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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th


Gators, OSU both eyeing football-hoops history
Monday, January 8, 2007

GLENDALE, Ariz. Florida Coach Urban Meyer got a firsthand look last April when the Gators won the national title in basketball. He's hoping to take home a trophy of his own tonight.
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I can't sleep either

I guess I'll hit the nyquil.

Shoot, what a great year it's been! We have a chance to win a second national championship after the turn of the century! Troy Smith, Heisman Trophy Winner and model citizen running the Tressel Vessel. Datish, Downing, Barton, Boone, Rehring, man those guys had a great year giving Troy every last second of time. Think of the great skill players Ginn, Gonzo, Robiskie, Hall and Hartline. Our defense features some true stars with Pitcock, JayRich, Laurinitas, and Jenkins.

Troy's got to throw another touchdown to Teddy! He has to throw another to Gonzo. It's just that simple. Chris Wells powers through.

I'm nervous and excited as hell! We're going to go play a great football team. The team that makes the fewest mistakes will win. If we stay in our heads and play our game, our chances are very good. But this game could go any way. It's going to be fantastic.

Ladies and Gentlemen, on the flip side of this day, we could be celebrating an unprecedented Buckeye Era. Thanks JT. Thanks Andy Gieger. Thanks to all the great players. Congrats Bucks, it's truly great to be one.

:oh: :io:
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Front and Center: Performance of QBs Smith, Leak could play vital role[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BY JIM NAVEAU - Jan. 8, 2007[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. ? Much has been made about Florida coach Urban Meyer?s mentors in the buildup to the BCS national championship football game tonight between Ohio State and Florida.[/FONT]
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Only one number matters: No. 1[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BY JIM NAVEAU - Jan. 8, 2007[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. ? Lottery players looking for a lucky number to play might consider 28.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That?s the number Florida cornerback Ryan Smith wears. And if there is a player luckier to be playing in the BCS national championship game between Ohio State and Florida tonight, it would take a long, careful search to find him.[/FONT]
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One last dance
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer

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PARADISE VALLEY, Ariz. -- For the final time, Ohio's most famous tandem will dance together tonight.

Troy Smith and Jim Tressel, two men redefining their positions, can etch their place in greatness with a win over Florida in the national championship game. For Tressel, it would mark his second national championship in four years, leaving him two shy of Woody Hayes.
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By some reports, the Buckeye rally had up to five times as many fans...


6,000 Gators roar for a win

Sun staff writer

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - The West was wild on the eve of the BCS National Championship, drawing University of Florida fans from all over Sunday for the "Gator Jamboree" pep rally here.
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Accomplishing the unimaginable


GLENDALE, Ariz. ? In the 100 years the Florida Gators have been playing football, there has been only one great team, one national champion.

Tonight, the number could grow to two.
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Florida wins

By Dave George


SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - The Florida basketball team closed the deal against UCLA, and on a Monday night, no less.
Now the Gators football team, underdogs and loving it, gets the chance to win an NCAA title in much the same way against a program with far more history at this ultimate-game business.
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Win will silence the doubters

By SAM BORDEN, The Times-Union

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - It's possible that the Florida Gators have one of the blandest coaches and most robotic quarterbacks in the history of college football. Doesn't matter if they win.
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Buckeyes discount title game turnabout

Ohio State returns to the site of its 2003 championship upset in the role of the team to beat.

By JACK MAGRUDEREast Valley Tribune

GLENDALE, ARIZ. ? The first official BCS National Championship Game tonight could be billed as Role Reversal I.
Just like the last title game in the Phoenix area, a wire-to-wire No. 1 on a long winning streak will meet a that team was accused of squeaking its way ? if that is even possible ? to the last dance.
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Will it be worth the wait?
After 51-day layoff, OSU plays for its second title in five years
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - Barely any snow has fallen in Columbus since No. 1 Ohio State last played a football game, which proves just one thing: Mother Nature is as screwy as the BCS calendar.
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Beat them Gators !

Today is game day!!!! You are going to win Bucks. Just don't give up cheap points on mistakes.

Thanks to the Buckeyes for an exciting season of great football. Coach Tressel, you make it very special.

And tonight for the first time, my family will be at war. My kids, after being raised to be Buckeye fans for their first 17 years, then went to UF ( we moved to Florida) and are Gators. Yes, our family is a house divided, and someone is going to be very unhappy in the morning.....
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