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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

i think notre dame would throttle them just not as bad as we would. i watched oregon even with klemens and i wasnt impressed. i think their current qb is actually opening them up more because he is way more mobile and they run the option better. he seems to pass decently. i think oregon is receiving too much love from the media personally.

i think either way you look at it OSU vs Va Tech or OSU vs ND it will be a massive game and it strikes a big interest nationwide and i can almost guarantee it will be the 2nd most watched bowl game after the natl championship.

Really? I personally can't think of a single time I've seen someone on college gameday compliment them. Notre Dame wouldn't throttle them unless the defense had a complete meltdown. I think it would be a good game. Kellen Clemens is good and was mobile. I'm not saying Oregon should get in ahead of Ohio St. or that I want them too because I don't but I do think they would surprise some teams. I know they got torched by USC but I think it was kind of a fluke game and would be a lot closer if they played again.
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Dryden, You can make a case that 2001 was a NC year for Oregon. Because the only thing that matters is what Oregon fans percieve in their minds. So you would have to compare the 11.3 Oregon rating to our NC Year of 17.2. And there is no comparison!

If Oregon is ticked then they should drop the Montana's from their schedules. Do what Florida State did to get more recognition and go play tougher schools.

That is something they can control!

Think about this, what kind of reaction would Ohio State get scheduling a Montana. The talking heads on sports radio would be lambasting Ohio State! Wouldn't they!!!
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Really? I personally can't think of a single time I've seen someone on college gameday compliment them. Notre Dame wouldn't throttle them unless the defense had a complete meltdown. I think it would be a good game. Kellen Clemens is good and was mobile. I'm not saying Oregon should get in ahead of Ohio St. or that I want them too because I don't but I do think they would surprise some teams. I know they got torched by USC but I think it was kind of a fluke game and would be a lot closer if they played again.

Man are you kidding me? Oregon has almost lost their last two games to two shitty teams...

If Oregon is upset about being left out, then why dont they actually schedule a real football team.
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Man are you kidding me? Oregon has almost lost their last two games to two shitty teams...

If Oregon is upset about being left out, then why dont they actually schedule a real football team.

They scheduled Fresno St. Montana was a stupid team to schedule but I heard the guy who did used to be the athletic director at Montana and was doing them a favor. Arizona is tougher with their new quarterback as you saw when they beat the shit out of UCLA. Washington St. is tougher than their record suggests and it was at Pullman. Once again, I'm not saying Oregon is better than Ohio St. because they're not but they are better than some people on this forum are making them out to be.
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They scheduled Fresno St. Montana was a stupid team to schedule but I heard the guy who did used to be the athletic director at Montana and was doing them a favor. Arizona is tougher with their new quarterback as you saw when they beat the shit out of UCLA. Washington St. is tougher than their record suggests and it was at Pullman. Once again, I'm not saying Oregon is better than Ohio St. because they're not but they are better than some people on this forum are making them out to be.

Here's Oregon's schedule:

<TABLE class=yspwhitebg cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Thu, Sep 1</TD><TD>at Houston</TD><TD>W 38-24</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 10</TD><TD>Montana</TD><TD>W 47-14</TD><TD noWrap>http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/ooe#</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 17</TD><TD>(16) Fresno State</TD><TD>W 37-34</TD><TD noWrap>http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/ooe#</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 24</TD><TD>(1) USC</TD><TD>L 13-45</TD><TD noWrap>http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/ooe#</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 1</TD><TD>at Stanford</TD><TD>W 44-20</TD><TD noWrap>http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/ooe#</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 8</TD><TD>at Arizona State</TD><TD>W 31-17</TD><TD noWrap>http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/ooe#</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 15</TD><TD>Washington</TD><TD>W 45-21</TD><TD noWrap>http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/ooe#</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 22</TD><TD>at Arizona</TD><TD>W 28-21</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 5</TD><TD>California</TD><TD>W 27-20</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 12</TD><TD>at Washington State</TD><TD>W 34-31</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18> </TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 19</TD><TD>Oregon State</TD><TD>W 56-14

You tell me how many of those teams are quality teams?

Arizona is 3-7, by the way; so that doesn't impress me, at all.
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Here's Oregon's schedule:

<TABLE class=yspwhitebg cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Thu, Sep 1</TD><TD>at Houston</TD><TD>W 38-24</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 10</TD><TD>Montana</TD><TD>W 47-14</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 17</TD><TD>(16) Fresno State</TD><TD>W 37-34</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 24</TD><TD>(1) USC</TD><TD>L 13-45</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 1</TD><TD>at Stanford</TD><TD>W 44-20</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 8</TD><TD>at Arizona State</TD><TD>W 31-17</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 15</TD><TD>Washington</TD><TD>W 45-21</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 22</TD><TD>at Arizona</TD><TD>W 28-21</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 5</TD><TD>California</TD><TD>W 27-20</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 12</TD><TD>at Washington State</TD><TD>W 34-31</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 19</TD><TD>Oregon State</TD><TD>W 56-14

You tell me how many of those teams are quality teams?

Arizona is 3-7, by the way; so that doesn't impress me, at all.

USC, Arizona(questionable), and Fresno St. Arizona brought out their freshman quarterback during the Oregon game and now they're a completely different team. I'm not going to continue this because I've already stated my case that Oregon is better than you think.
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Here's Oregon's schedule:

<TABLE class=yspwhitebg cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Thu, Sep 1</TD><TD>at Houston</TD><TD>W 38-24</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 10</TD><TD>Montana</TD><TD>W 47-14</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 17</TD><TD>(16) Fresno State</TD><TD>W 37-34</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Sep 24</TD><TD>(1) USC</TD><TD>L 13-45</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 1</TD><TD>at Stanford</TD><TD>W 44-20</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 8</TD><TD>at Arizona State</TD><TD>W 31-17</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 15</TD><TD>Washington</TD><TD>W 45-21</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Oct 22</TD><TD>at Arizona</TD><TD>W 28-21</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 5</TD><TD>California</TD><TD>W 27-20</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 12</TD><TD>at Washington State</TD><TD>W 34-31</TD><TD noWrap></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 vAlign=top><TD height=18></TD><TD noWrap>Sat, Nov 19</TD><TD>Oregon State</TD><TD>W 56-14

You tell me how many of those teams are quality teams?

Arizona is 3-7, by the way; so that doesn't impress me, at all.

fresno is the only good team they have played after USC. wash st, arizona, and stanford are solid and play people tough but their defenses are pathetic. cal is shitty. illinois made a game with them for most of the game. IMO fresno deserves the BCS bid because i think they have improved and could compete more than oregon. dont get me wrong i dont think oregon is terrible i just dont think they should be even remotely considered to beat anybody out for a BCS game. they can go to the capital one. :)
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fresno is the only good team they have played after USC. wash st, arizona, and stanford are solid and play people tough but their defenses are pathetic. cal is shitty. illinois made a game with them for most of the game. IMO fresno deserves the BCS bid because i think they have improved and could compete more than oregon. dont get me wrong i dont think oregon is terrible i just dont think they should be even remotely considered to beat anybody out for a BCS game. they can go to the capital one. :)

Arizona's defense is pretty solid.
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