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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Bonus;918786; said:
11-1?? How about living in the now? The fact of the matter is this.... Michigan does NOT deserve to even be ranked right now. They will be, which is a joke, but there is a legit chance Michigan starts the season 0-3. And if you think Notre Dame looked bad, they did. But they also played a Division I-A school, not a I-AA school. 11-1?? No chance.

So that word hypothetically, did you just skip it over?
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MililaniBuckeye;918906; said:
First, the refs can, and I've seen it happen, stop the clock if the defense deliberately stalls or delays the unpiling. Now, if the ASU staff was worried about that, they could have had the QB run back and right and then take a quick knee...takes all of 3-4 seconds and puts the ball right in the middle and maybe goes back to the 10 yard line. If Michigan calls their TO, then ASU accomplished their goal of taking some more time off, putting the ball in the best position for a kick, and forcing Michigan to burn a TO. If Michigan doesn't call a TO, then the clock continues to run and ASU can wait until about 3-4 seconds are left on the clock and then spike the ball...this then gives the ASU kicker a straight-on FG that is a little longer than an XP abd times expires while the kick is in flight.

NO WAY would M call a time out. even LLLLLoyd Carr isn't that stupid.

even IF the first down knee only takes 3 or 4 seconds, the clock STAYS RUNNING. UM would NOT call a timeout because there's a damn good chance that the clock would run out before they even got a chance for the third down spike. you keep forgetting that ASU didn't have any timeouts left. they couldn't stop and think about the best way to do it and leave no time on the clock. what they did know was that the clock was running at the snap, and would continue to run if they took a knee. the dumbest thing possible at that moment if you're ASU is put yourself in a race against the clock by taking foolish chances. the clock stopped at the first down, which afforded ASU the perfect opportunity to get the kick team out there without rushing the play.
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Even if Michigan tries to delay the game by stalling and causing a huge pile-up, they aren't going to be able to prevent another play.....There was just too much time, 28 seconds is a lot of time. If the play is a kneel down, Michigan is getting flagged for delaying the game, b/c there would be virtually no pile-up to create. It'd be one thing if there was 15 seconds left, but there was 28-30 seconds, and the mis-management of the clock almost cost them the game. If Michigan makes that FG, Jerry Moore is getting blasted by every football fan in the nation. All that being said, Michigan lost and I'm still smiling ear to ear about it
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I think this is a once in a life time opportunity and you can't risk letting the refs decide the game on Michigans home field, where stranger things have happened.
Play the percentages.
Kick the field goal.
Play defense for 26 seconds.
Celebrate! :biggrin:
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lvbuckeye;918947; said:
NO WAY would M call a time out. even LLLLLoyd Carr isn't that stupid.

even IF the first down knee only takes 3 or 4 seconds, the clock STAYS RUNNING. UM would NOT call a timeout because there's a damn good chance that the clock would run out before they even got a chance for the third down spike. you keep forgetting that ASU didn't have any timeouts left. they couldn't stop and think about the best way to do it and leave no time on the clock. what they did know was that the clock was running at the snap, and would continue to run if they took a knee. the dumbest thing possible at that moment if you're ASU is put yourself in a race against the clock by taking foolish chances. the clock stopped at the first down, which afforded ASU the perfect opportunity to get the kick team out there without rushing the play.

Well I guess I'm just a dumbass Monday morning QB but I'm smart enough to know Carr did that very thing in the exact same circumstances against us.

2005 the timeout before Pittman ran it in was called by none other than tsun, coached by Carr. Circumstances were the same, everyone thought we were just running 1 play wide side to center it for the FG.

Any team can run 1 play and then spike it inside of 30 seconds, especially a QB kneel down to center the ball for the kicker. Carr would be FORCED to call a TO if you did that. If not he's faced with the prospect of APSU running the clockdown to 15 seconds or so and using his TO's to ice the kicker on a 20 yd FG.
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JonathanXC;918897; said:
Thinking like this makes me laugh. Two days ago everybody had Michigan going 11-0 into The Game. Now all of a sudden they are going to go 0-3? It's the same team. They lost cuz their heads were elsewhere. A great team can look like crap when they aren't mentally prepared. I think we saw that in the NC game last year. This might jumpstart Michigan to be better than they would have been without this loss. I will be VERY surprised, if Michigan loses to Oregon. And anything can happen in the ND/UM game...but Notre Dame is still nowhere near where Michigan is, talent wise. But if Notre Dame comes to win, and Michigan just shows up...well...anytime Michigan just shows up they will probably lose. But if they enter a game to win, I still believe they are one of the best teams in the country.

Nobody said they WERE going to go 0-3. I said they had a legit chance to go 0-3 after losing to a D-1 AA school at home. There's no doubt the talent is there to be a top 10 team, but as we all know, talent alone does not win football games. I still don't think they should be ranked, and I think you agree with me on that.
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JonathanXC;918897; said:
Thinking like this makes me laugh. Two days ago everybody had Michigan going 11-0 into The Game. Now all of a sudden they are going to go 0-3? It's the same team. They lost cuz their heads were elsewhere. A great team can look like crap when they aren't mentally prepared. I think we saw that in the NC game last year. This might jumpstart Michigan to be better than they would have been without this loss. I will be VERY surprised, if Michigan loses to Oregon. And anything can happen in the ND/UM game...but Notre Dame is still nowhere near where Michigan is, talent wise. But if Notre Dame comes to win, and Michigan just shows up...well...anytime Michigan just shows up they will probably lose. But if they enter a game to win, I still believe they are one of the best teams in the country.

People also based those predictions on what they did last year, who was returning, tradition, etc. Now we actually have a GAME to base predictions off of. Granted, that isn't the greatest, but it's better than no game.

I think Oregon has the type of athletes, specifically a mobile QB, to give UM fits. They haven't proven to be able to handle that at all. If I'm not mistaken ND has one of them too.

Bottom line, until Michigan proves its better than what we saw yesterday, nobody can give anyone anything about picking an 0-3 start. I think they go 2-1, and 1-2 at worst personally.
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From what we all saw week 1 I still think tsun is in light years better shape than NoD. Now that may change but just from week 1, I'd take tsun in that game all day long.

Tsun has an offense, it works. They can run and pass but specifically the run game can be lethal to a team that couldn't stop it.

NoD can't stop the run, can barely stop the pass and can't generate enough, ok any, offense to offset the defenses shortcomings. Everyone knows tsuns defensive weaknesses but you still have to have a pretty decent offense to exploit it. From what I saw week 1 there is no way NoD's QB's are going to be up to that task in 2 weeks. Especially when you consider the absolute beasting they are going to take in happey valley. That won't help anyones development.

Vs Oregon, who knows. Last team with the ball wins I guess because both are pretty suspect on D.

I personally would still be shocked if tsun starts 0-3.
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Jaxbuck;918985; said:
Well I guess I'm just a dumbass Monday morning QB but I'm smart enough to know Carr did that very thing in the exact same circumstances against us.

2005 the timeout before Pittman ran it in was called by none other than tsun, coached by Carr. Circumstances were the same, everyone thought we were just running 1 play wide side to center it for the FG.

Any team can run 1 play and then spike it inside of 30 seconds, especially a QB kneel down to center the ball for the kicker. Carr would be FORCED to call a TO if you did that. If not he's faced with the prospect of APSU running the clockdown to 15 seconds or so and using his TO's to ice the kicker on a 20 yd FG.
did we have a timeout left in '05? honest question.
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I don't think Michigan is light years ahead of ND. I think Michigan will beat ND but IMO GT would beat Michigan. App State is comparable to a good MAC team.

Lets pretend this wasn't a fluke. Lets pretend that Michigans back 7 is just that bad. I watched the game and their veteran players were dazed and confused. Sears and Trent have no idea what they are doing. What is Michigan gonna do against Purdue, Wisky, OSU, and PSU WR's. Their linebackers were nuetralized by the spread and when they were able to play they were lost.

There is alot of game tape for everybody. Oregon is gonna provide even more tape this weekend. Oregon has better athletes than App State. Stewart is gonna have a fieldday in 4wr sets. I could Oregon even run some option.

Any changes made defensively in the 2nd half by Michigan will be gameplanned for by Oregon. If the App State team wouldn't have shot themselves in the foot in the 2nd half they beat Michigan by 14. App State was the faster team!!!! Thats not a fluke...thats a fact.

Michigan may come out fired up this weekend but sometimes that causes you to make mistakes and can open things up on offense for the other team like screens. I'm sure Belotti and company are gonna use this approach when Michigan sells out.

It was Michigans offense that let their team down. My goodness the offense was supposed to the strength of the team. Mike Hart and Co were supposed to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. They could only muster 32 points with their starters in the whole game and the entire playbook open.

Michigans special teams are attrocious. Shawn Crable needs to learn how to mentally play football. The kid cannot block on kicks. The are atrocious on special teams.

With as many seniors and AA calibre players on their team I don't see how this can be viewed as a fluke. Sure Michigan has recruited athletes but this wasn't a track meet it was a football game. This has to be the worst Michigan defense and spcial teams unit I have ever seen.

We'll see if its a fluke but IMO its not as big of a fluke as Michigan fans want to believe. If these veterans players from Michigan don't know how to play by now they are never gonna learn.
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lvbuckeye;919011; said:
did we have a timeout left in '05? honest question.

yes 1, which is even more a statement on how forced to use their TO's, tsun was. Even knowing we still had 1 to use to set up the FG they burned one to keep us from running the clock down.

Its all about saving time for your(tsuns) offense to take their last shot. Every second lost eliminates something they will be able to do. 10-15 more seconds off that clock and its just 1 hail mary to the endzone. Forget the FG.

No doubt at all if the APSU QB shuffles latterally, takes a knee and gets them back up to the LOS...tsun HAS to take the TO. Hell you could run a real play to the wide side and have time to spike it with a full 30 seconds left on the clock but its a moot point, tsun would HAVE to take a TO.
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Bonus;918993; said:
Nobody said they WERE going to go 0-3. I said they had a legit chance to go 0-3 after losing to a D-1 AA school at home. There's no doubt the talent is there to be a top 10 team, but as we all know, talent alone does not win football games. I still don't think they should be ranked, and I think you agree with me on that.

So how much is IrishEnvy or whatever the NoD forums are called paying you to troll this site???

Meanwhile, NoD/NoO has very little chance against Missagain despite what happened Saturday.
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