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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

sandgk;709134; said:
More Pretzel Logic and Twisted Premises from one of GatorCountry's own writers

"A Sure Fire OSU Win? - Not So Fast"

Look at the intro paragraph:

When precisely did Herbie certify a tOSU win? Wasn't it in fact quite the opposite?

Talk about inventing your own straw man.
we bleed scarlet and grey, this guy must bleed alligator pee. :biggrin:
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MililaniBuckeye;709050; said:
Alright, let me refresh you in the basics of the English language. When you say, "Our record against the SEC is 0 -7", without specifying a timeframe or other limiting factors (such as "in bowls"), it implies the entire record, thus "all-time".
Ok I will try to help you. the thread was about the NC BOWL game. Does that give you a hint? So when I say 0-7 most people would assume I was talking about our record against the SEC in BOWL games.
What you read in to the post is up to you, and I will be happy to answer any questions anyone might have.
Also "smarter you ain't " isnt proper english language.
I did make one mistake though I assumed you have more intelligence than you apparently do. slap my hand
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Magua;709436; said:
That artcile and author should be put to death immediately.

First off, I love how he compares every single one of our positions with another team from the SEC. He matches our units with the best the SEC has to offer and says they're as good...except he forgets to say thats its matching up against ALL THE SEC. He basically says we're as good as the 1st Team All SEC squad, moron.

In addition to what magua said, my favorite part about the writer comparing every single one of our positions with the best the SEC has to offer while using multiples teams is that he conveniently "forgets" to discuss the QB position in that part of the article. This way he doesn't have to mention a Troy Smith. Of course, he does mention Troy Smith later. But it interesting why he left him out of this section.

The worst part is that if Florida happens to win (bite my tongue), this idiot will think his analysis was correct.
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Best Buckeye;709443; said:
MililaniBuckeye;709050; said:
Alright, let me refresh you in the basics of the English language. When you say, "Our record against the SEC is 0 -7", without specifying a timeframe or other limiting factors (such as "in bowls"), it implies the entire record, thus "all-time".
Ok I will try to help you. the thread was about the NC BOWL game. Does that give you a hint? So when I say 0-7 most people would assume I was talking about our record against the SEC in BOWL games.
What you read in to the post is up to you, and I will be happy to answer any questions anyone might have.
Also "smarter you ain't " isnt proper english language.
I did make one mistake though I assumed you have more intelligence than you apparently do. slap my hand

Sheesh, at least learn how to use the quote function without fuckin' that up. The thread is about the BCS Championship Game (it's not a "bowl" game, dipshit), and the discussion (among others) was about how the press saying we don't match up with SEC speed. You said we were 0-7 against the SEC (nothing about bowl games). I pointed that our record against the SEC all-time isn't nearly as bad as that, thus supporting the argument that we aren't as "slow" and the media would have people believe.

Also, if you want to tell me that my ding "isnt proper english language", at least use proper punctuation and capitalization.
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Daybreak; Ohio

At 4:57 AM I gave up on the notion that I could go back to sleep and wake at some normal hour. Up before Taos, out there on his mountain in the desert. Up before the Cincinnati Enquirer... not that that's much of a feat and , anyway, how would you tell if that rag of a newspaper was ever up?

It's game day and don't these 63 year-old bones know it. I'm ready for the first class of the semester. Got the syllabi's ready, e-mailed them and the first assignment rubric and the poem of the day. Still need to do the final calendar for both courses and attendance records. That's what Tuesday's are for. Got my scarlet and gray rugby shirt on and my 02 NC Champs hat rests on the front seat of the car. Today is the day that 43 Northern Kentucky University students find out Ohio's here!

So, here's the game plan: Depart for school at 6:45. Teach at 8 and 9, trudge across campus, check my mailbox before leaving, climb in car and head for Party Source in Newport. Pick up a bottle of Mum's and good Red Auerbach victory cigar, cross the bridge to downtown and hit Averill's for sweet Italian sausages, back out to Anderson picking up bag of ice along the way, get the chili started and put it on simmer, ice down the beer, try and do an hour long power up (kids and people in rest homes nap, I power up). Spend an hour or so on BP getting the harmonics established. Set the DVR for 6:30 - 2AM, Set Tivo as the back up system. Get the grill ready, Cheeze-Its, peanuts, chips and salsa out, buns, three kinds of mustard, horse radish, Tabasco and crackers for the chili. Put the Big 10 pennants up along the fireplace mantle, crank TBDBITL another notch, make sure the big O flag isn't furled around the post, ignite the coals at 7, toss first sweet Italian sausage on the grill at 7:15, open the doors for guests at 7:30, try not to do a David Patterson before kickoff, open up huge can of Buckeye Whupass, let the game begin.

Can I make it? I'm so psyched now I'd like to bottle a bit of this adrenaline for say, about 11...
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Focus remains on OSU's Smith

One Buckeye says he's the best QB ever at Ohio State; Tressel calls him a 'leader.'

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Monday, January 08, 2007

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. ? Ohio State coach Jim Tressel was asked during his final pregame press conference Sunday about the effectiveness of his motivational ploys, specifically his idea of passing out cards inscribed with what one player reported was a saying from ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius.
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Akron backs make Buckeyes move

City has produced three quality Big Ten running backs in three years.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Monday, January 08, 2007

A few months after he became the head football coach at Akron's Garfield High School, Bob Sax held a meeting to sign up freshmen. He'll never forget the first two at his table.
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Gator fans' lack of Buckeye knowledge drives writer nuts

By D.L. Stewart
Staff Writer

Monday, January 08, 2007
GLENDALE, Ariz. ? As I'm getting ready to come down here to write about the fans at the Bowl Championship Series game to end all games, my editor suggests I should ask some Gator fans if they know what a buckeye is. Which sounds like a pretty lame idea to me, even for an editor.
Everybody in the world knows what a buckeye is.
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Voice of Gators says Florida plays like a Big Ten team

Former WHIO-TV and radio employee has called the school's football title in 1996 and last season's hoops title.

By Mark Gokavi
Staff Writer

Monday, January 08, 2007

After spending a decade in Dayton, Mick Hubert is familiar with Ohio State football.
The radio voice of the Florida Gators said Buckeye fans will see something familiar during tonight's BCS Championship Game.
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Buckeyes, Smith a bit better than expected

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Monday, January 08, 2007
The day after Ohio State beat Notre Dame in last season's Fiesta Bowl, I wrote in this space my Top 5 predictions for the 2006 college football season. Let's see how I did:
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Parents, friends of Bucks get down to pre-game festivities

The atmosphere is celebratory in Tempe as supporters pack restaurants and bars in anticipation of the game.

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Monday, January 08, 2007

TEMPE, Ariz. ? Although there were dozens of red- and blue-wearing college football fans making their way around this city's entertainment district, the action at My Big Fat Greek Restaurant was unique.
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