fiesta scouts are hanging on Notre Dame's every snap against Stanford on Saturday night to see if it can firm up one half of its bowl.
Notre Dame qualifies for BCS status by winning at Palo Alto. "Qualifies" is code for lead-pipe lock for the Fiesta. If Southern California and Texas meet in the Rose Bowl as expected, the Fiesta gets first pick of all the available talent.
Penn State's 10-1 season might be the feel-good story of the season. Notre Dame is literally the most famous football program in the nation. So there's that tiebreaker. Then the question becomes who to match against the Irish?
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=175 align=left><TBODY><TR><TD width=175>
</TD><TD width=15> </TD></TR><TR><TD width=175>If Fiesta Bowl officials have any sense, Oregon coach Mike Bellotti won't get soaked at Sun Devil Stadium. (AP) </TD><TD width=15> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Pac-10 commissioner Tom Hansen, whose league is a Fiesta partner, wants 10-1 Oregon to get a shot. He calls Notre Dame against Ohio State a "regional" game. If you consider the co-champion of the conference that commands a quarter of the nation's TVs vs. the flagship university for one of the world's largest religions then, sure, it's regional.
That begs the question -- what is the appeal of Notre Dame-Oregon beyond Eugene and some overseas manufacturing plants? Maybe all the nation's Nike wearers will band together and support de facto Oregon president Phil Knight, the former Nike CEO who is now the chairman of the board of directors. Knight's company has basically paid for any Oregon athletic facility of note.
Oregon AD Bill Moos and coach Mike Bellotti flew to Phoenix this week to make a presentation. Unless Knight provided more than the Gulfstream to get them there (hint: a sizable "donation" to the Fiesta's favorite charity would have helped), then the deal is done.
Nike might be the world's most recognizable brand, but it is trumped in this case by brand-name football. Notre Dame-Ohio State would pit two frontrunners for the 2006 Heisman (Brady Quinn vs. Troy Smith). The Close to the Sweater-Vest Offense vs. The Smartest Coach in the World. The luck of the Irish vs. the Luckeyes.
Who can forget Ohio State's 12th man (Big 12 official Terry Porter in the 2002 national championship game)?
After much hand-wringing, the Fiesta does the right and obvious thing. Sorry Ducks.
Play the games first: A few dopes have declared the Heisman race over.
That's pretty much why they're dopes.
Sure, Reggie Bush put up a number (513 all-purpose yards vs. Fresno State) and performance that was one of the ages. But if you listen to the knee jerks, there's no reason to play the rest of the season. Hand him the hardware.
It's obvious The Dopes haven't been through many Heisman races. Like the one in 2002, when Carson Palmer didn't start his engine until halfway through the season and clinched the trophy in a nationally televised victory against Notre Dame in late November.
Check the calendar. Christmas shopping has barely begun. Vince Young went into Friday with two games left. Bush has one monumental do-or-die contest next week against UCLA. We'll entertain ideas that the Heisman is down to a two-man race. Maybe. But over? To quote a famous frat brother, nothing's over until we decide it is.
Young is quite capable of putting up a couple of 500-yarders himself considering the remaining competition (Saturday against Texas A&M and Colorado or Iowa State in the Big 12 title game). UCLA-USC figures to be a track meet, so who knows what Bush will do. Or his teammate, old What's His Name. The guy won some kind of award last year.
The Dopes want to make the Heisman race Short Attention Span Theater.
We want to savor the moment, and a leftover turkey leg or two.
Etc: Georgia Tech is ranked for the first time since 2001 going into the Georgia game. The Dawgs have the SEC East wrapped up. The No. 21 Yellow Jackets (7-3) wish the season wasn't ending after the upset of Miami ...
LSU (9-1) has won nine games (eight in a row) for the fourth time in five years. That's the best run for the school since 1969-73, when Charlie McClendon won nine for five years in a row. The Tigers still need to beat Arkansas to clinch the SEC West ...
The best news for Tennessee wrapping up its nightmare season at Kentucky is that former assistant David Cutcliffe is about to become the new offensive coordinator. The entities are traveling in different directions. Tennessee started the season ranked third. Cutcliffe started the season recovering from triple bypass ...
Arizona State's Dirk Koetter might need to beat Arizona on Friday to keep his job. The Sun Devils are 5-5 after a 3-1 start and have lost two of the past four to the Wildcats ...
Colorado is trying to wrap up the Big 12 North in its annual "red-letter" game against Nebraska. Former coach Bill McCartney literally circled the game in red on old schedules back in the 1980s when the Buffs had no hope of competing.
The punch-in code for entering the CU locker room was 6236 as recently as two years ago, according to one report. That was the score of the 2001 game (CU 63, Nebraska 26) that more or less signaled the decline of Huskers football. Nebraska still went to the Rose Bowl that year but hasn't been the same since ...
Has a Florida State-Florida game meant any less in recent years? It's a rivalry, but FSU has clinched its division, casting serious doubts on the ACC's strength this year. Urban Meyer goes into the final regular-season game with a Ron Zook-like 7-3 mark.
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CFN is showing that wisconsin has accepted the Capitol One bowl bid. Congrats to wiscy and BA on an excellent final season and a Jan bowl game.

What would happen if by some chance we weren't invited to a BCS bowl? Where would the buckeyes end up going?
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CFN is showing that wisconsin has accepted the Capitol One bowl bid. Congrats to wiscy and BA on an excellent final season and a Jan bowl game.

What would happen if by some chance we weren't invited to a BCS bowl? Where would the buckeyes end up going?

Just heard that also. wonder if they know something we don't? one wouldn't think they would pass on the bucks in favor of wisky, but i guess, anything is possible.
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