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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the Mountin'er heroes
Hail! Hail! to Appal-achin
The leaders and best!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the Mountin'er heroes
Hail! Hail! to Appal-achin,
The champions of the SoCon!

Ok so SoCon didn't exactly fit, but what the hell :biggrin:
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This is Hilarious!

Let the Healing Begin

Alright, I think the tears are starting to dry over here in this cozy little alcoholic abyss. I think now it's time for the five step healing process.

Step 1) allow A Grieving Period

Imagine this. You are celebrating your 25th Anniversary with the love of your life. In order to provide the most romantic and special indication of your love of your wife, you arranged a special evening at Gotham Bar & Grill followed by a night at the Waldorf. Well, the evening starts off as planned with a delicious meal and some bubbly. Well, your wife gets a little tipsy and heads to the restroom. After five minutes or so with no return, you decide to go check on her. The bathrooms are empty so you poke around a little in the kitchen. What do you see? Your wife is getting banged on the prep table by a 250 pound Guido line cook with a hairy back and man boobs.

We just got beat by Appalachian State. This is gonna hurt for a while.

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BuckeyeMike80;918549; said:
Michigan called Time out with 30 seconds left. They still had 2 to go. At the most App State would have been kicking with something like 25 seconds left anyway.

Why is this even a debate? Obviously the way the App State coaches played it worked out perfectly enough.

After our game was over the bar switched over to the end of the ASU/UM game...no Buckeye fans (there were about 50 or so of us, along with about 8-10 UM fans), left. When App State put the FG unit on the field on first down, everyone of us what like, "What the fuck?!" You run at least two plays, if not three, for three huge reasons: Take time off the clock, force UM to burn TOs, and improve your kicking angle.

I was so stunned, I don't recall if UM did indeed call a TO before the kick, but let's say they did. Now they have two timeouts with 30 seconds, and App State has first and goal from the five or so and a tough kicking angle. Say App runs a QB sneak towards the right...it puts the ball at a better angle (if not gaining yardage), takes at least 5-10 seconds off the clock, and forces UM to burn their second TO. Then on second down (with 20-25 seconds left), run the same play...now, UM burns its final TO and there's anywhere from 10-20 seconds left (depending how much time each sneak takes). Now, it's third down with UM having no more TOs, and you have the choice of running one more sneak to line up the kick and run the clock down to about 2 seconds so that time expires as the FG is in flight, or kicking the FG on third down so you have a possible chance at a re-kick on fourth down if the snap is bad. Even if you kick on third down instead of fourth, you'll be kicking off with maybe 10 seconds or less remaining, forcing UM to return the KO for a TD, or if its a short return forcing them to throw the ball the length of the field for a TD. However, what they did by kicking on first down was let Michigan keep TOs and gave them enough time for a few big plays (which indeed happened).

Just think how badly ASU's staff would've been second-guessed from now to eternity of their FG kicker missed the winning FG because of the tight angle, or had ASU not blocked the FG and UM made it. They were very lucky things turned out as they did in the final 30 seconds of play.
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MililaniBuckeye;918579; said:
After our game was over the bar switched over to the end of the ASU/UM game...no Buckeye fans (there were about 50 or so of us, along with about 8-10 UM fans), left. When App State put the FG unit on the field on first down, everyone of us what like, "What the fuck?!" You run at least two plays, if not three, for three huge reasons: Take time off the clock, force UM to burn TOs, and improve your kicking angle.

I was so stunned, I don't recall if UM did indeed call a TO before the kick, but let's say they did. Now they have two timeouts with 30 seconds, and App State has first and goal from the five or so and a tough kicking angle. Say App runs a QB sneak towards the right...it puts the ball at a better angle (if not gaining yardage), takes at least 5-10 seconds off the clock, and forces UM to burn their second TO. Then on second down (with 20-25 seconds left), run the same play...now, UM burns its final TO and there's anywhere from 10-20 seconds left (depending how much time each sneak takes). Now, it's third down with UM having no more TOs, and you have the choice of running one more sneak to line up the kick and run the clock down to about 2 seconds so that time expires as the FG is in flight, or kicking the FG on third down so you have a possible chance at a re-kick on fourth down if the snap is bad. Even if you kick on third down instead of fourth, you'll be kicking off with maybe 10 seconds or less remaining, forcing UM to return the KO for a TD, or if its a short return forcing them to throw the ball the length of the field for a TD. However, what they did by kicking on first down was let Michigan keep TOs and gave them enough time for a few big plays (which indeed happened).

Just think how badly ASU's staff would've been second-guessed from now to eternity of their FG kicker missed the winning FG because of the tight angle, or had ASU not blocked the FG and UM made it. They were very lucky things turned out as they did in the final 30 seconds of play.

The coach of App State knows his team better than anyone else here.

I think he played it right in this case, at least, I can't argue with the results.
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The crowd around every TV inside Ohio Stadium after the game was amazing... almost chilling. We cheered, we booed, we groaned and finally at the end, we were completely shocked, dumbfounded, and grasping for an explanation to what we were seeing. To cope, all I and everyone else around me could do was jump around and scream like an idiot. Something I will remember for the rest of my life as a college football fan...

The first thing said between me and every person I bumped into, friends and complete strangers alike, for the rest of the day and late on into the night was how Michigan managed to lose to Appalachian State. Un. Freaking. Believeable.
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BuckeyeMike80;918584; said:
The coach of App State knows his team better than anyone else here.

I think he played it right in this case, at least, I can't argue with the results.
He played it wrong. It worked out in the end, but IMO, a shitty call that should have cost App St the upset. 1st down, 30 seconds. Run the ball, spike it, kick it.
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Bleed S & G;918589; said:
He played it wrong. It worked out in the end, but IMO, a shitty call that should have cost App St the upset. 1st down, 30 seconds. Run the ball, spike it, kick it.

I'm not saying that I would want Ohio State to play it that way.

He went for the win and had absolutely NOTHING to lose by kicking it on first down.

They won. His decision, however shitty, turned out to be right for their team.
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i was also in the stadium watching the beauty of a michigan loss. i don't even think the guy was tackled yet on the blocked field goal and TBDBITL was already playing hail to the victors. insult to injury, it was great. every time the score was shown or mentioned during buckeye game the crowd went nuts like beanie had a 50 yarder. people in columbus yesterday were more excited that michigan lost than beating the overpowered penguins. and then it gets better and notre dame loses. what a day for buckeye fans. mich #5 and charlie weis a genius :slappy::slappy::slappy::rofl::osu3::scum3:
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I don't think there is any question that the App. State coach played the end of the game wrong from a coaching perspective. What Mili wrote above was dead on. And, even if Michigan foolishly doesn't call a TO, ya just spike the ball to stop the clock. If Michigan had made the FG, the loss would be squarely on the coaches.

The fact that it worked out in the end, does not make the coaching decision "right."
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