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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th


For OSU's Buckeyes, the place to be is Buckeye

Kelly Carr
The Arizona Republic
Jan. 4, 2007 12:00 AM Tucked in the back of Beard's Western and Country Store, past the cowboy boots and hats, a staircase leads to the basement.

Down there is where the plans are finalized and sketches are placed on this year's T-shirts.

Owner Levi Beard, Buckeye's vice mayor, laughs as he holds up his favorite: "Ohiozona. Where Gators go to die."
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Gator defense up to challenge
Speedy secondary anchors solid unit
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - There is little question that Ohio State is a more electrifying team on offense than Florida. But the old clich?, "If you score you may win; if the other team never scores, you will never lose," may apply in Monday's national title game.
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Politicians, tycoons join OSU entourage

2 charter jets carry official party to game

Thursday, January 04, 2007 Aaron Marshall

Plain Dealer Bureau
Columbus- Friday morning will just be another day closer to the weekend for working stiffs, but for an elite group of business tycoons, well-connected politicians and select Ohio State University employees, Jan. 5 will bring something else entirely. It will be time to go bowling.
That's when a pair of chartered jets carrying more than 300 members of the university's official travel party will lift off, winging away for a four-night stay at a luxury Arizona hotel and tickets to the BCS National Championship Game between Ohio State and Florida.
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Gators believe their speed will shock Buckeyes
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Rob Oller
JOHN AMIS ASSOCIATED PRESS Safety Reggie Nelson is part of a Florida defense that limited opponents to fewer than 100 yards rushing in nine of 13 games.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. ? Florida coaches have replaced their Ohio State welcome mat with a stop sign.
Last February, the Gators? defensive staff invited coaches from Ohio State and Utah to Gainesville, Fla., for a spreadthe-wealth session during which coaches exchanged information that might help each program improve defensively.
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Struggling kicker shrugs off threats
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Rob Oller

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. ? Florida kicker Chris Hetland is taking hits for his misses. He has received several death threats because of his struggle with field goals.
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osugrad21;705298; said:

Gators believe their speed will shock Buckeyes
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Rob Oller
JOHN AMIS ASSOCIATED PRESS Safety Reggie Nelson is part of a Florida defense that limited opponents to fewer than 100 yards rushing in nine of 13 games.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. ? Florida coaches have replaced their Ohio State welcome mat with a stop sign.
Last February, the Gators? defensive staff invited coaches from Ohio State and Utah to Gainesville, Fla., for a spreadthe-wealth session during which coaches exchanged information that might help each program improve defensively.

I love Troy Smith's quote from the article above......
"Don?t get me wrong. They definitely can run, but the way it?s been portrayed is like, I guess, we?ve been winning our games by walking and jogging."
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"I feel they haven?t seen people like us, guys down here in the South who move as well as we do and are as fast and athletic as we are," defensive end Jarvis Moss said. "They?ll get a pretty good taste of it on the eighth. You can?t really simulate our team speed and athleticism (in practice). Hopefully, we?ll catch them by surprise and shock them."

Didn't Kellen Winslow make a similar comment back in 2002? :wink2:

This whole speed thing is a fucking joke, I'm sick to tears of hearing about it. Let's see how their fast defensive line does when they have a 300+ pound lineman driving their speedy ass backwards. Speed is such an overblown aspect of college football when you get to top 5 teams. Any team that has gotten to where OSU is obviously has great athletes. If Florida is banking on their speed as their major weapon on Monday, they are in for a long game.
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Not only is it a joke to think that Florida is that superior in speed against Ohio State, but it really isn't that huge of an issue anyways. I'd take coaching and team chemistry over the speed factor anyday. Teams that are well prepared, talented, and confident will always do well. Not to mention that tOSU is #1 in the country and had just as many athletes as Florida does.
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The other thing that bugs me and I am yet to understand this but I've heard it ever since I've moved down here to Tennessee is always talking about the South, the South, the South.

I hear stuff like this all the time.....
"I feel they haven?t seen people like us, guys down here in the South who move as well as we do and are as fast and athletic as we are," defensive end Jarvis Moss (Florida)

Are they still trying to prove something decades after the Civil War or what? "The south will rise again" and all this crap........the South, the South, the South. Who gives a damn if your from the north, south, east, west, or where the f**k ever. I guess I just don't understand or frankly don't give a damn about "southern pride" or whatever that is. I just never remember anyone ever saying anything about "the North this or the North that, the North is so much better at this or that." Maybe I'm alone on this but for some reason it bothers the hell out of me.
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TJnTN;705477; said:
Are they still trying to prove something decades after the Civil War or what? "The south will rise again" and all this crap........the South, the South, the South. Who gives a damn if your from the north, south, east, west, or where the f**k ever. I guess I just don't understand or frankly don't give a damn about "southern pride" or whatever that is. I just never remember anyone ever saying anything about "the North this or the North that, the North is so much better at this or that." Maybe I'm alone on this but for some reason it bothers the hell out of me.

Agreed. If they piss you off just give them two words........ "General Sherman". :wink2:

I guess Troy Smith is going to do his best Sherman impression on Monday by tearing apart the myth of the south once again.
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