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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

as i said before, the Orange will select Ohio State as the at large bid, due to the fact that the smaller Oregon fan base will not travel 3,000 miles, as well as Ohio State having a HUGE alumni presence in Florida, and also due to the fact that Miami is out... had Miami won, we would almost certainly have gotten a Penn State-Miami Orange Bowl, but that is now out the window... since the Fiesta will absolutely take ND with their first pick, it is a certainty that they will select Penn State.

not to mention the fact that the Orange Bowl reps were at the Northwestern game last week, and were VERY impressed with both the team and the fans... trust me here. the Fiesta loves us, and would love to see an ND-tOSU matchup, but there is a lot of pressure from the Powers That Be to NOT select Ohio State. the Orange Bowl committee will help the Fiesta out by taking Ohio State instead of Penn State... this will accomplish two things: 1) it will satisfy the people who would argue that the Fiesta plays favorites, and 2) it will give the Alumni base in Florida the chance to see the Buckeyes in Miami for the first time since 1976... not to mention the fact that i talked to a long time Fiesta Bowl ticket holder on Saturday, and he said that the ticket holders don't want to watch Ohio State again. they want someone else.

this is a virtual lock... i'll put my betting reputation on the line here, and concede my "pick 'em" title to whomever finishes second if Ohio State does not end up in the Orange Bowl...

Honestly, I'd be happy either way, but I think you'd better hold off until you see who wins the ACC championship game...if Florida State wins, there is no way the Orange Bowl would pass on a Paterno/Bowden matchup.

I think we're headed to the Fiesta personally to dismantle the Golden Homers, but time will tell.
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as bad as Vick has been in spots this season, specifically against the very athletic Miami D, FSU's QB situation has been even worse... i just don't see the Noles beating the Hokies... that being said, Herbie just picked Ohio State- Va Tech for the Orange Bowl, FWIW... i dunno about you guys, but i'll take Herbie's opinion over Mandell's any day of the week, and twice on Gameday...
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Herbie's not analyzing a game here, so I think he's speculating like everyone else...though Mandel is definitely an asstowel. I don't know, Penn State and ND play next season, so does that factor in? I know PSU has a good history with the Fiesta, but so does Ohio State...

A lot of these things can get done by back-room negotiating with Bowl reps, so it's just hard to say.
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as i said before, the Orange will select Ohio State as the at large bid, due to the fact that the smaller Oregon fan base will not travel 3,000 miles, as well as Ohio State having a HUGE alumni presence in Florida, and also due to the fact that Miami is out... had Miami won, we would almost certainly have gotten a Penn State-Miami Orange Bowl, but that is now out the window... since the Fiesta will absolutely take ND with their first pick, it is a certainty that they will select Penn State.

not to mention the fact that the Orange Bowl reps were at the Northwestern game last week, and were VERY impressed with both the team and the fans... trust me here. the Fiesta loves us, and would love to see an ND-tOSU matchup, but there is a lot of pressure from the Powers That Be to NOT select Ohio State. the Orange Bowl committee will help the Fiesta out by taking Ohio State instead of Penn State... this will accomplish two things: 1) it will satisfy the people who would argue that the Fiesta plays favorites, and 2) it will give the Alumni base in Florida the chance to see the Buckeyes in Miami for the first time since 1976... not to mention the fact that i talked to a long time Fiesta Bowl ticket holder on Saturday, and he said that the ticket holders don't want to watch Ohio State again. they want someone else.

this is a virtual lock... i'll put my betting reputation on the line here, and concede my "pick 'em" title to whomever finishes second if Ohio State does not end up in the Orange Bowl...

I still don't see how you can paint the endzones over that. I'll play the devil's advocate on this one. What if FSU beats VT in the ACC championship game? I think the Orange Bowl wouldn't mind pining the top 2 winningest coaches in a bowl game (they could even call it the "AARP Bowl"). I won't even argue Oregon, because they are NOT going to a BCS bowl game this year, and they are a moot point. The fact that Penn State beat us, shared the B10 title with us, and will be the #3 team in the country (should Texas and USC win out) COULD be too hard to pass up. The point about the ticket holders in Tempe not wanting to watch OSU again is also moot, because they will take whoever the Orange Bowl doesn't pick (either OSU or PSU).

I'm not saying that the Buckeyes are going to Tempe, but I'm saying that I still don't see how anyone can paint the endzones at this point, unless you're wearing an orange blazer. Herbie agrees with ya; he is picking ND and PSU in the Fiesta, VT and OSU in the Orange. If you're willing to put your pick 'em title on the line though, I'm #2 in winning percentage. :biggrin:
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JT just said...

Was listening to 1460 this evening and Kirk asked JT about Carpenter's injury. JT said there is still chance that Bobby can play but they won't know until the team is at the bowl site. Said that they won't rush Bobby as it could negatively impact his future but he wanted to play in as late a bowl as possible and then said something to the effect that Jan 3rd would be a good date. I think Jan 3 is the Orange Bowl? Probably nothing to read into but well, I did.:wink2:
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Was listening to 1460 this evening and Kirk asked JT about Carpenter's injury. JT said there is still chance that Bobby can play but they won't know until the team is at the bowl site. Said that they won't rush Bobby as it could negatively impact his future but he wanted to play in as late a bowl as possible and then said something to the effect that Jan 3rd would be a good date. I think Jan 3 is the Orange Bowl? Probably nothing to read into but well, I did.:wink2:

I don't think 1 more day will be the turning point... :wink2:
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I would rather see him not play at all than to jeopardize what will probably be a stellar, well deserved, pro career. I suspect that Carp might be an even bigger and more immediate impact player than Hawk. Besides, our #2 linebacking corps would be starting anywhere else in the country. That said, I hope that Carp recovers and is able to play on Jan 3
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If we do get screwed and get bumped from the BCS, we'll play the toughest of potential opponents in Auburn at the Capital One Bowl. IMO its Auburn, not ND or the Chokies/FSU who is playing the better football now.
Great point. Nobody wants to play Auburn right now. I would say though that Ohio State is probably the best suited team from the Big-10 to stop Auburn, since the Silver Bullets bring a stout rush defense. If OSU goes to the BCS, Wisconsin will fall into the Capital One Bowl and wind up getting torched.

The Outback Bowl, whether Iowa or Michigan wind up getting the nod, will probably get Alabama, which doesn't bode well for either Big-10 team since they'll struggle to score points against the Tide.
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This hasn't been mentioned in about 6 pages, so I'll bring it up again. If tOSU finishes fourth in the BCS, behind USC, Texas, and PSU, they automatically secure a BCS berth. In other words, if you root for FSU and Georgia, all this speculation will be moot, as the Buckeyes can't be denied at that point.
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I want to throw out something that might surprise some people; the attendance and TV Ratings for the last 20 Fiesta Bowls:<pre>Jan. 1, 2005 Utah 35, Pittsburgh 7 73,519 7.4<br>Jan. 2, 2004 Ohio State 35, Kansas State 28 73,425 8.5<br>Jan. 3, 2003 Ohio State 31, Miami 24 (2OT) 77,502 17.2<br>Jan. 1, 2002 Oregon 38, Colorado 16 74,118 11.3<br>Jan. 1, 2001 Oregon State 41, Notre Dame 9 75,428 10.7<br>Jan. 2, 2000 Nebraska 31, Tennessee 21 71,526 9.5<br>Jan. 4, 1999 Tennessee 23, Florida State 16 80,470 17.2<br>Dec. 31, 1997 Kansas State 35, Syracuse 18 69,367 5.8<br>Jan. 1, 1997 Penn State 38, Texas 15 65,106 10.0<br>Jan. 2, 1996 Nebraska 62, Florida 24 79,864 18.8<br>Jan. 2, 1995 Colorado 41, Notre Dame 24 73,968 6.0<br>Jan. 1, 1994 Arizona 29, Miami 0 72,260 7.9<br>Jan. 1, 1993 Syracuse 26, Colorado 22 70,224 6.2<br>Jan. 1, 1992 Penn State 42, Tennessee 17 71,133 7.0<br>Jan. 1, 1991 Louisville 24, Alabama 7 69,098 6.2<br>Jan. 1, 1990 Florida State 41, Nebraska 17 73,953 8.8<br>Jan. 2, 1989 Notre Dame 34, West Virginia 21 74,911 17.0<br>Jan. 1, 1988 Florida State 31, Nebraska 28 72,112 8.7<br>Jan. 2, 1987 Penn State 14, Miami 10 73,098 25.1<br>Jan. 1, 1986 Michigan 27, Nebraska 23 72,454 14.7</pre>The Oregon/Colorado Fiesta Bowl in 2002 had the highest attendance and the highest TV rating for a Fiesta Bowl that was not hosting Notre Dame or a national championship contending team. There may be a case that Oregon was possibly playing for the national championship that night if Miami lost to Nebraska in the Rose Bowl, but whatever the case the numbers are what the numbers are.

The Ohio State/Kansas State numbers from 2004 are downright disappointing, though the case there is the back-to-back trips.
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