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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

buckeyefool;920229; said:
I was watching Rome is Burning, and they had a sports columnist Randy Skaler (sp?) who is a scUM grad. His qoute was, at this point if my daugther games to me at 13 and tells me she is pregnant it might be as bad as losing to App. State


And I don't give a shit about karma in this case. If there's any karma at work here, it happened to scUM last saturday...

Go Blue!! :slappy:
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mgoblog: Unconditional Surrender

We, Michigan fans, surrender. A nuclear bomb by the name of Appalachian State has been dropped on us, and we surrender. You can have our emperor. He's a dickhead anyway.

We shall no longer fight you on grounds of program prestige or general awesomeness or tribal affinities. Your team is better. Even if it's Duke. Because your team, even if it's Duke, does not specifically aim to harm you. And even if it did there is only so much damage Duke or Northwestern or even Wisconsin football can do to someone's psyche, because losing is pretty much okay sometimes. And even at the big programs where losing is not okay there is often recompense, like beating your most important rival or winning a bowl game. And even when you aren't doing that shit, at least you're not doing this:

* Losing to Washington without yielding an offensive touchdown because you give up a field-goal-block touchdown and a deflected pick-six on back to back plays.
* Losing to Oregon because you give up a punt return touchdown and punt block touchdown in the same game.
* Losing to Iowa two weeks later because your grad assistant special teams coach debuts that crazy spread punting thing that was all in vogue without, apparently, bothering to fucking practice it first. Then Michigan failed to notice the first couple punts were nearly blocked and got not one but two of the later punts actually blocked.
* Losing to USC in the Rose Bowl. Not that this is news.
* Singlehandedly turning Troy Smith from a POS QB who couldn't put together 100 passing yards if you spotted him 50 into the destroyer of worlds.
* Blowing a 10 point lead and letting Texas march down the field for a winning field goal in the Rose Bowl.
* Blowing a fourth quarter lead against Wisconsin by playing passive and letting the Badgers roll down the field at a leisurely pace, scoring just in time to give Michigan no chance to recover.
* Yielding 61 yard run against fucking Minnesota because your genius defensive coordinator set up an insane blitz that had one line of defense from a simple off-tackle run: a linebacker who never plays defensive end lined up as a strongside DE against Matt Spaeth (MATT SPAETH!).
* Blowing a nine-point lead against Ohio State in five minutes.
* The Alamo Bowl.
* Attempting to cover Anthony Gonzalez with Chris Graham.
* Losing to USC in the Rose Bowl. Not that this is news.
* Aaaaand then:


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"* Yielding 61 yard run against fucking Minnesota because your genius defensive coordinator set up an insane blitz that had one line of defense from a simple off-tackle run: a linebacker who never plays defensive end lined up as a strongside DE against Matt Spaeth (MATT SPAETH!)."

That's goddamned hilarious right there :slappy:
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From the comments on that blog entry:

I'm tired of hearing about how we lost to a D I-AA team. While it is fact, it is also implying a certain level of subpar quality. Anyone who reads this blog knows that App St. is just as good or better than the vast majority of D I-A teams. Let's give them their props, take it with class and admit that we deserved our loss as we were not as well prepared. The second half of the game on Saturday gives me hope that we can and will contain Oregon enough to beat their spread attack. There is plenty to play for and I'm getting frustrated with people acting like there isn't.

Man up.

What's the worst that can happen? We have a 4 or 5 loss season and it forces some major changes to the coaching staff? Wouldn't that be refreshing? Let's just hope the right choices are made when that time comes.

As Michigan fans, let's stop this self pitty stuff and face the facts. I plan to support this team through it all.

Here's to hoping we can rebound with an attitude that leads us to an 11-1 season and a BCS victory. Would that not be an improvement from the last...oh I don't know, 6 years?!

Go Blue!
Justin | 09.04.07 - 11:01 am |

Vast majority?

You mean like the 3 win teams like NC State they couldn't beat last year? Sure App State could beat teams like Temple and Buffalo, but even mid-level teams in the WAC and C-USA would be favored in games against them.

It seems to me that some Missagain fans are starting to take the "we're victims of others piling on" card and using it frequently. :slappy:
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Tressel says he was rooting for Wolverines to avoid huge upset - NCAA Football - Yahoo! Sports

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Fans cheered, players laughed, horns honked. It was quite a celebration.

That was the reaction around Ohio Stadium, but it wasn't for Ohio State's 38-6 win over Youngstown State on Saturday. Rather it was for Michigan's stunning 34-32 home loss to Appalachian State that ended later.

The final minutes of the game were shown on the big screen at the stadium after most of the 105,000 paying fans had filed out. The blocked field goal in the last seconds that preserved the win elicited a large roar in the near-empty stadium. Workers in the press box had to be shushed because they were rejoicing too loudly after the upset.

Even the Buckeyes smiled when the final score was relayed to them.

Yet, Ohio State coach Jim Tressel says he had the opposite reaction. He was rooting for the Wolverines.

"I'm never glad when a conference opponent loses outside of your game with them," Tressel said on Tuesday. "You're always rooting for your brethren in the Big Ten."

That might be so, but such a high-profile loss will undoubtedly make it much easier for Tressel and his staff to emphasize the threat of a mammoth upset is always present. No. 12 Ohio State is a lopsided favorite on Saturday against Akron.
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This, from a Michigan board, may be the most pathetic post I have ever seen:

this question must be asked... if alan branch had stayed, would we have won the app game? i think yes...

If only one of our NFL draft selections had stayed around we - the team with 3 NFL selections already returning - might have beaten App St.


But funny.
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Aww hell ... I'm laughing like a hyena over the fifth comment at the mgoblog link:

I can say that Les Miles is slightly better recruiting version of Carr who allows pure, concentrated shit to fall out of his mouth at least once a season. If that dirty bastard is hired to be the next coach, I'm fucking done. At least Carr has the excuse of senility to explain away his coaching inadaquacies. What the fuck is Miles' excuse, Turrets?

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