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BCS Chances (El Gigante Merge)

ND friend of mine just made a good observation that the espn article touched on. If the Orange Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl get together, and have the Orange Bowl pick us 2nd, the Fiesta Bowl has no choice but to pick Penn State instead of Oregon. Then the Orange Bowl could claim they thought the Fiesta was going to take Oregon and the Fiesta can claim they were going to.
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ND friend of mine just made a good observation that the espn article touched on. If the Orange Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl get together, and have the Orange Bowl pick us 2nd, the Fiesta Bowl has no choice but to pick Penn State instead of Oregon. Then the Orange Bowl could claim they thought the Fiesta was going to take Oregon and the Fiesta can claim they were going to.

Well the Orange Bowl can't claim anything because they know PSU needs a bid. Maybe Oregon can lend Stanford a few players for the ND game.
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ND friend of mine just made a good observation that the espn article touched on. If the Orange Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl get together, and have the Orange Bowl pick us 2nd, the Fiesta Bowl has no choice but to pick Penn State instead of Oregon. Then the Orange Bowl could claim they thought the Fiesta was going to take Oregon and the Fiesta can claim they were going to.
Or they could be refreshingly honest and just say they didn't take Oregon because they won't bring in enough money.
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ND friend of mine just made a good observation that the espn article touched on. If the Orange Bowl and the Fiesta Bowl get together, and have the Orange Bowl pick us 2nd, the Fiesta Bowl has no choice but to pick Penn State instead of Oregon. Then the Orange Bowl could claim they thought the Fiesta was going to take Oregon and the Fiesta can claim they were going to.

i see that as long as the orange bowl would not rather have penn state than have ohio state. ohio state has not been to the orange bowl in a long time, so i see that as a very good possibility.

the oregon conspiracists will be shouting about this for ages. sign up oliver stone!
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this discussion is virtually over.

1) the Fiesta will take ND with their first pick.
2) the Orange will not take the Ducks, as the smaller fan base most likely will not travel 3,000 miles to see a game. therefore, the Orange will select Ohio State.
3) the Fiesta will then take Penn State.
4) the Sugar will get the SEC champ and WVU (who isn't as bad as people seem to think. they are consensus #9 in the computers.)
5) the Orange will get the ACC champ.

barring a rash of highly unlikely upsets, this is a done deal. we are going to the Orange Bowl.

paint the endzones.
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I agree with LVBuckeye. I think we end up in the Orange Bowl against VA Tech or Florida State. I also think that Coach T hinted that this is the bowl he would like to go to when discussing Bobby Carpenters injury and how it's possible he might be available if they played on Jan. 3rd :-)
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On 1460 Herbie said that OSU will go to a BCS Bowl, which is also what he said after college gameday, he seems really confident...
i'm listening to the show (via internet) right now, too, and it's fun to listen to herbie when he's away from the espn set. he really lets michigan have it. lol. yeah, my ears perked up when he mentioned that he spoke to some bowl representatives. reading between the lines, he said, going to a bcs game is a lock.

he picked vandy over tennessee? man, that guy is money in the bank. i knew a non-buckeye in florida who bet herbie picks. he swore by him.

edit: i think that we have some bp'ers calling in. a caller is mentioning brent's maize and blue attire.
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this discussion is virtually over.

1) the Fiesta will take ND with their first pick.
2) the Orange will not take the Ducks, as the smaller fan base most likely will not travel 3,000 miles to see a game. therefore, the Orange will select Ohio State.
3) the Fiesta will then take Penn State.
4) the Sugar will get the SEC champ and WVU (who isn't as bad as people seem to think. they are consensus #9 in the computers.)
5) the Orange will get the ACC champ.

barring a rash of highly unlikely upsets, this is a done deal. we are going to the Orange Bowl.

paint the endzones.

Why are you confident enough to paint the endzones on this one? Does the Orange Bowl not like PSU or like OSU better than PSU for their bowl game?? They showed Orange Bowl representitives on the field at MSU this past weekend. I'd love to beat those bastards from Indiana, but I'd almost equally love to go the the Orange (a bowl I've never witnessed us play in) and beat a team (VT, FSU) that we continually recruit blue chip prospects against.

We can paint the endzones that we will get a BCS bid. Beyond that, I think we'll have to wait to paint the 50-yard line on which bowl (Orange or Fiesta) we will play in.
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Steward Mandel needs to kill himself, I hate someone that gets paid to not know the facts. He has Oregon going to the Fiesta Bowl, mostly because we have already been there twice recently...

Meanwhile, in the paper this morning a Fiesta Bowl representative said that its actually a big positive for the Buckeyes that they have been there recently, because we surprised them with how well we traveled.

Listen, if you want pussy teams to schedule pussy opponents like Montana, then pick Oregon. But if you want exciting college football, games like #2 vs. #4, between two annual contenders, then make the right choice...
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The article that mentioned that JoePa has taken Penn State to 4 Orange Bowls conveniently left out the fact that the last one was 20 years ago!
Penn State has only been to 1 bowl game in Florida over the last 7 seasons, a Capital One Bowl loss to Auburn 3 years ago.

I still think the Orange will select Penn State, because they see JoePa as a bigger story. And the Fiesta can simply state that tOSU is ahead of Oregon in both human polls and the BCS standings, so there's no problem defending the choice. I'm aware that the BCS bowls have the ability to work things out for the best overall scenario, but when it comes down to it, each bowl's committee members usually do what they think is best for themselves.

As far as fans traveling, both Penn State and tOSU would fill the hotels and restaurants. So the game matchup and expected TV ratings will be the real factor in the choice. The Orange Bowl has a chance to match two 1-loss teams (Va-Tech vs. PSU), or a matchup of the two old coaching legends if FSU wins the ACC game. If that's a 4-loss FSU team (after a loss to Florida), they will prefer the 1-loss Penn State team to tOSU to minimize the total losses of the teams, and to hype the Bowden-JoePa angle.

And once again, if we finish #4 in the BCS standings, that will only guarantee us a BCS at-large bid if #3 is NOT a BCS at-large team. If Texas loses in their conference championship game, we could end up being screwed out of the BCS bid by a ND team that is lower in the BCS rankings. Just another reason to hate ND, and to hold off painting those end zones.

edit - changed since USC has locked up Pac-10 automatic after Oregon's win Saturday.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
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Why are you confident enough to paint the endzones on this one? Does the Orange Bowl not like PSU or like OSU better than PSU for their bowl game?? They showed Orange Bowl representitives on the field at MSU this past weekend. I'd love to beat those bastards from Indiana, but I'd almost equally love to go the the Orange (a bowl I've never witnessed us play in) and beat a team (VT, FSU) that we continually recruit blue chip prospects against.

We can paint the endzones that we will get a BCS bid. Beyond that, I think we'll have to wait to paint the 50-yard line on which bowl (Orange or Fiesta) we will play in.
as i said before, the Orange will select Ohio State as the at large bid, due to the fact that the smaller Oregon fan base will not travel 3,000 miles, as well as Ohio State having a HUGE alumni presence in Florida, and also due to the fact that Miami is out... had Miami won, we would almost certainly have gotten a Penn State-Miami Orange Bowl, but that is now out the window... since the Fiesta will absolutely take ND with their first pick, it is a certainty that they will select Penn State.

not to mention the fact that the Orange Bowl reps were at the Northwestern game last week, and were VERY impressed with both the team and the fans... trust me here. the Fiesta loves us, and would love to see an ND-tOSU matchup, but there is a lot of pressure from the Powers That Be to NOT select Ohio State. the Orange Bowl committee will help the Fiesta out by taking Ohio State instead of Penn State... this will accomplish two things: 1) it will satisfy the people who would argue that the Fiesta plays favorites, and 2) it will give the Alumni base in Florida the chance to see the Buckeyes in Miami for the first time since 1976... not to mention the fact that i talked to a long time Fiesta Bowl ticket holder on Saturday, and he said that the ticket holders don't want to watch Ohio State again. they want someone else.

this is a virtual lock... i'll put my betting reputation on the line here, and concede my "pick 'em" title to whomever finishes second if Ohio State does not end up in the Orange Bowl...
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had Miami won, we would almost certainly have gotten a Penn State-Miami Orange Bowl
actually, i think that we would have certainly gotten a miami-ohio state orange bowl had miami become the acc's bcs representative. that would be a HUGE game! a usc-texas rose bowl, a notre dame-psu fiesta bowl, a miami-osu orange bowl, and a... uh, that other bowl would likely bring in the greatest combined viewership since the inception of the bcs.
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Bowl Games

For what it's worth, "Stewart Mandel" has these bowl projections as of today:

Rose - USC vs Texas
Orange - Virginia Tech vs Penn State
Sugar - LSU vs West Virginia
Fiesta - Notre Lame vs Oregon
Capital One - Ohio State vs Auburn
Gator - Miami vs Louisville
Outback - scUM vs Georgia
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