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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

yeah, I was out of town, and confused when I saw the highlights of the big gain by App State finishing with 30 seconds on the clock and the FG being kicked w/ 30 seconds left. ASU really screwed up the end of that game and probably deserved to lose on the basis of that alone.
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MililaniBuckeye;919293; said:
Heeysus Fucking Chreesto, are you retarded or what? How many times do we have to explain to you how ASU could've stopped the clock without a TO and still have plenty of time to kick the FG from a better angle? I don't give shit about the reasons Jerry Moore said he kicked on first down...the only reason they won is because dipshit Shawn Crable doesn't know his blocking assignments. They didn't win that game because of the decision, but in spite of it. Had Crable done his job and Michigan makes the FG, Jerry Moore would trying to defend why he kicked a FG on first down with 30 seconds on the game clock.

.....and thats about all there is to say about that. Count me as one that doesn't understand the confusion.

Moore gave the reasons why he did what he did, it doesn't mean it was the best thing to do.
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Carr also f-ed up when he went for 2 in the 3rd quarter. Uh, you're in a high scoring game in teh 3rd quarter, what idiot coach goes for 2 to pull within 3? since they went for 2 there, they "had" to go for 2 later. Coaches in both teh pros and college do this and it's incredibly stupid. You only go for 2 if A) you're far behind or 2) it's the 4th quarter or 3) your kicker is hurt or 4) you have a gadget play you want to try. Nothing else.
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MililaniBuckeye;919293; said:
Heeysus Fucking Chreesto, are you retarded or what? How many times do we have to explain to you how ASU could've stopped the clock without a TO and still have plenty of time to kick the FG from a better angle? I don't give shit about the reasons Jerry Moore said he kicked on first down...the only reason they won is because dipshit Shawn Crable doesn't know his blocking assignments. They didn't win that game because of the decision, but in spite of it. Had Crable done his job and Michigan makes the FG, Jerry Moore would trying to defend why he kicked a FG on first down with 30 seconds on the game clock.
great argument. when you can't convince somebody resort to curses and insults.

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lvbuckeye;919328; said:
great argument. when you can't convince somebody resort to curses and insults.

it's mili, your skin should be thicker. and he's right. plus the cursing and insults are coming because he's said this 3 or 4 times already in this thread.

it was stupid to kick it with that much time left. case & point being scUM kicking a potential game winner.

Tibs said:
Carr also f-ed up when he went for 2 in the 3rd quarter.
I thought the go for it on 4th, instead of pinning ASU deep, was even worse than going for 2.
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lvbuckeye;919328; said:
great argument. when you can't convince somebody resort to curses and insults.


Agree when people are being sensible but you just seem to be ignoring everything in order to start an argument. The board contrarian position has long been filled by Tibs and we don't need another one.
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i'm not being a board contrarian, and i'm not choosing a side in order to cause an argument. ASU didn't have any timeouts, and the clock was stopped with 30 seconds left. when you run a play to center the ball, the clock keeps running, and you're scrambling to spike it so you can kick it on third. why ratchet the pressure up on your self? if you're going to take the position that ASU shouldn't have kicked it on first, then why are none of you arguing that they should have thrown for the endzone on first and second? simple. because you're adding unnecessary risk... just like running the ball to the right, then trying to scramble up to the line to spike the ball... and none of you are acknowledging the fact that it took a miracle hail mary for scUM to get in position to kick that FG.

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lvbuckeye;919343; said:
i'm not being a board contrarian, and i'm not choosing a side in order to cause an argument. ASU didn't have any timeouts, and the clock was stopped with 30 seconds left. when you run a play to center the ball, the clock keeps running, and you're scrambling to spike it so you can kick it on third. why ratchet the pressure up on your self? if you're going to take the position that ASU shouldn't have kicked it on first, then why are none of you arguing that they should have thrown for the endzone on first and second? simple. because you're adding unnecessary risk... just like running the ball to the right, then trying to scramble up to the line to spike the ball...


Listen...running 1 play, then a quick set up and spike is something any good, well coached team can do in 30 seconds. Thats assuming tsun doesn't take a TO which they would have had to do. Why they would have had to has been explained several times by several posters.

As far as rushing out to set up for the FG, how many times have you seen both pro and college teams throw the ball away, stop the clock and bring on the FG team? Its not an abnormal thing by any stretch of the imagination. Hell we ran the FG team on at Purdue in 2002 with single digits on the clock and pulled it off.

It worked out for APSU for other reasons but the fact they had to block a tsun FG attempt to win should clearly demonstarte to anyone being open minded on the subject that more time needed to be taken off the clock when they had the chance to do so.

My last post on the topic: 30 seconds is plenty of time to run a play, center the FG attempt and kill the clock. The play clock is what 25 or 35 seconds in college? Thats plenty of time to get the FG team out and set up for a straight on 20 yd FG.
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Jaxbuck;919346; said:
Listen...running 1 play, then a quick set up and spike is something any good, well coached team can do in 30 seconds. Thats assuming tsun doesn't take a TO which they would have had to do. Why they would have had to has been explained several times by several posters.

As far as rushing out to set up for the FG, how many times have you seen both pro and college teams throw the ball away, stop the clock and bring on the FG team? Its not an abnormal thing by any stretch of the imagination. Hell we ran the FG team on at Purdue in 2002 with single digits on the clock and pulled it off.

It worked out for APSU for other reasons but the fact they had to block a tsun FG attempt to win should clearly demonstarte to anyone being open minded on the subject that more time needed to be taken off the clock when they had the chance to do so.

My last post on the topic: 30 seconds is plenty of time to run a play, center the FG attempt and kill the clock. The play clock is what 25 or 35 seconds in college? Thats plenty of time to get the FG team out and set up for a straight on 20 yd FG.
the play clock is 40 seconds in college.
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Jaxbuck;919035; said:
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. The fact that tsun was setting up to kick the game winning FG shows it wasn't idiotic to run more time off, it needed to be done and could have easily been done.

Bad decision they almost paid dearly for.

Jax, I think you can add Tressel's 1-0 record against 1AA teams to his list of accomplishments. :wink:
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lvbuckeye;919343; said:
i'm not being a board contrarian, and i'm not choosing a side in order to cause an argument. ASU didn't have any timeouts, and the clock was stopped with 30 seconds left. when you run a play to center the ball, the clock keeps running, and you're scrambling to spike it so you can kick it on third. why ratchet the pressure up on your self?
First of all, scUM likely would have burned their timeout. IF they saved the timeout, 30 seconds is more than enought time to set the line, and spike the ball.

Secondly, it was stupid for ASU NOT to force scUMs final timeout. That too, almost dicked them. They gave scUM the luxury of calling a TO and setting their FG unit up, as opposed to running on the field, setting and going as time winds down.

Lastly, lets pretend you're right.. if I felt my team was not capable of getting a spike off after running a play.. whats wrong with having the QB take a knee to run the time down?

if you're going to take the position that ASU shouldn't have kicked it on first, then why are none of you arguing that they should have thrown for the endzone on first and second? simple. because you're adding unnecessary risk...
:slappy: are you kidding me? To pharaphrase Woody:

3 things can happen when you throw the ball, and 2 of them are bad.

Not to mention, throwing a pass defeats the purpose of running the clock..

just like running the ball to the right, then trying to scramble up to the line to spike the ball...
How is running the ball to get the clock running, anything at all like throwing for the endzone.. LV, are you kidding????

and none of you are acknowledging the fact that it took a miracle hail mary for scUM to get in position to kick that FG.
uhh, this proves our point. why even allow scUM to make the hail mary throw? now thats a "unneccassary risk".. plus one-on-one with no saftey help on Manningham is hardly a miracle, another almost fuck up by ASU.

Hope to God JT runs the clock down.
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