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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

NJ-Buckeye;918480; said:
so how far does scUM fall?
all the way out?

Was talking about this yesterday right after their loss. They should drop a minimum of 10 spots...yesterday I said #15 would be about right. But, there'll be those that'll argue along the lines of "But they're still Michigan and they'll be great the rest of the year" and insist they should not fall far. To that I say, "Tough shit".
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AS is the best of their division.
That would put them very capable of playing with the big boys.
Wolves are not that bad. They will have a winning record this year.
Fall very far? Top 20 team for sure.
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MililaniBuckeye;918505; said:
Was talking about this yesterday right after their loss. They should drop a minimum of 10 spots...yesterday I said #15 would be about right. But, there'll be those that'll argue along the lines of "But they're still Michigan and they'll be great the rest of the year" and insist they should not fall far. To that I say, "Tough shit".

This of course goes back to the age-old "what do you base a poll ranking on" question. If it's potential, or what you think they'll be at the end of the year, I'd say #15-20 somewhere. If it's results from week 1, I'd say about #75. The truth is probably in the middle somewhere, but it depends on one's criteria.
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Taosman;918509; said:
AS is the best of their division.
That would put them very capable of playing with the big boys.
Wolves are not that bad. They will have a winning record this year.
Fall very far? Top 20 team for sure.

They just lost, at home, to a D1AA team. The same team that got soundly beat by Kansas and NC State the same years they were the division 1AA champs. The Division 1AA champ IS NOT capable of playing with the big boys unless it's Duke or Temple. Come on, 36-8 loss to Kansas. Kansas is horrible.

UM laid the biggest turd in college football history. They should not be ranked. Anyone that ranks UM should have their vote taken away.
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MililaniBuckeye;918505; said:
Was talking about this yesterday right after their loss. They should drop a minimum of 10 spots...yesterday I said #15 would be about right. But, there'll be those that'll argue along the lines of "But they're still Michigan and they'll be great the rest of the year" and insist they should not fall far. To that I say, "Tough shit".

This is the problem with preseason polls. Because they started #5 they will only drop around 10 spots when, IMO, they have shown they don't deserve to be ranked at ALL.

After next week against Oregon we will have a better gauge, but for now they should be unranked (IMO of course).
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OSUBuckeye4Life;918526; said:
This is the problem with preseason polls. Because they started #5 they will only drop around 10 spots when, IMO, they have shown they don't deserve to be ranked at ALL.

After next week against Oregon we will have a better gauge, but for now they should be unranked (IMO of course).

Next week I think they will have a much better showing, nothing like that type of ass kicking to remind you how vulnerable you can be. I expect them to give the ball to Hart and let him go nuts to try and remind the country that TSUN deserves to be nationally ranked. I figure we'll see them in right around UCLA's spot, but who knows.
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It certainly shows that they lack speed on defense. Their corners and safties have been blown up in the last three games with OSU and their two trips to the Rose Bowl.

For what it's worth, Buckeye coverage didn't match up to previous standards either. Izzywhatsafuck and others dropped balls or were over/underthrown while WIDE open. First game? Maybe. Or it could be a drop in OSU's dominating talent in that area.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;918526; said:
This is the problem with preseason polls. Because they started #5 they will only drop around 10 spots when, IMO, they have shown they don't deserve to be ranked at ALL.

After next week against Oregon we will have a better gauge, but for now they should be unranked (IMO of course).

Polls should not be released untill after the first weekend in October imo.

I understand they generate interest and revenue but they are such an intregal part of the NC process I think it should be done more professionaly.
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Another good one from MGoBlog:

The conversation at midfield between both head coaches.

Carr: Good game coach

Moore: The path of the righteous team is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and tyranny of heavily funded, 5 star talent loaded schools. Blessed is he who in the name of $600,000 and goodwill shepherds the weak thru the BCS valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of over hyped media darlings. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger against those who attempt to schedule and humiliate subdivision national champions and you will know my name is Appalachian State when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

Carr: WTF

Moore: Just some cold blooded shit I like to tell mofo's that I slayed. If you hear this saying and you play D-1 pretty much means your season and national championship aspirations are dead like fried chicken.

Carr: Oh
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I just tried to go to umgoblue.com.
"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

  • <LI id=causeNotConnected>You are not connected to the Internet. <LI id=causeSiteProblem>The website is encountering problems.
  • There might be a typing error in the address.
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OCBucksFan;918528; said:
Next week I think they will have a much better showing, nothing like that type of ass kicking to remind you how vulnerable you can be. I expect them to give the ball to Hart and let him go nuts to try and remind the country that TSUN deserves to be nationally ranked. I figure we'll see them in right around UCLA's spot, but who knows.

I agree. I have been at the Michigan Scout board giving them well wishes to this extent. For instance, I told them that they shouldn't be too hard on their team because Michigan gave Appalachian State a hell of game. :)

They don't seem to know how to react. . .
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This is from the MgoBlog that LJB found..
"It is time to put up or shut up Mike Hart!! The planning for this game belongs to the coaches, yes, but the players must have the right attitude and and someone who picks fights with others outside the program needs to stop and leave it all out on the FIELD!!

Show you are a true leader by doing so on the field, do not talk about how Michigan never loses three or more games a year (2005), do not get in a fight with Jim Harbaugh by stooping to his level. If he is going to talk trash about his alma mater, then he is NOT someone to even acknowledge!!! Unless his points are valid, but that's a coach's problem!!!!

Do not give yourself nickname like H20 when you haven't earned it or claim your apart of one of Michigan's best freshman classes? If you were so good you would have won a bowl or beaten OSU. Your not going to a national title game this year, so there's one less goal you didn't achieve? Still feel like water who slips through cracks when two out of the past three times OSU beat you you had less than a hundred yards rushing and USC limited your game as well.

If had such a terrible defense, what about yours??? Why didn't you forget about the loss and try to motivate your team to win a [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]important][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]GAME[/FONT][/FONT]]!!! I guess you will have another 9-3 year with losses to OSU and in a bowl game. You can still win the Big Ten and a bowl, but you need to put up or shut up.

I recognize the talent that Hart has, but as a result of all his whining this past summer, from Jim Harbaugh to Jake Long being better than Joe Thomas, I lost any respect I had for him. If he was a decent captain, he would realize yesterday was an awakening, you will not beat Oregon, Notre Dame or [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT] if you don't get the team to refocus, drop ALL outside issues you have and show all your talent and class ON THE FIELD!!!

Mike, you clearly never took that advice to heart, because if you had maybe wouldn't have been the first team ranked in the AP Poll to be beaten by a former I-AA. Michigan players if you were more motivated to win you would have not let Hart do all THE WORK, he can only do so much, but when he's trash talking everyone and their mother there might be problems even just in having him recognize the need for a goal-oriented team.

To summarize, Hart if you are a true Michigan man you will leave it all on the field, stop bitching about things that do NOT directly affect football and show the hard work you did yesterday. Does it take losing to Appalachian State to get you to realize the real problem is in the Locker Room and not with the media or Harbaugh? Michigan players should see what at least Hart was sort of smart enough to figure out, give your best effort or why even show up?
Bob | 09.02.07 - 12:15 pm | # "
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It's kind of off to blame Mike Hart, if anything he looked to be scUMs only player that really wanted to win that game yesterday. Plus didn't he get injured early in the game? If anything blame the coach for letting his team go into that game unprepared, I mean they were the d1-aa champions.
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OCBucksFan;918545; said:
It's kind of off to blame Mike Hart, if anything he looked to be scUMs only player that really wanted to win that game yesterday. Plus didn't he get injured early in the game? If anything blame the coach for letting his team go into that game unprepared, I mean they were the d1-aa champions.
I thought Hart was one of the ones who played all out all day. I didn't mean to imply otherwise. JMO but I think that the tsun D has been dropping off in talent for several years now and they lost most of what they had last year. THe offense drops way off when Hart is out and they become one dimensional. The Big question is , what are they going to have next year on both sides of the ball?
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Bleed S & G;918117; said:
It was 1st down, run to the middle, spike the ball, it's 3rd down with 2 downs to kick on. Plus the time run off is so valuable, scUM almost pulled it off for this very reason.

I guess it dosen't matter though, scUM went down anyways

Michigan called Time out with 30 seconds left. They still had 2 to go. At the most App State would have been kicking with something like 25 seconds left anyway.

Why is this even a debate? Obviously the way the App State coaches played it worked out perfectly enough.
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