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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

BKB: "I doubt FSU gets it done, but don't be shocked if UGA beat LSU."

Agreed. I think LSU is very overrated & coasted on a weak schedule this season. I'm picking the 'Dawgs, in fact.

Jax: "As bad as FSU is, I really think its a toss up."

Not me. FSU is awful. And they've been slumping too .. did you watch the Florida-FSU game yesterday? They didn't even show a pulse in their biggest game of the year. And Florida aint that good ..

BuckeyeBill: "Well, I'm betting the ranch its ND - Oregon. I honestly believe the powers that be really aren't looking for ND - tOSU because its likely to dampen the feel-good story of the year. I think they'd rather see Oregon served up to ND, that way, everybody wins. Oregon finally gets the respect of being invited to a BCS bowl (along with both their fans), ND gets to complete the comeback story of the year (or so its called) by slaughtering a weaker opponent."

Not a chance. These Bowl people don't care about the result of the game. All they care about is what match-up they could make to draw as many dollars as possible. They don't make another dollar if ND wins, and to be quite honest, all hype aside, I think Oregon is BETTER than ND. They are far from a sacrificial lamb.

Ohio State-Notre Dame would draw enormous interest, a boatload of tourists, immeasurable pre-game hype (maybe as much as the Rose Bowl even), and TV ratings through the roof. Notre Dame-Oregon wouldn't achieve even half of that. That's all they care about.
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In response to BuckeyeBill comment.
The money is commited before the outcome of the game and in anticipation of it .......

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they wouldn't care about the outcome/score!
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Not a chance. These Bowl people don't care about the result of the game. All they care about is what match-up they could make to draw as many dollars as possible. They don't make another dollar if ND wins, and to be quite honest, all hype aside, I think Oregon is BETTER than ND. They are far from a sacrificial lamb.

Ohio State-Notre Dame would draw enormous interest, a boatload of tourists, immeasurable pre-game hype (maybe as much as the Rose Bowl even), and TV ratings through the roof. Notre Dame-Oregon wouldn't achieve even half of that. That's all they care about.

The fallacy with that argument is that the money is there regardless of whether its Oregon or Ohio State. Television will still get a great draw, and the game will almost certainly be a sell-out. And while I think Ohio State and the B10 have enormous pull, so do the PAC10 and Notre Dame (I'm betting ND doesn't really want to play us). Guess I'm feeling a little cynical, but that's how I see it going down. We'll know soon enough...
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scarletngrey77 said:
This fucking sucks. I thought we were almost a lock on friday, and now it seems we almost have no chance to land that bid over Oregon despite the fact that:

1) We played Texas, not Montana
2) We lost to #2, #3 in the Polls by a combined 10 points
3) Oregon lost to #1 USC by 35
4) We are rated higher in ever poll and BCS
5) We arent lobbying like bitches to the Fiesta Bowl commisioner.
where's this doom and gloom coming from?
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The fallacy with that argument is that the money is there regardless of whether its Oregon or Ohio State. Television will still get a great draw, and the game will almost certainly be a sell-out. And while I think Ohio State and the B10 have enormous pull, so do the PAC10 and Notre Dame (I'm betting ND doesn't really want to play us). Guess I'm feeling a little cynical, but that's how I see it going down. We'll know soon enough...

tOSU has a WAY bigger fan base than oregon. no way would the ducks draw the same tv no's as us. ESPECIALLY us playing ND.
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Television will still get a great draw, and the game will almost certainly be a sell-out. And while I think Ohio State and the B10 have enormous pull, so do the PAC10 and Notre Dame (I'm betting ND doesn't really want to play us).

I totally disagree. I am not sure about the sellout, but there is NO WAY the television ratings of ND-Oregon would be anywhere near ND-tOSU. No one outside of Eugene, Oregon gives a darn about Oregon football.
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Jumping ND in the human polls is huge fellas.

It could mean that we only need 1 of the 2 upsets to go down next weekend.

We won't know untill we see the numbers but here's my line of thought:

We are close to VT as it is, with the extra points we pick up from jumping ND we could pass them even with 2 losses to their 1.

Then say LSU goes down to UGA, we are in a BCS dog fight with VT for #4.

It may not go down that way but it would really be helpful to only need the LSU loss vs the VT loss to FSU because obviously the LSU loss is a lot more likely.

Obviously it doesn't work for us if LSU wins and VT loses.

I know this is all splitting hairs but I'll feel a lot better with that BCS #4 and putting this BOHICA feeling I'm getting to bed once and for all.
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help me out here. If wisky has already accepted a capital one bowl bid, where do we go if not the bcs? and if capital one has an obligation to take the no.2 bigten team, then how in the hell do they not wait for the co-champs bowl destination to be decided before they start inviting? wtf???
unless, they know something we don't.
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help me out here. If wisky has already accepted a capital one bowl bid, where do we go if not the bcs? and if capital one has an obligation to take the no.2 bigten team, then how in the hell do they not wait for the co-champs bowl destination to be decided before they start inviting? wtf???
unless, they know something we don't.

The Wisky offer is CONTINGENT on OSU going to the BCS.

If we do not get selected then obviously we are going to the Cap 1 bowl.
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The fallacy with that argument is that the money is there regardless of whether its Oregon or Ohio State. Television will still get a great draw, and the game will almost certainly be a sell-out. And while I think Ohio State and the B10 have enormous pull, so do the PAC10 and Notre Dame (I'm betting ND doesn't really want to play us). Guess I'm feeling a little cynical, but that's how I see it going down. We'll know soon enough...

Oregon doesnt have national TV pull. Majority of Pac10 games arent shown nationally because of the time difference. Americans arent going to stay up untill 12-1am to finish off a game unless they are either at it, or it is a tight USC struggle. OSU gets national recognition weekly during prime time. The nation will watch more OSU matchups than the Oregon matchups. OSU has also had a much stronger SOS than Oregon and won a conference crown this year.
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