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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one too excited/nervous to sleep.

I've found myself playing the what if game as well and thinking about similarities between Florida and our '02 team until I just had a moment of clarity.

Basically, I'm sitting here freaking out until I just had to remind myself that if I can't just sit back and have confidece in a Jim Tressel coached, Troy Smith led team with superior talent in a big game, then that's my problem, not OSU's.

We'll be fine. Go Bucks!!!

Now I just have to catch a couple more hours of sleep before making the trip to Columbus.
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Troy Smith's poise is crucial for victory

Can Gators slow down Heisman winner?

By Sheldon Ocker

Beacon Journal sportswriter

GLENDALE, ARIZ. - Persuading a football coach to reveal specific elements of his game plan is a little like expecting coach Jim Tressel to switch his profession to stand-up comedy. It isn't going to happen.
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Finally, the wait is over

OSU looks to wrap up the Gators and a title
Monday, January 08, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Paradise Valley, Ariz. -- Twelve stars of the No. 1-ranked team in the country were scattered through University of Phoenix Stadium next to placards bearing their name, captains such as Troy Smith on ministages, other favorites such as Anthony Gonzalez and Antonio Pittman seated in their own sections of the stands.
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Tough city can mold champions

Monday, January 08, 2007Bill Livingston
Plain Dealer Columnist
Scottsdale, Ariz.- When they talk about the Cleveland connection for Ohio State, people usually mean the players who have taken the Buckeyes to the threshold of the national championship.
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Monday, January 08, 2007 Jodie Valade
Plain Dealer Reporter
Glendale, Ariz. -- The other day, Mattie Smith gave an autographed picture of her grandson to a young boy at church. The little boy had been asking about Antonio Smith, begging to hear stories about his life, about how he made it from there to here. Mattie Smith was full of tales, as usual, but had one lasting message.
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OSU faithful confident it's the Buckeyes' night

Monday, January 08, 2007

After weeks of waiting, the BCS Championship Game between No. 1 Ohio State and No. 2 Florida is today. What will be the deciding factor in the game? Which player will have the biggest impact and who do you think will win?
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