High Seas Rogue
This is a stupid fucking arguement, but now that I have also been indirectly called an idiot because I agree with the ASU coaches let me spell something out. Not so long ago we had a nationally televised NFL game where a winning FG snap was fucked up and the clock ran out because of it. Every friggin coach in the country saw this. Kicking this ball on first and giving themselves time if they happen to have to fall on a bad snap was a good call. Even more so because this is a 1aa kicker/snapper in a game most of them probably thought they had no chance in, at a point in time when they were certainly out of control emotionally. This kick was for a win or loss, not a win or tie. THE most important thing is to make the kick first, clock second. Leaving a team 27 seconds to drive the field, even with the college rules, IS NOT some huge mega-risk you guys are trying to make it out to be. Henne's pass was beyond luck, requiring a blatant push-off by Manningham and this implication that they should have expected scUM to move the length of the field in 27 seconds is a whole new level of ridiculous. Just because Doug Flutie did it 30 years ago doesn't make it probable, likely, or even a small possibility. The fact that Henne couldn't hit a pass most of the day makes it such a low risk decision, how the fuck can anyone say "what a dumbass call"? The man knows his team. He rolled the dice. His team won the game. You can't argue with his results...errr...I mean, you can't argue with his results unless you're at BP...
Now, the football Gods have showered us with the ultimate of gifts, a gift that we will savor forever, so shut the fuck up and enjoy scUM's loss you ingrateful douchebags.
I tried to sound as angry as possible. Did it work? No? Hard to be angry in this thread I guess. Eh, I thought the rolling eyes at the end was a good touch. Can someone give me a "Saw31 is a fucking mental midget!" so we can keep this stupid arguement going...

Now, the football Gods have showered us with the ultimate of gifts, a gift that we will savor forever, so shut the fuck up and enjoy scUM's loss you ingrateful douchebags.
I tried to sound as angry as possible. Did it work? No? Hard to be angry in this thread I guess. Eh, I thought the rolling eyes at the end was a good touch. Can someone give me a "Saw31 is a fucking mental midget!" so we can keep this stupid arguement going...
