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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th


Gators hoping secondary holds up in title game

Gators hoping secondary holds up in title gameBy MARK LONG, AP Sports Writer
January 7, 2007

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) -- Coach Urban Meyer's biggest concern heading into Monday night's BCS national championship game is whether Florida's secondary will hold up against Ohio State. Sure, All-American safety Reggie Nelson is a difference maker, and cornerback Ryan Smith leads the Southeastern Conference and is tied for third in the nation with eight interceptions.

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One thing we CANNOT do in this game is miss tackles. That is usually where big plays come from, missed tackles. That is something that we have struggled with at times this year. Hopefully it doesn't rear it's ugly head tomorrow night.
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More Pretzel Logic and Twisted Premises from one of GatorCountry's own writers

"A Sure Fire OSU Win? - Not So Fast"

Look at the intro paragraph:
SCOTTSDALE, AZ --- Fortunately, most of Gator Nation stopped listening to the incessant rantings of ESPN's male model, Herbie, about six weeks ago. He's ranted. He's raved. He's darn near certifiable. But, he has convinced the Buckeyes that they're invincible and most of the nation believes that Florida doesn't have a chance to win Monday night in the Tostitos National Championship Game.

More Drivel Continues ...

When precisely did Herbie certify a tOSU win? Wasn't it in fact quite the opposite?

Talk about inventing your own straw man.
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Gatorcountry is by far the dumbest fucking site I have ever encountered.

All of their writers are complete dumbfucks that have no clue at all.

They do no research and it probably takes them 5 minutes to write one of their bullshit articles.
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scarletngrey11;709149; said:
Gatorcountry is by far the dumbest fucking site I have ever encountered.

All of their writers are complete dumbfucks that have no clue at all.

They do no research and it probably takes them 5 minutes to write one of their bullshit articles.

Agreed. Anything it takes to fuel the fan-base even if it is complete bullsh*t. I guess if that's what it takes to motivate your team and fans.....:tongue2:

Watching these playoff games though.....I haven't heard one analyst say that Florida has no chance or will get blown-out. In fact they keep talking about how good of a game it's going to be........just waiting to hear "Can't wait to see how Ohio State matches up with all that speed from Florida" :biggrin:
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I have this feeling everybody in America will know what kind of talent Malcolm Jenkins is after this game. When the "experts" mention the best DBs in the country and don't mention Jenkins, I laugh. I know Florida has gone up against some great defensive backs in the SEC, but I personally haven't seen a corner better than Jenkins this year. Yet, besides the Sporting News, I don't see him listed on a single All-American team.
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