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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;918603; said:
I don't think there is any question that the App. State coach played the end of the game wrong from a coaching perspective. What Mili wrote above was dead on. And, even if Michigan foolishly doesn't call a TO, ya just spike the ball to stop the clock. If Michigan had made the FG, the loss would be squarely on the coaches.

The fact that it worked out in the end, does not make the coaching decision "right."
Agreed. Although App. State won, this does not negate the fact that it was a bad call. Poor calls don't always result in losses, just as good calls don't always result in wins in these situations.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;918603; said:
I don't think there is any question that the App. State coach played the end of the game wrong from a coaching perspective. What Mili wrote above was dead on. And, even if Michigan foolishly doesn't call a TO, ya just spike the ball to stop the clock. If Michigan had made the FG, the loss would be squarely on the coaches.

The fact that it worked out in the end, does not make the coaching decision "right."

Ok fine whatever, he fucked up and Missagain still couldn't overcome it.

you know, that makes the result better anyway :biggrin:
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R0CK3TM4NN;918588; said:
The crowd around every TV inside Ohio Stadium after the game was amazing... almost chilling. We cheered, we booed, we groaned and finally at the end, we were completely shocked, dumbfounded, and grasping for an explanation to what we were seeing. To cope, all I and everyone else around me could do was jump around and scream like an idiot. Something I will remember for the rest of my life as a college football fan...

The first thing said between me and every person I bumped into, friends and complete strangers alike, for the rest of the day and late on into the night was how Michigan managed to lose to Appalachian State. Un. Freaking. Believeable.

awesome video on youtube

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PogueMahone;918621; said:
Penn State fans celebrating the final field goal that put App St. ahead:

YouTube - Penn State Fans Watch Michigan Lose to Appalachian St. (#1)

and then the final blocked kick:
YouTube - Penn State Fans Watch Michigan Lose to Appalachian St (#2)

It's like that scene in the revised edition of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi with people celebrating the destruction of the second Death Star all throughout the galaxy.

Or Independence Day where the US figures out how to take out the alien invaders and the African tribe people were jumping up and down. I like to think there was much rejoicing amongst African tribes yesterday.
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Appalachian State students celebrate huge upset of No. 5 Michigan

BOONE, N.C. -- The monumental upset at No. 5 Michigan was only minutes old when, more than 400 miles away, Appalachian State senior David Rockensuess and a dozen or so other students did what delirious college football fans always do. They headed for the school's football stadium, climbed the fence, and tore down the goalpost.

Dragging the trophy down the main street in town, their numbers grew. By the time they reached the chancellor's house, a small army had joined in to help.
"There were hundreds of us," Rockensuess said. "There may have been a thousand there at the end."
The goalpost was still sitting in Chancellor Kenneth Peacock's yard when the team returned to campus in four buses late Saturday, where they greeted with thousands of cheering fans.
"I've been doing this a long time, but I've never seen anything like this," coach Jerry Moore said. "It's an awesome deal. We've got great fans."
The party had been going on for nearly eight hours before the team returned.
Drivers honked horns as they drove by, flags waved and students screamed, "It's great to be a Mountaineer!"
Fans chanted "ASU, ASU" next to trees that were littered with toilet paper.
Drop the 13,000-plus who live in Boone, N.C., in the middle of Ann Arbor, Mich., and they would largely go unnoticed.
On Saturday, however, after Appalachian State's 34-32 win over No. 5 Michigan, the state school, nestled in a sleepy college town in the Blue Ridge Mountains, was the center of the college football universe. Downtown, in between sips of beer from plastic cups, students debated the significance of perhaps the biggest upsets in college football history.

Entire article: Appalachian State students celebrate huge upset of No. 5 Michigan - NCAA Football - Yahoo! Sports

What no drunken orgies? :biggrin:
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