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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

cincibuck;713538; said:
Whoa! When the Bucks beat Arizona State in the Rose Bowl they had a shot at the NC. ASU was ranked #1 and was the only no loss team in the final four games. Had they destroyed ASU... as they might have... there was a strong sense that the final vote would put OSU back up at #1.

Alas, the loss to MSU came too late in the season.

That's not quite correct. FSU was #1 and undefeated and UF was at #3 with their only loss being to FSU. ASU was #2. It would have taken a blow out by tOSU and a narrow victory by UF to maybe get a shot at a split title... maybe.
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MililaniBuckeye;713020; said:
12-1, consensus #2 final ranking, numerous top-level individual awards including the Heisman...I'd say that despite the disappointment of last night, this season was a great ride...
I agree totally Mili - If i were living back up in Ohio, this feeling i have would not hurt so bad. But here in Florida its hard to try and get over the loss with
all these Gators coming at you and saying "I told you so". Maybe it would not be so bad if it could have been a close game (which i thought it would be) but to get blown out like that really hurt. It truely was a great season and with Tressel at the helm the ship will be up-righted again. Too bad for You Mili that the 50th could not be celebrated with a win.
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Blackhawk;713010; said:
You don't pass for 316 yards and four touchdowns when you have Lamar Woodley and Alan Branch rushing in your face, Shawn Crable and David Harris stopping your run, and Jamar Adams, Willis Barringer, and Brandon Harrison covering your wideouts and not be able to call a blowout like this "luck," which most argue that it wasn't. Like some espn ****ysts say....the 51 days of off-time isn't an excuse but a reason..ive watched every game osu has played this season (except the michigan st.) and one thing that stood out to me about the florida game was the fact they seemed to have no intensity and willpower to take control of the game like they did in every regular season game (which they had to play two #2 teams, a fierce offense in iowa, and a great defense in penn state). if you refer back to the michigan game this season, it was either when smith threw the pick or fumbled (I forget) and hart ran it in for like 15 yards to close the lead by 7, on that ensuing osu drive there was 11 people in the osu huddle but only one was talking; smith (the commentators commented on this) You saw him take control and act as a leader for the team by the actions he took when he was talking, two plays later--a 50+ yard run for a touchdown....Unfortuantely you were never able to see someone take control of the team yesterday..almost as if they were mentally and physically drained from the wait..i do believe that there isn't any question that osu would have won had this game been played a week or two after the michigan game...

and I do believe the game would have been completely different had Tedd Ginn been playing this game..would have took defenders off of Gonzalez, Smith's primary target, and allowed a faster offense for OSU finding open recievers quickly like the Robenski kid during the Michigan game and avoiding some of those costly sacks. This could of provided more running lanes by spreading out the Florida secondary and provided momentum for the OSU defense to blitz in with more than three people--they wouldn't be losing by 21-- so they would heavily concentrate on keeping Leak on the ground, rather than focus everything on keeping Florida out of the endzone but still giving up three points on almost every drive. But whatever it's in the past...one thing i hate about college ball is there isnt any chance of a rematch...Smith will never get another chance to prove that he is in fact a better QB than Leak.

I can't help but think you are overstating the impact Ginn would have had. Sadly, due to some incredibly buffoonish endzone antics, we'll never know what Ginn would have done, but the breakdown in the o-line, coupled with TS's loss of confidence proved fatal. Florida had so completely whipped your team on both sides of the ball that it seems Ginn's impact would have been small. On offense, Florida moved the ball effortlessly, and confused your team to the point of desperation. On defense, the pressure knocked TS off of his game. I believe when he realized that the defensive line was faster than he was, he began rushing his throws. Ginn couldn't have caught those balls--no one could have. The most telling moment of the game was when TS tried to rally the offensive line in the second half. No one responded to his urgings. They all stood looking sullen, and ashamed. Ohio State was a team whipped.
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While I agree with most here that I am just as proud of our Buckeyes today as I have been all season long, that does not negate the fact that we got physically and emotionally manhandled on Monday night.

In summary, I am proud of our team, our boys and our tradition, but embarrassed by the way in which we lost.

How many days until the Spring Game?
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OCBucksFan;713535; said:
I am pretty sure everyone, even scUM fans would! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::osu:
Not this Michigan fan. Mostly that's out of favoritism of course. Still, I like how, to a man, every player that graduates Michigan swears by Carr and would go to bat for the man no matter what. (Not to imply that OSU players don't do the same for Tressel, but I obviously don't follow OSU stories like I do Michigan stories.) And I like that during Carr's tenure, there has never been even the tiniest shred of suggestion of any kind of improprieties, rules violations, recruiting cheating, or anything of that nature. None. How many schools can say that?

As Bo said, a Michigan man will coach Michigan. And Carr's a Michigan man. He was an assistant under Bo and rose through the ranks. I wouldn't trade him for any other coach in the land. Unlike many Michigan fans, I'm against firing him because I think he's earned the right to go out on his own terms.
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HailToMichigan;713592; said:
Not this Michigan fan. Mostly that's out of favoritism of course. Still, I like how, to a man, every player that graduates Michigan swears by Carr and would go to bat for the man no matter what. (Not to imply that OSU players don't do the same for Tressel, but I obviously don't follow OSU stories like I do Michigan stories.) And I like that during Carr's tenure, there has never been even the tiniest shred of suggestion of any kind of improprieties, rules violations, recruiting cheating, or anything of that nature. None. How many schools can say that?

As Bo said, a Michigan man will coach Michigan. And Carr's a Michigan man. He was an assistant under Bo and rose through the ranks. I wouldn't trade him for any other coach in the land. Unlike many Michigan fans, I'm against firing him because I think he's earned the right to go out on his own terms.
Yes, but Carr can't beat tOSU.
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Carr runs a clean program... but "has never been even the tiniest shred of suggestion of any kind of improprieties" is stretching it a bit.

And a "Michigan man?" come on. Bo was a Miami alum, a Buckeye MEd and assistant coach.
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To me the the B10 has 2 main problems with how other fans percieve us(I'll leave out the SEC fans average IQ being just north of 80 for now). The mid to bottom teams have been horrific the past few years and we don't all play each other.

Since we're not likely to see a solution for the unbalanced schedule anytime soon, we as b10 fans need to hope for some solid improvement from Purdue, Iowa, MSU and especially Illinois, IU and Minny. PSU could do a lot for our conference image as well but they held up their end of the deal the past 2 years. scUM winning a Bowl game this century wouldn't fucking hurt.

Bottom line to me is still the SEC is better than everyone because their "bad" teams are better than everyone else's by a wide margin. The top teams from any conference can all hang with each other, its the depth that seperates them imo.
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Jaxbuck;713601; said:
To me the the B10 has 2 main problems with how other fans percieve us(I'll leave out the SEC fans average IQ being just north of 80 for now). The mid to bottom teams have been horrific the past few years and we don't all play each other.

Since we're not likely to see a solution for the unbalanced schedule anytime soon, we as b10 fans need to hope for some solid improvement from Purdue, Iowa, MSU and especially Illinois, IU and Minny. PSU could do a lot for our conference image as well but they held up their end of the deal the past 2 years. scUM winning a Bowl game this century wouldn't fucking hurt.

Bottom line to me is still the SEC is better than everyone because their "bad" teams are better than everyone else's by a wide margin. The top teams from any conference can all hang with each other, its the depth that seperates them imo.

I think it's more that the SEC is deeper with elite programs. How many current mid-level schools in any other BCS conference have the money to pry Saban away from the Dolphins?
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MuckFich06;713548; said:
That's not quite correct. FSU was #1 and undefeated and UF was at #3 with their only loss being to FSU. ASU was #2. It would have taken a blow out by tOSU and a narrow victory by UF to maybe get a shot at a split title... maybe.

Also I believe we lost to Michigan that year not MSU. The year we lost to MSU we played Texas A&M and Tennecheat and FSU played for the title.
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