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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

[quote='BusNative;117946;7]I should have posted this sooner, but the B10 network is replaying the game... there is 1:30 remaining now, which means you still have time to catch scUM heartbreak once again. Its still awesome :scum4:[/quote]

Michigan losing to Appalachian State was not the Big 10's "finest hour" last season. I'm surprised that the Big 10 Network would want to remind everyone just how pathetic Michigan was last year? I wouldn't have thought that they would want to replay it.

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ScriptOhio;1179792; said:
Michigan losing to Appalachian State was not the Big 10's "finest hour" last season. I'm surprised that the Big 10 Network would want to remind everyone just how pathetic Michigan was last year? I wouldn't have thought that they would want to replay it.
They desperately need ratings.
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jlb1705;1199221; said:

Just downloaded this and watched it again. Laugh riot!!!

Laugh riot? I thought it was the ultimate example of Bike Hart's leadership and heart we heard so much about all year.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Prlxc1qaaLY]YouTube - Michigan vs Appalachian State 2007[/ame]

A couple things:

*Holy hell did Michigan's defense suck donkey balls at the beginning of last year

*Watching those highlights made me think to myself, "how the fuck did Bike not have 40 carries for 300 plus yards and 5 TDs?" (and then I thought, "oh yeah, he's a little bitch who sits on a fucking bike on the sidelines for large sections of games")


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