ASU had no TOs left. If they fucked up the attempt, one of two things happens:
1. The clock runs out and they lose
2. The have to huddle up fast enough to spike the ball before time expires
Guess what, #2 is what I suggested anyway, but after a designed run-and-kneel instead of after a botched kick. Oh yeah, if a team can't execute which amounts to little more than an extra point, then maybe they don't deserve to win.
Now, jlb1705 suggested that maybe their kicker prefers the right hash instead of the middle. OK, cool. In that case, instead of a run-and-kneel they just take the snap, kneel (keeping the ball at the right hash), and quickly flip the ball to the ref who would get the ball ready for play within 10-15 seconds at the latest. If Michigan doesn't burn their TO (which they wouldn't), now you just wait for the clock to tick down to 4-5 seconds left in the game, spike the ball, and kick the FG with no time left.