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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

NCAA Football - CBSSports.com

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Ever run down the street naked in front of friends, neighbors and family? Of course you have. We all have. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Then we woke up, relieved. Nightmares suck but in a way they're healthy, purging the mind of subconscious fears
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Now, think about the most embarrassing moment of your life, then multiply it by a factor of Carr. Lloyd Carr. The Michigan coach is the other side of Appalachian Fever that has struck the country this week.[/FONT]
I know we've all taken issue with Dennis Dodd on numerous occasions, but after reading this article, I think Gene Smith needs to hire him to lead the Keep LLLLLoyd campaign. :) I especially liked the part where he basically said that losing to App. State isn't as embarrassing as pooping your pants on the sideline like Joe Paterno. :lol:
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jwinslow;919486; said:
jlb, I believe Nuge preferred the left hash over any other spot as well.

BB73;919509; said:
It's very doubtful that he preferred the hash inside the 5-yard line.


What's all this about Mike Nugent and hash? I would bet every vNickel I have and a lot of real money too that he never touched... what?... the mark on the... oh...

[Gilda Radner]nevermind[/Gilda Radner]
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ESPN - Carr says Michigan football starting from scratch - College Football

Indianapolis Colts defensive back Marlin Jackson, a former Michigan standout, said he was embarrassed by the result.

"We lost to a I-AA program, and we were a top-five team," he said. "To go out and be the first team in history to lose to a I-AA team, it hurts."

Jackson said the loss has been an almost nonstop topic of conversation for him.

"That's all I've been getting the last couple of days. Every text message I get just says 'Appalachian State.' That's all it says," he said.

"The Ohio State guys have been all right. It's everybody else around here. Even coach [Tony] Dungy said something to me about it."
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EastFourteenth;919650; said:
ESPN - Carr says Michigan football starting from scratch - College Football

Indianapolis Colts defensive back Marlin Jackson, a former Michigan standout, said he was embarrassed by the result.

"We lost to a I-AA program, and we were a top-five team," he said. "To go out and be the first team in history to lose to a I-AA team, it hurts."

Jackson said the loss has been an almost nonstop topic of conversation for him.

"That's all I've been getting the last couple of days. Every text message I get just says 'Appalachian State.' That's all it says," he said.

"The Ohio State guys have been all right. It's everybody else around here. Even coach [Tony] Dungy said something to me about it."

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MililaniBuckeye;919504; said:
ASU had no TOs left. If they fucked up the attempt, one of two things happens:

1. The clock runs out and they lose
2. The have to huddle up fast enough to spike the ball before time expires

Guess what, #2 is what I suggested anyway, but after a designed run-and-kneel instead of after a botched kick. Oh yeah, if a team can't execute which amounts to little more than an extra point, then maybe they don't deserve to win.

Now, jlb1705 suggested that maybe their kicker prefers the right hash instead of the middle. OK, cool. In that case, instead of a run-and-kneel they just take the snap, kneel (keeping the ball at the right hash), and quickly flip the ball to the ref who would get the ball ready for play within 10-15 seconds at the latest. If Michigan doesn't burn their TO (which they wouldn't), now you just wait for the clock to tick down to 4-5 seconds left in the game, spike the ball, and kick the FG with no time left.

well, if scUM's D could tackle anybody, they wouldn't have been at a first and goal with 30 seconds left anyway... scUM's horrible secondary allowed a 10 yard pass to go 25... :p
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lvbuckeye;919679; said:
well, if scUM's D could tackle anybody, they wouldn't have been at a first and goal with 30 seconds left anyway... scUM's horrible secondary allowed a 10 yard pass to go 25... :p

Cowherd just ripped Lloyd Carr...23 minutes into his show and he spent most of it on the App State game. He also said he didn't care for how some of his network's coaches "sugarcoated" the loss - (read: Lou Holtz and Lee Corso) and we "should call it what it is - an embarrassment".

he also said Buckeye fans should pray Voyd stays as long as possible.
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College football
Now everyone's catchin' the spirit of Appalachian

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 3:19 AM
By Mike Cranston

Associated Press

BOONE, N.C. -- Every Labor Day, tourists head to this Blue Ridge Mountains town named after Daniel Boone to take in breathtaking views, eat Southern cuisine, and buy arts and crafts.
But as the long weekend wrapped up yesterday, satellite trucks whizzed down the main street in town and reporters from ESPN and major newspapers combed through the Appalachian State campus, documenting the Mountaineers' stunning 34-32 win over No. 5 Michigan on Saturday.

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GoBucks89;919902; said:
I was scanning the scUM board on Scout and found this gem of a post during the 4th quarter:

Kind of puts into perspective just how big the upset really was.....According to their website- they are App States "long time rivals." A ticket to this weeks game will cost ya $20. I'm guessing the stadium is a little different than the "Big House."
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