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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

Everybody focusing on our lousy bowl record against SEC teams should look up FL's bowl record when playing outside SEC country. Not pretty.
And, they haven't played a regular season game outside SEC country since what, the 80's?
The only year I remember us playing the SEC in a bowl game during a year where we had had a good season was when we lost to Tennecheat. Every other year we were to varying degrees "down" that year and were playing a higher ranked SEC team in their own backyard - not a recipe for success.

I have quit worrying about this team for a long time now - since the Iowa game. They are so good and so well coached that they will perform well and won't panic when the other team perfoms well, too.
If Troy is sharp, and he will be, FL won't stop us nearly as much as they will need to to have a chance.
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Both Ohio State's and Florida's rosters are chock-full of premier athletes and senior quarterbacks who have experience in big games. Ohio State has the advantage in this matchup because its running game is much better than Florida's. Antonio Pittman has gained 1,171 yards and 13 touchdowns on the ground. The Buckeyes' backs will attempt to take some of the pressure off quarterback Troy Smith. That may be easier said than done; Florida boasts the nation's sixth-best rushing defense, holding opponents to less than 75 yards per game on average. Smith's mobility will help against Florida's pass-rush, which has been good all year. Smith should also look to put the ball in the air against Florida's weak secondary. Defensively, Ohio State has not faced the type of spread offense that Florida runs. The Buckeyes will have to work hard in space and cover the Gators' speedy receivers. Ohio State's defense has been stout all season and the offense continually steps up in big games.
-- Jim Donnan
Is that accurate? Florida has a weak secondary? I thought Florida had a solid secondary........
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bigballin2987;708237; said:
Is it just me or does it seem like the Florida fans are the ones making such a big deal of Ohio State. Very few commentators or analysts have said the Gators don't stand a chance, yet that is all you hear from their fans. They continue to claim not one person in or around football is giving them a chance to win, but I have heard little to none of that, even on here. I just think they like to make it like only they think they are going to win, and they want to "prove everyone wrong." Just my opinion.
it is a defense mechanism, because although they will not admit it, they KNOW that Ohio State has the better team.
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So where is everyone going to watch the game?
Me and my friends are going to BW3's here in Knoxville....same place I went to watch the Bucks beat Texas this year.......I'll be surrounded by SEC fans and all that speed :biggrin:
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bigballin2987;708237; said:
Is it just me or does it seem like the Florida fans are the ones making such a big deal of Ohio State. Very few commentators or analysts have said the Gators don't stand a chance, yet that is all you hear from their fans. They continue to claim not one person in or around football is giving them a chance to win, but I have heard little to none of that, even on here. I just think they like to make it like only they think they are going to win, and they want to "prove everyone wrong." Just my opinion.
which reminds me of...
armycat23;708694; said:
Very few thought florida was going to beat ucla last year in basketball or miami heat against dallas and look what happened.
a fan believes what he wants to believe, regardless of the facts. the line on florida versus ucla was -1.5.
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It's a big money game for Quinn, he can really move up the draft boards.

I hear he might throw a knife at Tim Tebow...:wink2:

but anyways only 1 more excrutiatingly long day, that starts at 6:30, to go...tomorrow would be so much easier to enjoy if it wasn't for school....although im sure tomorrow night will be quite enjoyable:oh:
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sandgk;709134; said:
More Pretzel Logic and Twisted Premises from one of GatorCountry's own writers

"A Sure Fire OSU Win? - Not So Fast"

Look at the intro paragraph:

When precisely did Herbie certify a tOSU win? Wasn't it in fact quite the opposite?

Talk about inventing your own straw man.

That artcile and author should be put to death immediately.

First off, I love how he compares every single one of our positions with another team from the SEC. He matches our units with the best the SEC has to offer and says they're as good...except he forgets to say thats its matching up against ALL THE SEC. He basically says we're as good as the 1st Team All SEC squad, moron.

Secondly, when has Herbie came out and said its a for sure win for OSU? If anything he has drilled into our heads, along with everyone else, that Florida is much faster and speedier than us. I think I recall Herbie making a prediction when the game was announced and he said tOSU would win in a nailbiter because of Troy Smith and his leadership. How does that equate to a blowout?

Thirdly, you would think that because he obviously thinks "Antonio Gonzalez" is such a good player...he could get his god damn name right. I guess all those HOURS AND HOURS of Buckeye Film are total fucking bullshit. Proof-read your shit if you're gonna post it for a site like scout.com

He also annoints Percy Harvin and Dallas Baker as gods gift to football. As if though we haven't faced anyone quite like them. I think Jenkins did a fine job on Limas Sweed who is just as big tall and fast as Baker. Sweed didn't do shit against him 1on1. He says we'll hafta play more DB's to keep up with Harvin and the WR corp, however that "will open up their non-existant running game". We PLAN on playing Nickel all game. I have confidence that our Front 4 w/ 2 LB's can control Florida's weak offensive line/running attack. I believe our Ends and LB's have the speed to get Harvin coming off the edge in any kind of reverse as well. We are DISCIPLINED. something I have not seen much of from Florida this season.

He uses Special Teams as a strong point for Florida, need I even ELABORATE on this subject? Yes you might be good at blocking punts. But what if we dont have to punt? And also, what about Field Goals? He also leaves out the simple fact that I dont think we've given up barely ANY kickoff/punt returns for TD's under Tressel. I can't recall one to be honest. No team should use special teams as their master plan when playing us under Tressel, sorry he is a phenominal coach when it comes to ST's cause he stresses it IMMENSELY.

I was planning on going to bed now that its after 12 the night before the game cause I just got home from work but that pigshit's artcile's got me fired up and ready to go hunt me some fucking reptiles now.

dont get me wrong. I am not saying we will absolutely win or run them out of town. I think it will be a VERY good close tough game. I am not even ruling out the possibility of Florida winning, I just think that some of these AUTHORS use the worst fucking reasons possible for FL winning.
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