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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

BuckeyeMike80;918590; said:
He went for the win and had absolutely NOTHING to lose by kicking it on first down.

They won. His decision, however shitty, turned out to be right for their team.

Nor did have anything to lose by kicking on 3rd down with 10 seconds or less to play. His decision didn't "turn out to be right for their team" seeing as the kicker would've made the FG from a better angle...the fact is that Corey Lynch saved App State's ass and prevented the ASU staff's clock mismanagement from costing them the game.
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MililaniBuckeye;918674; said:
Nor did have anything to lose by kicking on 3rd down with 10 seconds or less to play. His decision didn't "turn out to be right for their team" seeing as the kicker would've made the FG from a better angle...the fact is that Corey Lynch saved App State's ass and prevented the ASU staff's clock mismanagement from costing them the game.

It's really not worth arguing, seeing that the skunkbears couldn't sack up and block the attempt nor answer it, but who is to say the kicker would have still made it from the better angle?

Chip shot field goals get missed all the time.
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CleveBucks;918687; said:
2. When the DB saw he was beat, he should've tackled Manningham. 15 yard penalty with 6 seconds left would've negated any chance at a field goal.

Totally agree...take advantage of the difference in PI rules between college and pros.
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CleveBucks;918687; said:
2. When the DB saw he was beat, he should've tackled Manningham. 15 yard penalty with 6 seconds left would've negated any chance at a field goal.


The bar I was in during the game had a solid mixture of B10 fans...MSU, PSU, tOSU, and of course the UM fans. There was an especially cocky guy with his flat-billed Detroit Tiger hat and Mike Hart jersey...he was straight out of 8 Mile.

He was pissed because the whole bar was cheering on App State...when MM caught the long ball he was up in his booth yelling "What now?!?! What now?!?! What now?!?!"

I said the exact same thing to my friends...the DB should have tackled him for 15 instead of 60.

Then the FG was blocked and the whole bar erupted and started talking smack to 8 Mile.

He was so pissed and humiliated that he dropped his head and walked out leaving his girl and other friends to handle their tab. We watched him pacing and smoking in the parking lot while he waited on them. Of course, about a dozen smokers were already outside and his torment continued.

Great stuff.
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MililaniBuckeye;918674; said:
Nor did have anything to lose by kicking on 3rd down with 10 seconds or less to play. His decision didn't "turn out to be right for their team" seeing as the kicker would've made the FG from a better angle...the fact is that Corey Lynch saved App State's ass and prevented the ASU staff's clock mismanagement from costing them the game.

Mili's exactly right. Its the same scenario as The Game 2005. APSU running to the field side to reduce the angle, takes off seconds and forces tsun to burn TO's.

The fact tsun was setting up for a makeable game winning FG shows you the APSU strategy was flawed. Take the sucker down another 15 seconds and no timeouts, tsun has to get a huge run back and throw a hail mary into the endzone. There isn't time for anything else.

Lucky break for APSU that the tsun wingman wasn't coached very well(or is a complete moron) and let the inside rush man through. Thats JV football 101 stuff there.
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Life is so much better when it is football season ain't it boys.

Been watching the replay- Michigan lost because ASU had a much faster quicker team. Hart didnt play for most of the 2nd and 3rd quarter, That hurt.
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