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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

osugrad21;920701; said:
Crable would have been more fitting. Between the Wells' whiff, the helmet hit and the blocking blunder... he's racking up quite a legacy. (also run over by white to spring Pittman's winning TD in 05).
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Edwards earns USA TODAY Player of Week award

Appalachian State quarterback Armanti Edwards grabbed this week's USA TODAY's Player of the Week honor with an impressive performance in an unlikely 34-32 upset of No. 5 Michigan. Edwards threw for three touchdowns and ran for another score before leading the Mountaineers on a game-winning driver for a field goal in the final two minutes. Edwards won the award with the support of college football editor Erick Smith and Gannett News Service columnist Mike Lopresti. Fan voting sided with Nebraska running back Marlon Lucky.

?Armanti Edwards? Appalachian State's quarterback led the Mountaineers to an unlikely 34-32 upset of Michigan, throwing for 227 yards and three touchdowns and running for 62 yards and another score.

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During an off week next season, we should let them bring one of their home games to Ohio Stadium. Ohio State fans would pack the place, they'd get a great payday and we'd come off nationally as the good guys for letting a 1AA school use our stadium for a home game.

Oh yea, it'd be a great way to rub it in Michigan's face.
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