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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

lvbuckeye;919957; said:
but i can't help but have this sneaking suspicion that all our celebration is brewing up some nasty karma come November...
what this loss does mean for us buckeye fans: henne, hart, long, lllllloyd and scUM fans have only one reason to even bother with this year now.. to beat Ohio State.
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lvbuckeye;919957; said:
the comments on mgoblog are wonderful... but i can't help but have this sneaking suspicion that all our celebration is brewing up some nasty karma come November...

Yeah, yeah....karma is a bitch and I too have had similar thoughts, for about a nanosecond. This is too priceless, never happened before, historic, an upset that will be the measuring stick for upsets 50 years from now, to let something as fucking insignificant, relatively speaking, as karma ruin :).
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I heard a comment from a caller on talk radio saying that Michigan should schedule Appalachian State every year for the next 10 so they can show that this will never happen again. I have to wonder what that would really prove? If they did that and won the next 9 in a row all it would show is that it was a chokejob, and if they lose another one all I could see is that destroying recruiting for a few years. It's just funny to me, scUM always seems to be about "rematch" because they drop the ball first time around, unfortunately this is college football and there's no rematch except in very rare circumstances.

Either way, scUM now has a video to show their players every time they think they will have a walkover game, and Llllloyd Carr failed to get them properly prepared. Seriously, how does a 1AA school get the recruits to beat a school who gets multiple members of the top 125 recruit list every year?

I thought after last years debacle against USC they would focus on defense, but it seemed like the rest of the D took lessons from Morgan Trent?

Talk Radio is tearing scUM apart right now, but also tearing apart the Big10. Which isn't fair, Penn State, Wisconsin and tOSU went out and did their jobs, they won their games in convincing fashion, and came in properly prepared. Yet the Big10 suddenly is a weak conference? Hopefully TSUN dwells on this loss, loses a couple more games and the other 3 teams competing to win the Big10 go on and dominate, so that people realize the weak link in the chain this year isn't the whole conference but it's Michigan and it's horrid defense.

Bah, I am turning off the radio.
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EastSide;919385; said:
That there sir is an oxymoron! Class '92

My Appalachian State hoody will arrive in 3 weeks, will that be too late? Will the excitement of this week be forgotten by then?

I hope not.

I'm a little sad. I was in Boone about 2 weeks ago. I thought about buying an ASU shirt, but I thought, "what do I need that for?"

Now I know. :( But I've lost my "I liked them back in the day," cred.
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lvbuckeye;919957; said:
the comments on mgoblog are wonderful... but i can't help but have this sneaking suspicion that all our celebration is brewing up some nasty karma come November...

I don't how App State beating Michigan has anything to do with marma against us. If anything, Michigan's loss puts yet even more pressure on them to beat us, because the Henne and Hart goal of a national title is gone and the only thing they have left is to beat us...
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lvbuckeye;919957; said:
the comments on mgoblog are wonderful... but i can't help but have this sneaking suspicion that all our celebration is brewing up some nasty karma come November...
LV, there's no reason to be concerned about that. 3 points to remember:

1. Several of us had a similar celebration two years ago when Chad Henne's goal line fumbles cost them a home loss to Notre Lame. As you recall, there was no payback when we met them in November.
2. Our pleasure over their pain is merely a drop in the bucket compared to the jollies they must have gotten shortly after January 8th. I doubt that there is any way we can ever repay that debt, no matter how much grief we give them.
3. There is no such thing as "karma" anyway.
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lvbuckeye;919957; said:
the comments on mgoblog are wonderful... but i can't help but have this sneaking suspicion that all our celebration is brewing up some nasty karma come November...

True. But I don't care. UM has beaten us 57 times before. Other teams have defeated us 244 other times, too.

But none of those teams were Appalachian State!


Honestly, Henne, Hart, and Co could run the table and win their bowl game, but it doesn't matter now. The BEST case scenario for these guys is they ended their careers 1-3 against OSU, 1-3 in bowl games, managed the dubious feat of losing to the other four of the five winningest programs in CFB history (Ohio State, Notre Dame, Texas and Nebraska) all in the same calendar year (2005), suffered the worst three game defensive lapse in the last 50 years of their program, capped off with a loss to Appalachian Fucking State!

And that's the bright side, if they win all their remaining games.
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I was watching Rome is Burning, and they had a sports columnist Randy Skaler (sp?) who is a scUM grad. His qoute was, at this point if my daugther games to me at 13 and tells me she is pregnant it might be as bad as losing to App. State
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buckeyefool;920229; said:
I was watching Rome is Burning, and they had a sports columnist Randy Skaler (sp?) who is a scUM grad. His qoute was, at this point if my daugther games to me at 13 and tells me she is pregnant it might be as bad as losing to App. State

Hell, the worse than his daughter story is that he has to admit to being a scUM alum.
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