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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

SNIPER26;918745; said:
Also, I wanted to thank you guys for keeping it civil and classy towards me after this game. There's obviously a lot of room for shit talking and I'd agree with every reason, but no one acted like a royal prick and I appreciate that. I will now wander onto oncoming traffic because I just remembered we lost to Appalachian State at home :(
We figure that we will wait until after the numbness wears off so our crap will hurt more. :biggrin:
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Jaxbuck;918741; said:
Its a tall black guy with a single digit number so the odds are narrowing down but I can't make it out from the youtube shots. Guess I'll just have to rewatch it on the BTN about 20 times. :wink2:


One: the video shows there is only ONE singular numbered player and he is on the left end.

Two: The singular number is shaped like a 2 (or a 6 or perhaps a 7)

Three: It sure as hell wasn't Chad Henne on that end, and the player has been identified as a Captain so that kinda narrows it all down.

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BuckeyeMike80;918758; said:

One: the video shows there is only ONE singular numbered player and he is on the left end.

Two: The singular number is shaped like a 2 (or a 6 or perhaps a 7)

Three: The player has been identified as a Captain, and it sure as hell wasn't Chad Henne on that end, so that kinda narrows it all down.


Chad's not a captain
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SNIPER26;918745; said:
Also, I wanted to thank you guys for keeping it civil and classy towards me after this game. There's obviously a lot of room for shit talking and I'd agree with every reason, but no one acted like a royal prick and I appreciate that. I will now wander onto oncoming traffic because I just remembered we lost to Appalachian State at home :(
Hey it happens to all of us.... uh well maybe not but still you can salvage the season and go 10 and 2 and watch us on January,9th.
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Wells4Heisman;918779; said:
Hey it happens to all of us.... uh well maybe not but still you can salvage the season and go 10 and 2 and watch us on January,9th.

haha thanks. Hypothetically speaking, if we go 11-1 where do we end up ranked?

I'm a huge Buckeye fan right now until Michigan plays them. We need SOS. BAD!
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BuckeyeMike80;918784; said:

I should have said it wasn't Chad Henne in the first part of the sentence and then followed it up with the fact that it was narrowed down to a team captain.

In fact, that's what it will say here in a couple seconds. :biggrin:

Gotcha. Crable is also the lone black team captain, so yes, it was him :wink:
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SNIPER26;918781; said:
haha thanks. Hypothetically speaking, if we go 11-1 where do we end up ranked?

I'm a huge Buckeye fan right now until Michigan plays them. We need SOS. BAD!

11-1?? How about living in the now? The fact of the matter is this.... Michigan does NOT deserve to even be ranked right now. They will be, which is a joke, but there is a legit chance Michigan starts the season 0-3. And if you think Notre Dame looked bad, they did. But they also played a Division I-A school, not a I-AA school. 11-1?? No chance.
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