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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

OregonBuckeye;703763; said:
I must say I am concerned about our kicking game. I keep thinking about the Northwestern game but I hope those were just complete flukes. Then again, I can't imagine us having special teams problems with JT as our coach.

I'm not too worried about us having kicks blocked. I'd wager that it has been a major focus in practice for the last month or so.
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OregonBuckeye;704774; said:
Any pregame butterflies I had have gone away after watching this LSU-ND game so far. The SEC is flat out mediocre.
Mediocre? Come on now.
The SEC has some of the best coaching staffs in the country, and year in and year out have more teams with top 25 recruiting classes than any other conference.

The Big East is mediocre, maybe even the Pac10, but not the SEC.
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planetgator;704872; said:
Mediocre? Come on now.
The SEC has some of the best coaching staffs in the country, and year in and year out have more teams with top 25 recruiting classes than any other conference.

The Big East is mediocre, maybe even the Pac10, but not the SEC.

I dont think the SEC is mediocre.

But it is overrated.

Of course they have the best recruiting classes. If theres a kid from Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, etc. thats just as good as a player as a kid from Minnesota or Wisconsin the southern player will get rated higher every single time.

Recruiting sites cant scout every state, thats why they focus on the big states like Florida, Texas, California, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania etc.

As for coaches, you have Urban Meyer, Steve Spurrier, and who else?

Les Miles? Fat Phil?
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scarletngrey11;704879; said:
I dont think the SEC is mediocre.

But it is overrated.

Of course they have the best recruiting classes. If theres a kid from Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, etc. thats just as good as a player as a kid from Minnesota or Wisconsin the southern player will get rated higher every single time.

Recruiting sites cant scout every state, thats why they focus on the big states like Florida, Texas, California, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania etc.

As for coaches, you have Urban Meyer, Steve Spurrier, and who else?

Les Miles? Fat Phil?

Aren't 2 out of those 4 from the midwest???
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planetgator;704872; said:
Mediocre? Come on now.
The SEC has some of the best coaching staffs in the country, and year in and year out have more teams with top 25 recruiting classes than any other conference.

The Big East is mediocre, maybe even the Pac10, but not the SEC.

I still think the SEC is the best conference overall but it's teams top to bottom are pretty mediocre. Florida still has a chance to prove me wrong though.
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I think all the teams have pretty good coaching staffs, But of course I'm biased. UGA has a pretty good staff, and Les Miles has his team in a BCS bowl. Saban at Alabama is scary. The only staff I don't care for is UT, But Phat Phil has a MNC ring.

As far as the recruiting goes, I guess it's all opinions, so I shouldn't have brought it up. I just couldn't believe some one thinks that the SEC is mediocre. Saying one conference is better than another is really splitting hairs. The Big10 has great traditions with teams like OSU, UM, and Penn State, and the SEC has some rich traditions as well. The Big 12 doesn't suck either.
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The SEC's mid to bottom teams are better than anyone's.

Its top teams are not as good as the media makes them out to be.

Still the best overall conference this year(remember, its cyclical).
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I think the thing that makes the SEC the best conference is top to bottom, there isn't that great of a drop-off of quality between the teams. But if you look at the top 5 teams from each conference, I'd put the B10 on top. It's just the remaining 6 teams from our conference are pretty weak.

Iowa (#8) didn't do too bad against Texas.
Georgia (#6) played well against Virginia Tech.
LSU (#4) played well against Notre Dame.
Penn State (#4) played well against Tennessee (#5).
Wisconsin (#3) played well against Arkansas (#2).
Auburn (#3) played "meh" against Nebraska.
Michigan (#2) played poorly against USC.
Ohio State (#1) should play well against Florida (#1).

The thing about the Big 10, is with the exception of Iowa, after Penn State, the team quality dropped off quite a bit this year. Purdue (#4) and Minnesota (#5) were pretty bad, where your #4 - #6 are LSU, Tennessee and Georgia.

That is why the SEC is the best conference this year.
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The SEC was the best OVERALL conference this year, but that is not so every year. Top to bottom they are the best, but two of the three Gators "big wins" lost to an unproven Wisconsin and a mediocre Penn State. As far as LSU, I think they would beat UF if they played again, but that doesn't matter so...
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I thought this one was pretty funny :!


Those gaytor sons of bitches!
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1. UF should do alright, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're outmatched
2. Arky got beat by B10 #3 (Wisconsin)
3. LSU crushed ND (but then, anything less would've been a disappointment)
4. Auburn played very mediocre against Nebraska
5. Tenn got punked by B10 #4 (Penn St)
6. Georgia beat VT
7. Kentucky beat Clemson
8. South Carolina beat Houston

Vandy, 'Bama, and the Mississipis are all pretty horrible.

The way I see it, the B10 is very top heavy this year (and probably most years, to be honest). Meanwhile, the SEC is pretty even at the top -- rarely a truly dominating team emerges. Yet the middle of their conference can compete with anybody. Of course, the bottom of their conference is as bad (or even worse) as everybodys.
This isn't just because SEC teams come out of conference play with a loss or two, but because so often their teams have critical flaws and play very unpredictably (reference: LSU). The SEC is the exact opposite of the P10: no offense puts their defenses on a pedestal.
Don't believe me? Then why has the SEC become the conference of gimmick offenses? Florida and Arkansas thrive on trickery. Tennessee is taking lessons from Hawaii and Texas Tech. Auburn and Georgia have almost no offense to speak of at all. When you look at other conferences, you only see gimmicky teams at the middle and bottom of the table. But in the SEC, they're setting the pace. If I didn't know better, I would've thought this year's SEC Championship was a WAC game.
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