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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

MililaniBuckeye;708956; said:
Wrong, dipshit. We're 7-9-2 all-time against SEC teams.

Ohio State against SEC 7-9-2
John Cooper against SEC 1-5-0
Ohio State w/o JC against SEC 6-4-2

I hope I got the numbers right. But after I said all that, in my humble opinion, Ohio State's record against the SEC is an irrelevant stat. You have to dig deeper than that.
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MililaniBuckeye;708956; said:
Wrong, dipshit. We're 7-9-2 all-time against SEC teams.
Sometimes I'm right

It adds up to an 0-7 bowl mark for Ohio State against SEC teams, ... and there?s
probably a lot of people that don?t have winning records against the SEC. ...
www.buckeyextra.com/?story=dispatch/2006/12/31/20061231-G1-01.html - 43k
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BB you must be a glutton for punishment - when you say 0-7 and you really mean something different, 0-7 vs SEC in bowls, it really is best to say that first, not second in a corrective post. Especially not when you simultaneously claim that "sometimes I'm right," when issuing that correction - it kind of comes across as blithe.
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Best Buckeye;708977; said:
Sometimes I'm right

It adds up to an 0-7 bowl mark for Ohio State against SEC teams,

Didn't you think the word "bowl" was an important word to include in your original post? The heels of your shoes must be worn out from all that back-peddling...
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Best Buckeye;708999; said:
The words "all time" are not in that Bowl thread post.

Alright, let me refresh you in the basics of the English language. When you say, "Our record against the SEC is 0 -7", without specifying a timeframe or other limiting factors (such as "in bowls"), it implies the entire record, thus "all-time".

Like I said in my ding, "The more you post, the smarter you ain't...".
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