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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

BuckeyeBill: "The fallacy with that argument is that the money is there regardless of whether its Oregon or Ohio State."

Yes, there will be a huge amount of money involved, be it Oregon or OSU. But no business exec in the world is going to say, "Oh, we'd make a million dollars anyway, there's no need to get greedy and make 2 million dollars with Ohio State." There is potentially a lot more money to be made with the Buckeyes than with the Ducks. You're overlooking that completely.

"Television will still get a great draw, and the game will almost certainly be a sell-out."

What about the million more Ohioas than Oregonians that will travel to Tempe, stay in the local hotels, and spend money around the city (even if they don't go to the game)? Tourism is a huge factor, and the biggest reason why these Bowls exist in the first place.

What about the increased advertising dollars to the network in anticipation of a higher rating?
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I think we would beat ND. But I don't think it would be a walk in the park. Charlie is a master mind and is very capable of scheming surprises that may hurt you before you can adjust to them.

We will roll, but it will be a game.
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BuckeyeBill: "The fallacy with that argument is that the money is there regardless of whether its Oregon or Ohio State."

Yes, there will be a huge amount of money involved, be it Oregon or OSU. But no business exec in the world is going to say, "Oh, we'd make a million dollars anyway, there's no need to get greedy and make 2 million dollars with Ohio State." There is potentially a lot more money to be made with the Buckeyes than with the Ducks. You're overlooking that completely.

"Television will still get a great draw, and the game will almost certainly be a sell-out."

What about the million more Ohioas than Oregonians that will travel to Tempe, stay in the local hotels, and spend money around the city (even if they don't go to the game)? Tourism is a huge factor, and the biggest reason why these Bowls exist in the first place.

What about the increased advertising dollars to the network in anticipation of a higher rating?
I will be the first to admit I don't have a crystal ball, so I really don't want to belabor the point (that being said, I will do just that). It is not clear to me that the benefits to the local business community will have that much effect on the team selections unless those benefits reach the Fiesta Bowl itself. And keep in mind that ND has a huge national following that may easily make up for the paltry few that follow Oregon. The Fiesta Bowl wants a full stadium and their advertising dollars sold. They will likely get both. With regard to the television contract it seems to me that the contract terms are probably established well before the teams are selected.

I don't know what's going to happen, I certainly hope the Buckeyes make it to one of the BCS bowls because I really believe they should be there above Oregon. As I said in an earlier post, just feeling a little cynical today.
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how do you figure...you think that Auburn is better than ND...i think everyone is underestimating weis and his ability to game plan not to mention the fact that he'd have over a month to prepare for this game...i think auburn would be an easier game
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I think we would beat ND. But I don't think it would be a walk in the park. Charlie is a master mind and is very capable of scheming surprises that may hurt you before you can adjust to them.

We will roll, but it will be a game.
despite Charlie's genius, and his runny nose, he will not be out there on the field getting hit by AJ Hawk, Anthony Schlegal, Donte Whitner, David Patterson, Marcus Green, Mike Kudla, and the rest of the Silver Bullets. i don't care what the scheme is, when Quinn gets hit in the mouth on the first play of the game, that scheme will go out the window... i recall the Canes' coaching staff admitting that they abandoned their blocking shemes against us early in the Fiesta Bowl. this wasn't because they had a bad gameplan. it was because they couldn't stop us...no matter how much film you watch, until you play against us, you don't realize how fucking strong and fast our Defense really is... if the Stanford Cardinal can harass Quinn (and they did), then the Silver Bullets will beat the shit out of him... and we have an offense that can keep the D fresh while putting up points...

the Irish will not be able to run on us. Quinn will be forced to pass... against our secondary, he WILL NOT put up the bug numbers he is accustomed to... the D will harass him into making mistakes, and Troy will make them pay...
it will be a bloodbath. and we will finally have one up on those conceited bastards...

i'm fucking pumped... i was talking to my father today, and he said he might have two tickets to the Fiesta for me... Fuck Notre Dame.
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BuckeyeBill: "It is not clear to me that the benefits to the local business community will have that much effect on the team selections unless those benefits reach the Fiesta Bowl itself."

The city of Tempe and the Fiesta Bowl are intertwined. Just like Miami & the Orange Bowl, Pasadena & the Rose Bowl, and so on .. the Bowl games are played (and were created in the first place) to bring tourists and money into the local economies. You think the Fiesta Bowl doesn't benefit financially by pumping as much money in Tempe's local economy as possible?

"And keep in mind that ND has a huge national following that may easily make up for the paltry few that follow Oregon."

????? - Let me make this clear:
1,000,000 Notre Dame fans + 500 Oregon fans = 1,000,500 fans. Which is less than (<) 1,000,000 Notre Dame fans + 800,000 Ohio State fans = 1,800,000. I'm not sure what's not getting through here.

If Notre Dame fans can instantly cure all ills, there are no financial benefits brought by opponents, and a ND win is so important, lets just scrap the whole system and schedule a Notre Dame-Rutgers Fiesta Bowl each and every season.

"With regard to the television contract it seems to me that the contract terms are probably established well before the teams are selected."

It works this way: money goes from advertisers to network, and then to the Fiesta Bowl. The Fiesta Bowl may get a contractually set amount of money, but the networks don't necessarily do with its advertisers. The networks can charge more money for a game that has highly antcipated ratings. i.e., the network may charge $2 million for a commercial spot during the Super Bowl, but significantly less for the Jets-Saints match-up going on ESPN as I type this.

You don't think it benefits the Fiesta Bowl to make the Network more money??
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You know what, we beat scUM so my season is already complete. Whatever Bowl we go to is just gravy as far as I'm concerned. The thing that we have in our favor is that we have a marquise player in AJ Hawk. These Big Bowl games are sold by the stars who play in them. Who of you out there can name a single player for Oregon? I sure as hell can't. I can see the promos for a Buckeye/Domer showdown right now. They're gonna pimp Brady Quinn passing and AJ devastating ballcarriers. THAT, to me, it what sells a game. Plus, you would be looking at two teams that are basically loved by their fan base and hated by everybody else. Are there any fans in the nation that are "neutral" on TOSU or ND? I doubt it. These facts alone make it the "perfect match."
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You know what, we beat scUM so my season is already complete. Whatever Bowl we go to is just gravy as far as I'm concerned. The thing that we have in our favor is that we have a marquise player in AJ Hawk. These Big Bowl games are sold by the stars who play in them. Who of you out there can name a single player for Oregon? I sure as hell can't. I can see the promos for a Buckeye/Domer showdown right now. They're gonna pimp Brady Quinn passing and AJ devastating ballcarriers. THAT, to me, it what sells a game. Plus, you would be looking at two teams that are basically loved by their fan base and hated by everybody else. Are there any fans in the nation that are "neutral" on TOSU or ND? I doubt it. These facts alone make it the "perfect match."

What about the appeal of piss yellow and baby shit green uniforms cleverly designed by Nike against the most storied tradition in college football that has to have the Fiesta bowl people and ABC execs chomping at the bit...
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Oregon doesnt have national TV pull. Majority of Pac10 games arent shown nationally because of the time difference. Americans arent going to stay up untill 12-1am to finish off a game unless they are either at it, or it is a tight USC struggle.

Apparently I am an illegal alien, since I live East of the Mississippi and have done that on multiple occasions this year. :wink2:
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It's amazing. The ND koolaid has even made its way to some on our very own board, I tell you what. ND is not only NOT a top 5 team, I dont think they are a top 15 team. ND is the equivilent (same record too) of Texas Tech. Texas Tech is the same style, big air offense, no defense, lost to one of the undefeateds and a second lesser team. But Texas Tech is ranked 18th, while ND is 7th? I call bullshit. I can't wait to watch us DISMANTLE that team. Fuck the domers!
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