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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

I do NOT want Carr gone... I like him there...
I always feel we have the edge when he's coaching the other side...
I'm much more concerned that they will bring in somebody good if they get rid of him...
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In the earlier argument that Appalachian State could compete in the Big 10... I don't concur. The Big-10 went 8-3 yesterday. In a leauge of just teams that the Big-10 played yesterday, I don't think Appalachian State would finish in the top half.

Washington State
Bowling Green
Northern Illinois
Florida International
Youngstown State
Indiana State

5-5 at best
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Mountaineers coach Jerry Moore and his players insisted that winning their back-to-back I-AA (or D-I Subdivision) national championships were actually bigger this win, but they may be in a vast minority nationally with that opinion.

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zincfinger;918225; said:
This does hurt the BigTen's reputation. If it was Indiana, Northwestern, even Minnesota losing to a D-1AA team - no big deal. Kind of embarrassing, but no big deal. But this was Michigan, perennial BigTen title contender. And they will be beating BigTen teams this year, probably some of the top BigTen teams. Yet they lost at home to a D-1AA. Embarrassing to the whole conference, because it's one of the conference's benchmark teams.

And yet, despite that, I can't help but get some enjoyment from this.

You're right, it will impact the Big Ten's rep, and by extension, Ohio State's for people who are looking for an excuse.

I guess my point is, none of my shirts or hats say "Big Ten" on them. I don't think anybody's diploma says "Big Ten" on it. Rather, they say "OHIO STATE", and that's where my ties are.

Conversely, the impression you get from the south is that many people are fans of "The South" before they are fans of their school. I don't live in the south, but in conversations I've had with people from the south about college football, they usually say that they're fans of the SEC, and then you have to ask a follow-up question about a specific team to get them to say something like, "I guess I like Auburn."
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Looks like one Michigan fan lost his mind yesterday and re-desigined his entire 'Go Blue' blog in pink with kittens:


Yes, this is what I'm doing to hold myself over until I can watch the OSU game... scrolling through the insanity of yesterday. LOL
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Telekinesis;918336; said:
Looks like one Michigan fan lost his mind yesterday and re-desigined his entire 'Go Blue' blog in pink with kittens:


Yes, this is what I'm doing to hold myself over until I can watch the OSU game... scrolling through the insanity of yesterday. LOL


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Best Buckeye;918298; said:
I wonder if AS will be ranked #5 this week.

Stewart Mandel asked the AP if he could vote for them. He was told that it was "officially considered a 1-A poll" (actually they should have said an FBS poll), so he couldn't.
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From the MZone.

Oh, the humanity!

"It's finally here now. The 2007 season. They've brought Appalachian State onto the Big House field to be run over by a number of maize and blue men. Michigan's offense is starting with a touchdown; it's--the offense has started to slack up. Now the defense is barely holding, just enough to--

It's burst into flames! The 2007 season burst into flames! And it's falling! It's crashing! Watch it! Watch it! Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Michigan's national championship dreams are on fire-- and they're crashing! They're crashing terrible! Oh, my! Get out of the way, please! The season is burning and bursting into flames! And Michigan is falling-- falling out of the polls! This is terrible. This is the worst or the worst catastrophes in the college football world! It's in flames...crashing! Four or five in both polls and it's-- it's a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen. It's smoke, and it's flames now! And Henne's Heisman chances are crashing to the ground, probably bringing Hart's with it. Oh, the humanity! And all the fans in the stadium are screaming for Lloyd's head around here. It-- I can't even talk to people. Ah- it's- it's a - ah, I- I can't talk, ladies and gentlemen! Honest, the season, it's just laying there, a mass of smoking wreckage. Ah. And everybody in the stands, the Michigan fans, can hardly breathe and talk, and the screaming. Honest; I can hardly breathe. I'm going to step out of the stadium for I dare not see it. Losing to a 1-AA team, that's terrible. I can't watch. Folks, I'm going to have to stop for a minute because I've lost my voice. This is the worst thing I've ever witnessed."
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