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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Wear one of these in the student sections in november. You'd help them with the maize out.
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If you think that FSU gets far and away #1 treatment in the Tallahassee press, you think wrong. The local I-AA gets 1a treatment for some odd reason. What follows is a story that appears on the front page of the local Tallahassee "newspaper".

FAMU had a bigger upset

Sometimes upsets that just can't happen do and nobody is more surprised than the winner.
My role in helping Florida A&M stun Division I-AA top-ranked Georgia Southern 17-14 back in 1987 won't be remembered outside of a few hardcore fans in North Florida and South Georgia, but trust me, 20 years later, I know how good it feels to be Appalachian State this week.

Uh, Jim? Do you hear that ringing sound? That's the reality phone. Answer it. It's for you.
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College Sports | College Football | Oregon in rush or run over? | Seattle Times Newspaper

Big Blue, take two

Thom Brennaman could get used to this college football stuff. He was play-by-play announcer for Fox on Boise State's classic upset of Oklahoma, and was also at the mike on the new Big Ten network on the App State upset.

Then there was the quarterback of the giant-killers, Armanti Edwards, who said when he checked his e-mail Sunday he had requests from 100 Ohio State fans who wanted to become his buddy on Facebook.

And this from curmudgeonly Joe Paterno, the Penn State coach, who couldn't understand all the fuss over the upset. Said JoePa, "They're replaying the greatest upset in the history of the world and the whole bit. I always thought when they put the devil down below, that was one of the greatest upsets of all time. The only trouble was, they didn't take newspaper people with him."


As an aside, Thom Brennaman has called a grand total of three football games thus far: Boise St over Oklahoma, Florida over Ohio State, and Appalachian St over Michigan. Oh, and he's back on the Cincinnati Reds beat this year too.

My stomach is turning knowing that this rabbits foot in reverse is going to be in the Horseshoe tomorrow.
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