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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

EastSide;919068; said:
Weis and Co looked really bad but again I will say and I believe that Chad Henne and Mike Hart lead the underachievement nexus of the universe.

Henne to be sure, but give Hart his due here, without his TD runs and without the 188 yards he put up Michigan loses by 2 TDs....at the very least....

Henne did absolutely nothing all game long and supposedly he's a 4th year starter. At least Hart played the part.
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I don't know if any of you noticed, but this same debate seemed to be happening on Appy State's sidelines. One coach yelling at the other holding one finger up. Once I saw that they decided to kick on first down, I understood what the special teams coach (I'm assuming) was yelling about. "Kick it on 1st down." I personally like the call. I was thinking at the time it was about being able to flub the snap/hold and still have enough time left to get another FG try than it was about having less pressure on the kicker, but apparently that wasn't the coach's thinking. Either way, I don't give a shit...:biggrin:
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lvbuckeye;919080; said:
if the 60 yard pass to MM had fallen incomplete would we be having this discussion? no, because scUM wold have never been in the position to kick a FG in the first place.

manage the clock better and there is no time to even make the throw. If your going to put "if's" on it, what if the guy fell and MM ran it in for the TD?

Better clock management on the other end eliminates it all together.

Anyway, its a dead horse now.
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Wells4Heisman;919129; said:
What If!!! Crable chased down the guy who had picked up the ball after it was blocked, stripped the ball from him Clarret Style, and Ronald MacDonald ran out onto the field in his maize and blue thong and picked up the ball and returned it for a touchdown!!!! :tongue2:
Fixed that for you! :biggrin:.
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Snicker, chortle , tee hee;
Appalachian State basks in win


BOONE, N.C. - The black and gold T-shirts already on sale read: "Michigan Who? 34-32."

Appalachian State students and this mountain town's residents yesterday were still basking in the glory of the Mountaineers' win over No. 5 Michigan a day earlier.
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Boone on Michigan's Loss

Free Detroit Press

"Everyone is coming back because they want to win the title and beat us, and they can't even win the first game ? wow," junior left tackle Alex Boone said.

"Guys were just going crazy (in the locker room)," he added. "I can't believe it. How the hell are you going to come back and call everyone out, and you can't even beat Appalachian State? You've got some (guts)."

Also more on the loss from OSU and MSU.....

Credit to MarineBuck on Bucknuts for finding this.
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lvbuckeye;919072; said:
Carr was WINNING. why in the name of the football gods would he want to stop the clock? all that would do would give ASU a better chance to make the FG.

You stop the clock in anticipation of ASU making the FG so that you have more time when you get the ball back.
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Uhh, i don;t think it was crables fault.. if anything it was the guy inside crable/coaching on both sides.

Crable had two guys to block, he picked the wrong one.. should have went inside for sure (just based on pee-wee football, but then the outside man would have came untouched and had a good chance at it) but i'm thinking the guy inside crable was the one to pick him up. watch it again closely, crable picks the outside man while the guy inside crable helps double team and dosen't pick up the App St. player who sneaks between him and crable.

either App St had a very nice FG block play, confusing scUMs line.. or the guy inside crable missed his assignment.

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lvbuckeye;919080; said:
if the 60 yard pass to MM had fallen incomplete would we be having this discussion? no, because scUM wold have never been in the position to kick a FG in the first place.

You want to talk IFs?

If TSUN had made their FG in the last 6 seconds, the biggest topic of conversation would be ASU not moving the ball to the middle of the field and then spiking it.

I know ASU had zero timeouts, and I know they won, but put me down on the 'Should have run the QB to the right, and then spiked the ball' side. That would have given the FG unit a normal amount of time to get out there on 3rd down. Even if TSUN delays the start of second down for 20 seconds, and there's no way the refs allow that much stalling, the clock wouldn't have been a problem.
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